World of Al'Akwannon
Al'Akwannon is a game world for sword and sorcery styled RPGs, there are many flavors that correlate to things on Earth that we are familiar with, but of course there are also elves, dwarves, orcs, monsters, undead and a myriad of other supernatural things. This site will provide you with a framework for playing and even creating in this world if you have a wish to game master something. Hope you enjoy. Below is a link to the active (or most recent) campaign, additional old campaign info links under the Campaign Reference header below
Prime Almanac
Details on the physical and political elements of the Prime Material Plane, mountains, oceans, great forests, rivers, deserts, seas, etc.
Races & Anthropology
Nearly all playable character races, racial kingdoms, empires and other things that relate to the variety of human races and non-human races alike
Character Handbook
Meta-game elements for building a playable character from its concept including skills, class abilities (feats), saving throws, etc.
Combat & Tactics
Combat related factors and meta rules on weapon proficiencies, time, armors, weapons, attacks per round, mounts, movement, etc.
Deities & Cosmology
Info on gods, demi-gods, priest orders and supernatural dimensions where mortals tend not to live, the Astral and Ethereal planes, etc.
Magic Science
Magic of wizards, sorcerors, warlocks, etc. plus magic theory, magic item info, general and specialist spells and spell mechanics
Campaign Reference
Links to sites for former campaigns and some remnants of much older campaigns, characters and other things to draw connections
DM Reference
Reference for Ryan that is either not meant for prime time or otherwise simply a "secret" repository (requires access code)
Brief Overview of the World
Al'Akwannon is a spherical world with two major continents, a minor continent, hundreds of large islands and hundreds of thousands of small islands (see maps.) Hydrographics for the planet are high (78% of the world being covered in oceans alone) and the axial rotation is opposite of earth (sun rises in the west and sets in the east.) There are two moons Fyundor (the Dark Moon) and Kordis (the Bright Moon) which both present effects on gravity and tides. Surface area of the planet is roughly the size of the earth (mostly for ease of calculations and comparions) at 200 million square miles of surface area. 156 million square miles of water and 44 million square miles of land masses. There are many elements of Al'Akwannon that reflect our own Earth for ease of correlating behaviors and anthropological aspects, however, there are many unique elements as well. In virtually all cases that fit a campaign's framing, any concept imagined can usually be correlated to something you can find on Al'Akwannon (as long as it is rooted in sword and sorcery stylings)
Latest Happenings
(thank you to Jack for helping me out with a site to house the most comprehensive collection of Al'Akwannon data in one location and available to all those who have gamed with me via computer, phone, tablet or any other internet connected device. The site launch coincides with the birth of my daughter and hope to publish this while on parental leave)
(a list of descriptions of what you will find under the major headers that will be on the left hand nav pane – A to Z)
Useful External Links
(a handful of links for things that have been used in game such as Owlbear)
Web Page Updates
(just like what I do for the campaign, but won’t be a short time frame, probably instead, just a list of updates of about perhaps 10 lines of the most recent changes. Once 10 changes have been achieved, will simply roll off the oldest as new changes are made)