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Character Info


Sylvan elf who escaped the SoE campaign evil team’s destruction of her noble elven family, she is a priestess of Saas Vain, the order of the Sister of Blades and mistress of her subconscious self and the burgeoning wrath within (single class Priest) Sponsor – Chadi (with an assist from Halleasteiran) (damage dealer/guidance role)

Event: Saved the village of Poaret (where the evil group had slain the little girls), an emissary of Rothan also in town and saved from certain death from a highly odd creature called a celestial rust monster. The Rothan emissary who witnessed Mielle's efforts first hand, reported them to Halleasteiran who recruited her and pulled in Chadi after determining her exceptional will

Status: Session 28 updates pending

Scaloid charm priest of Noxicuss and storm mage who wields a ranseur and is an utter, total "fan boy" of the legend Tauss. Connected to Lor'Aserion underworld contacts and master in the understanding of storm related elements and their use in the ways of magic (triple class Rogue, Wizard, Priest) Sponsor – Tauss (blaster/crowd control role)

Event: Instrumental in organizing a group of pesants at a Lor'Aserion marketplace and using his charm and storm magic to defeat a naga and titanboa which entered through a gate during the initial spawning event. Being effectively "just down the street" from the temple, Tauss quickly became aware of Re'Valle's successful defense and he and Andras engaged in mentoring him further

Status: Session 28 updates pending

Crag Al'Morren
Kadarin human horseman, polar bear rider from the Valley of the Horsemen, a priest of the Cold One, Aeryamoinyen in the order of the Frigid Guard and a master tactician, especially in the area of mounted combat (double class Warrior,Priest) Sponsor – Arxeen (tank role with some supporting healer role)

Event: Helped a group of warriors defeat a juvenile white dragon on the border of the Valley of the Horselords. The battle was going badly but Crag persevered and struck the killing blow, saving the lives of his own family as well as a multitude of villagers. His heroics came to the attention of Arxeen via a vision from the Cold One and Crag was called to develop his theurgic power under her guidance

Status: Session 28 updates pending

Human barbarian/priest with gravity and celestial magic in service to the Starfather and the order of the Walkers of the Silver Moon. A heavy warrior build with supporting priest magic and with legendary endurance known througout his part of the Hringarike, only Bjarga Stormblighter compares. (double class Warrior,Priest). Sponsor – Kor’El (tank/planar knowledge role)

Event: Defended his home village from an onslaught of salamanders from the Elemental Plane of Fire in the Hringarike. While his tribe was decimated, they held the salamanders until the gate closed and prevented their spread and development of a footprint on the Prime Material Plane, Kenn's efforts were key in this holding of the line and when he sought guidance was connected to Kor-el for training

Status: Session 28 updates pending

Oriental Orc hunter/geomancer with “true” Morgul Hai blood from the mountain jungles of Kho Xiong. He is instictively tune with the metaphysical nature of the planet and physically gifted in the Kho Xiong version of parkour and is reknowned for his running abilities (double class Rogue,Wizard), discovered by Chul & Kai’Lar, Sponsor – Loh’Pak (planar knowledge role)

Event: Sensed the impending opening of gates and ran 24 hours straight to the location of a dangerous manifestation, allowing him to seal off a cave and trap the extra-dimensional beings arriving via a gate, preventing their ability to escape and harm anyone. Chul sensed the geomancer's power and brought him north to Goreyo for training before connecting him to Kai'Lar and Loh'Pak

Status: Session 28 updates pending

Goblin smoke mage and warg trainer from the ruins of Isengaard and the Hakh-Zerahd, often unseen and unnoticed, he is actually a master tactician in mobilizing warg packs as well as a master in understanding the element of smoke as applied with magic (double class Rogue,Wizard). Sponsor – Andras (stealth role)

Event: Instrumental in organizing and saving roughly a thousand goblin migrants from the hands of a frost wight and dozens of zombies that randomly appeared in their midst directly from the Negative Material Plane in the desert plains north of Lor'Aserion. Unknown to Caliban this led him right to Andras, a fellow smoke mage who took a vested interest in helping Caliban develop his skills

Status: Session 28 updates pending

Gray elven follower of a lost god and currently the only known member of a lost order called the Feywatch, an abjuration specialist with the elven Silatir version of protection magic and an accomplished warrior with exceptional undead slaying capabilities and deep understanding of the alternative magic elements related to protection and abjuration (triple class Warrior,Wizard,Priest) Sponsor – Kor’El (protector role)

Event: Quickly organized an undermanned outpost in northern Rothan to resist an attack by more than 20 wild vampires following the will of a fairly strong lesser vampire. Loc-Larin killed the lesser vampire in single combat as witnessed by the rag tag group of scouts and this information was quickly brought to the attention of Halleasteiran, who upon learning Loc-Larin's story connected him to Kor-el for advanced training

Status: Session 28 updates pending

Gray elven teenager with a brilliant mind and an indomnitable spirit, she is effectively a "Magic/Steampunk-esque" wizard/inventor with a magic focus related to enchantments and transmutation that is supplemented by her genius level engineering capabilities (Warrior/Rogue/Wizard) Sponsor – Mahgdoleina (damage dealer/ranged attack/artificer role)

Event: Different from all the rest in that Fawn was already discovered by Mahgdoleina at her cloistered magical college in Lothlorien, two bottles into a rant about Elven education. A chance encounter allowed the two to connect and for Fawn to express her great disdain for the ancient processes of elven learning. She departed with Mahgdoleina to the Green Zone of Isengrim and has been experimenting there with sponsored guidance

Status: Session 28 updates pending

A "brick-like" warrior??? (single class warrior) Sponsor - TBD

Status: Will not be able to join 😢


Please send me your skill updates within the week follwing each game session (technically due the Sunday EOD following a game night) so I can ensure your sheet is up to date! All updated characters for the upcoming session will be published to the "Character Records" section (below) by no later than Thursday prior to the next session

Character Records

TitleLast Modified
aDM Caliban (S27 Updates).pdf3/12/24
aDM Copperhead (S27 Updates).pdf3/10/24
aDM Crag (S27 Updates).pdf3/12/24
aDM Fanruiell (S27 Updates).pdf3/18/24
aDM Kenn'Lorek (S27 Updates).pdf3/10/24
aDM Loc-Larin (S27 Updates).pdf3/16/24
aDM Mielle (S27 Updates).pdf3/13/24
aDM Nikam'Pom (S27 Updates).pdf3/13/24

POW Item Assignments

"List of the team's POW capable items and what the POW is currently allocated for"

Caliban - Golem Toe - POW 4: Deactivate (1); Sanctuary (1); One Mind: Lesser (2)

Copperhead - Tempest Stone - POW 5: Patternweave (1); Spider Climb (1); Deactivate (1); Erase (1); 1 POW free

Fânrȗiell - Sapphire - POW 3: Acid Orb (1); Speak w/Astral or Ethereal Traveler (1); 1 POW free

Team SOPs

List of possible team "standard operating procedures"

Procedure 1: Crossing a Portal. 1. secure the side we are on (all) 2. Decide how long to wait with no communication before worrying about recon team, 3. recon the other side at least out to long bow range (2 people/companions), 3. Secure the other side, 4. Cross rest of team over, 5. All secure while Fan checks route, then Priest perform augury while Nick’m attunes to the environment.

Procedure 2: Team Movement Outside. Four warriors, (1) Point, (2) Left Flank, (3) Right Flank, (4) Rear. Others in center. Our team speak allows a unlimited dispersion, so we can open up or close down as the situation changes. In an encounter the orientation shifts to the warrior in contact who then becomes the point of the diamond formation. Left and right reinforce as necessary in coordination with actions from the center while rear warrior pulls security. At a halt the team remains spread out until decision is made to huddle up. Generally separation distance is slightly wider than a magic explosions. This procedure will limit our exposure and better our response to a wide variety of living and natural hazards.

Procedure 3: Team Movement Inside. I think Caliban or Fan should work this out. He is our scout here and Fan benefits from open lines of fire.

Procedure 4: Ambushed! (1) Attack on own initiative violently with most damaging capabilities straight into the ambushers center of strength. (2) Deploy line of sight blocking and terrain denial magics. (3) Keep moving until out of the ambushers chosen ground. Our outside movement procedure will allow us to know where each other are in confusion. Some of us can fight blind and move sure footed so don’t dismiss casting the obscuration or denial magics on top of the group. Crag can fight in white out conditions and has magic traction boots.

Procedure 5: “WTF is that?” Warriors pull security and listen up on team speak for support requests. Fan, Copperhead, Caliban, Nick’m collaborate and formulate a plan to sort it out with those mad mysterious skills of yours.

Party 'Mundane' Items & Treasure

Below is a list of requested (and a handful of assumed, compliments of the DM) non-magical/non-special items. They may be assumed to be either on a character's person (if desired) or contained with in Crag/Terry's saddlebags of holding (unless he says no to something for his own reasons)

Abyss Layer 300 Treasure

  • Coinage – variety of gold pieces, mostly non-Prime mints, (179 gold pieces, gold is rare, so these were likely collected onesy twosy over the years); variety of silver pieces, also non-Prime mints (8108 pieces); variety of copper pieces, non-Prime mints (24357 pieces) - currently allocated as "team money"
  • Gems/Jewelry - 2 alexandrite; 3 aquamarine; 1 amber; 14 banded agate; 3 white pearls - used for Identify; 1 black pearl (Nikam); 4 deep blue spinel; 22 rose quartz; brass crown inlaid w/silver; copper mask w/gold draconic runes; jade salt cellar engraved w/xuanese runes; fine leather boots sewn w/gold; 32 Silver Rings; 4 Gold Rings; gold music box (alien song) - currently unallocated other than pearls identified
  • Magic Items – Excellent looking sapphire encased in a 4 in sphere of glass (Fawn); Arcane scroll (spell(s) unknown); magic stone of reddish color (Nikam, no POW); potion (tall bottle, would estimate two doses based on volume, clear purple liquid with gold flecks like Goldschlager; Cal); 1 suit of gnome sized leather armor (Cal); 4 potion bandolier (potions appear to be the same visibly, seems to be a swirl of opaque pale blue, pink and amber liquid, even if shaken, remains swirled as if artistically so; Cal); 2 magic arrows; potion (in a smaller, thin vial, likely a single dose, clear red liquid, like cherry kool aid, Copperhead), a gold ring with a large white gem (milk colored) that is encircled with small diamonds (Crag) - these are all on character sheets and will be removed next update
  • Some Misc Loot – 2 large tapestries, 1 silver bird cage, box of tourquoise animal figurines, 27 normal quality long swords, 13 normal quality helmets, 3 normal quality maces, 12 long bows, 8 short bows, 211 arrows, 5 crossbows, 37 bolts, 6 javelins

Requests per Caliban (Jack)

  • Tools for saddle making/maintenance
  • Straps and scraps of leather
  • Oils for grooming/leather treatment
  • Scissors and brushes for grooming wargs
  • Some rope (~20 feet or something reasonably long without being crazy bulky)
  • Tripwire
  • Small bells (properly stored for silence, currently)
  • Tobacco (several varieties with various scent / flavor profiles, and lots of it)
  • 1 Set of Lockpicks
  • Gilly suit type material for camouflage - probably just various scraps of material to help disguise silhouettes, etc..
  • 4 Sets of Firestarters (flint & steel, plus starter materials)
  • Basic first aid supplies (humanoid plus additional specific/appropriate to warg care)
  • Harness (worn by the Hunting Warg, currently), with an eyehole/loop for attaching rope, small pockets, and other attachment points (where hooks could be added, etc.)

    Requests per Crag (Terry)
  • Pavilion Tent (for meetings/eating)
  • 8 one man tents
  • A complete set of camp and cooking gear (within reason will be accepted)
  • 10 Bear Lances
  • 9 of 10 Javelins 1 lost, stabbed into a giant gar fish
  • Extra set of Crag's non-magical armor
  • Anvil and blacksmith/farrier equipment
  • Normal veterinary tools/supplies
  • Crag's horse saddle & tack (HQ)
  • War horse barding for Crag's horse
  • 7 Basic saddles and tack for party
  • 10 one foot cubes of ice for parties and spells
  • 8 Ground blankets and bedrolls
  • 20 days firewood
  • 8 Shovels and Picks
  • Camp, cold weather and city outfits for all characters
  • 8 Sets of snowshoes
  • 1 Sleigh that can hold all characters (will need to be assembled 2 turns - harnesses for bear, horse, dog)
  • Packing canvas (Terry needs to explain this better)
  • 1 week's supply of Uzdegti (special whiskey from Horselands) and toasting glasses
  • 8 Rain Ponchos

    DM Provided Items as given by the heroes before you left
  • 5 vials of acid from Kor-el (one vial will disintigrate 1 foot cube of metal, 5 foot cube of stone, 10 foot cube of wood/organics in approximately 1 round [5 minutes])
  • 2 barrels of oil (can either be used to refill lamps or for some other sort of incendiary use) about a third of 1 barrel used
  • 1 Block and Tackle (will allow lifting of 4x the weight of whatever the group attempts to lift and possibly can be 'jiggered' for other stuff based on Fawn's engineering tweaks)
  • 4 Dozen candles (box with 48 tallow candles that will burn for approximately 24 hours each providing minor light)
  • 6 Oil lamps (classic bullseye lantern style - 60ft band - if light is needed, but stealth not an issue)
  • 20 Torches (will provide solid light in a 20ft radius for approximately 4 hours)
  • 2 Crowbars
  • 1 Fishing kit (variety of sizes of hooks, fine lines and a net for handling fish up to approximately 25lbs max)
  • 4 Bear traps (classic leg snap traps which Nikam can easily set, cause d4 damage and takes a minimum of 2 melees to open if trapped)
  • 2 Sets of manacles (strong enough to "hold" humanoid sized creatures with 20 muscle or less; DM)
  • 2 Whetstones (for maintaining edged equipment that is not magical)
  • 8 - 100 foot lengths of climbing quality rope (allowing each PC to carry 100ft if desired)
  • 1 Merchant's scale (a well balanced item for measuring weights as needed)
  • 500 Sheets of paper (for scrawling maps for planning, writing notes, etc.)
  • 2 Blocks of sealing wax (1 black, 1 red, for sealing letters if desired)
  • 10 Pencils (basic writing instruments)
  • 12 Large chalks (3 each of four colors, white, red, blue and yellow, various uses)
  • 20 Large sacks (for putting stuff in when needed - assume a 20lb feed sack size)
  • 40 Small bags (for putting smaller stuff in when needed - 6in diameter bag)
  • 2 Large barrels of drinking water (42 gallons each to be used in a pinch if not otherwise available)
  • 20 Large waterskins (approximately 4 pints to be used if necessary) 2 waterskins used for biotic fluid
  • 2 Dozen Climbing Pitons (spikes to aid in climbing rock faces and the like)
  • 2 Piton hammers (for driving in pitons, or other things)
  • Feed for all pets/animals (so we don't have to worry about it in game)

Specialized Skill Notes

Below are the specialized skills as known currently for all characters (for skill balancing purposes)

Mielle - Harness Subconscious: Wrath

Copperhead - Lore: Alternate Magics: Multi-Elemental & Lore: Legends & Folklore: Sons of Noxicuss

Crag - Tactics: Mounted

Kenn'Lorek - Endurance

Nikam'Pom - Running

Caliban - Lore: Alternate Magics: Smoke & Tactics: Warg

Loc'Larin - Lore: Alternate Magics: Protection

Fânrȗiell - Engineering: General


Character Creation

TitleLast Modified
AD Character Record.xlsx11/22/22
Action Points v2.pdf11/22/22
Armor and Defense.pdf2/10/23
Attacks Per Round.pdf12/10/22
BAB Table.pdf11/22/22
Character Creation Guide.pdf11/22/22
Character Level Explanation.pdf11/22/22
Class Abilities.pdf11/22/22
Class and Multi Class.pdf11/22/22
Contacts and Enemies.pdf11/22/22
Description of Proficiencies (Incomplete).pdf12/10/22
Generic Skill Templates.pdf11/22/22
HTH Combat Styles (Incomplete).pdf2/24/23
Hit Points.pdf11/22/22
Proficiency Point Explanation.pdf11/22/22
Proficiency Worksheet.pdf11/22/22
Saving Throws v2.pdf11/22/22
Stat Mod Chart.pdf2/12/23
Stats and Benchmarks v2.pdf11/22/22
Weapon Groups2.pdf11/22/22
Weapon Proficiencies.pdf11/22/22
XP Master.pdf11/22/22

Race Templates

TitleLast Modified
Common Human.pdf11/22/22
Elven Naming.pdf12/14/22
Gray Elf.pdf12/14/22
Kadarin Human.pdf11/22/22
Human Language Tree.pdf11/22/22
Linguistic Studies v2.pdf11/22/22
Lotharan Human.pdf11/22/22
Naming v2.pdf11/22/22
Populations and Kingdoms.pdf11/22/22
Sylvan Elf.pdf11/22/22