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Character Level Explanation

Character Level Explanation

It is often difficult to discern what the numerical value of “level” means to a character in game terms. In the game world, of course, no one refers to another’s level of skill by a “level.” Nevertheless, the translation often comes through via the respect of one’s peers, prowess based titles in some organization, etc. Equally often, however, that level of skill does not translate obviously into game terms. Thus, the following breakdown will help identify a character’s personal power as it relates to their level. For calculation purposes, the estimate of the population of Al’Akwannon (both the Eastern and Western Continents and all races combined) is approximately 6 billion (approximately 4 billion West/2 billion East – kept reasonably similar to the 7 billion for the Earth)

Zero Level

Player characters do not start at zero level, yet easily 80% of Al’Akwannon’s population is covered by individuals which would fall into this class. They cover nearly all the “professional” working class people, such as sailors, inn keepers, farmers, merchants, “green” militia, servants, etc. In other words, most every (at least three out of every four) ordinary person you could hope to find. Hirelings of this level can be paid salaries according to the appropriate section on the General Economics sheet

First Level

The jump between zero level and first level is quite significant. Here you find people who have found a fair amount of success in their chosen fields. People of this classification make up roughly 10% (about 600 million globally; 400ish West, 200ish East) of the population of Al’Akwannon. Among Warriors you would find those who were reasonably experienced enlisted men and lower rank officers. Among Rogues, specialists who have found a successful niche, such as cartography, lock picking or sword swallowing. Among Priests, those who have just learned to accept the power of their chosen god. Among Wizards, those just breaking the boundaries of arcana and learning to craft spells. All in all first level characters are solid performers who easily outclass those of lesser level. Hirelings of this level can be paid salaries of 2x the appropriate section on the General Economics sheet

Second Level to Fourth Level

The next echelon of levels is a little broader, with second level equivalents being only slightly above and fourth level being only slightly below their next breakdown. Third level is usually the point where many of the unique individuals begin to spread themselves from the rest of the pack. Warriors begin to show their durability, skill and tactical knowledge. Rogues begin to show their skill, or often a variety of related skills for which they have few equals. Priests begin to gain new power and station within the churches. Wizards begin to fully comprehend the Minor Sphere of arcane magic. Overall, characters in this area are strong individuals who clearly shine above most of their peers and this is generally the starting area for Player Characters. People in this scope make up roughly 7% (about 420 million globally; 280ish West, 140ish East) of the total population of Al’Akwannon and can be hired for 4x the appropriate section on the General Economics sheet. Finding “hirelings” beyond this level is generally not possible and would be handled on a case by case basis

Fifth Level to Sixth Level

Here the scale jumps again. Fifth and sixth level characters have reached a point where they are truly unique, talented and reliable at a level far beyond those of lesser scales. Warriors are clear masters of their weapons of choice, coupled with tactical skill and unique, complimentary skills. Rogues become known specialists in a variety of fields, often masters of a particular skill for a large region. Priests have gained many godly gifts and wield a variety of priestly magic while taking their associated skills to new heights, often a known specialist on some subject within a large region, as with Rogues. Wizards have mastered the Minor Sphere of arcane knowledge and are often specialists in a variety of lores, arcane theory and other related fields. Overall, characters in this area are not only strong, but highly capable and versatile individuals or perhaps instead, complete masters of a given field. People in this scope make up 2% (about 120 million globally; 80ish West, 40ish East) of the total population of Al’Akwannon and can rarely be found as hirelings (since they are usually successful enough to have their own enterprises.) If they are for some reason available (DM,) they should be hired at an average of approximately 15x the appropriate section on the General Economics sheet

Seventh Level to Eigth Level

Between seventh and eighth levels, true power begins to manifest itself. Weapons masters are born, versatile rogues are masters of many skill areas, priests and wizards forge ahead into the powerful level of Median Sphere magic. In short, individuals who have made it this far are powerful and generally respected or feared persons. The total population is roughly a quarter of the 5th^ – 6 th^ level range (so about 30 million globally; 20 West, 10 East – thus if all these people were gathered into one place, there would be a lot of them, however as a percentage, fairly small)

Ninth Level to Twelth Level

Between ninth and twelfth levels, power is part of the territory. Weapon and skill mastery is renowned, and mystical powers reach extreme levels as knowledge of the Median Sphere reaches its peak. The total population is roughly half of the 7th^ to 8 th^ power level density (so about 15 million globally; 10 West, 5 East)

Thirteenth Level to Seventeenth Level

Here individuals have branched out into realms generally difficult for your average person to comprehend. At this level, the population is roughly only a quarter of those below them (so roughly 3.5 to 4 million globally)

Eighteenth Level and Beyond

These individuals are often bordering on immortality or have attained it, if not literally at least in name among circles who know of such beings, numbers are not truly known, but it is infinitesimal as a subset of the population (while no number has been set upon, it is likely less than 100 thousand globally)

Appropriately Assessing Power Density

The numbers on the previous pages should give a DM a reasonable grip on the likelihood of PCs encountering NPCs of varying levels. However, since people don’t like doing too much math, I’ve done some for you to help you estimate the scope of things. The below scaling of numbers should help you quickly assess the mix of people that might be in any given random setting. The scale begins at a huge scope (far beyond any necessary assessments to give you a better picture of the world in general) and works down from there using numbers rounded to more easily calculate. Adding in an person of the ??? categories should be part of the DMs judgment based on the situation at hand

Western Continent (pop – 4 billion)

Zero Level – 3.2 billion7 th^ to 8th^ Level – 20 million
1 st^ Level – 400 million9 th^ to 12th^ Level – 10 million
2 nd^ to 4th^ Level – 320 million13 th^ to 17th^ Level – 2.5 million
5 th^ to 6th^ Level – 80 million18 th+ Level – ???

Sunken Sea Region – all states & racial (pop – 500 million)

Zero Level – 400 million7 th^ to 8th^ Level – 2.5 million
1 st^ Level – 50 million9 th^ to 12th^ Level – 1 million
2 nd^ to 4th^ Level – 40 million13 th^ to 17th^ Level – 250 thousand
5 th^ to 6th^ Level – 10 million18 th+ Level – ???

State of Hippocrane – city and outlying regions (pop – 20 million)

Zero Level – 16 million7 th^ to 8th^ Level – 100 thousand
1 st^ Level – 2 million9 th^ to 12th^ Level – 50 thousand
2 nd^ to 4th^ Level – 1.6 million13 th^ to 17th^ Level – 10 thousand
5 th^ to 6th^ Level – 400 thousand18 th+ Level – ???

City of Hippocrane – city and suburbs (pop – 3 million)

Zero Level – 2.4 million7 th^ to 8th^ Level – 16 thousand
1 st^ Level – 300 thousand9 th^ to 12th^ Level – 8000
2 nd^ to 4th^ Level – 250 thousand13 th^ to 17th^ Level – 2000
5 th^ to 6th^ Level – 65 thousand18 th+ Level – ???

City of Gargan – capital of the Savage Lands (pop – 600,000)

Zero Level – 480 thousand7 th^ to 8th^ Level – 3000
1 st^ Level – 60 thousand9 th^ to 12th^ Level – 1500
2 nd^ to 4th^ Level – 50 thousand13 th^ to 17th^ Level – ???
5 th^ to 6th^ Level – 12 thousand18 th+ Level – ???

City of Eulan Bala’Asun – city in SW Hordelands (pop – 150,000)

Zero Level – 120 thousand7 th^ to 8th^ Level – 750
1 st^ Level – 15 thousand9 th^ to 12th^ Level – ???
2 nd^ to 4th^ Level – 12 thousand13 th^ to 17th^ Level – ???
5 th^ to 6th^ Level – 300018 th+ Level – ???

Jo’Rak Clan Hold – in East Wood/Orcs (pop – 50,000)

Zero Level – 40 thousand7 th^ to 8th^ Level – 250
1 st^ Level – 50009 th^ to 12th^ Level – ???
2 nd^ to 4th^ Level – 400013 th^ to 17th^ Level – ???
5 th^ to 6th^ Level – 100018 th+ Level – ???

Croseus – large fortified town along the Alta-Campean Highway in the State of Tynderius (pop – 10,000)

Zero Level – 80007 th^ to 8th^ Level – 50
1 st^ Level – 10009 th^ to 12th^ Level – ???
2 nd^ to 4th^ Level – 80013 th^ to 17th^ Level – ???
5 th^ to 6th^ Level – 20018 th+ Level – ???

Kurl’Tan Clan Hold – main holding of a small orc clan (pop – 1500)

Zero Level – 12007 th^ to 8th^ Level – 10+
1 st^ Level – 1509 th^ to 12th^ Level – ???
2 nd^ to 4th^ Level – 10013 th^ to 17th^ Level – ???
5 th^ to 6th^ Level – 3518 th+ Level – ???
  • in this setting the DM should pick an appropriate level for say the clan chief, a great warrior, a shaman, etc. which would most likely be in the 9th^ to 12th^ range, but could be higher and fill in the roughly 5 others, they could also fit into 7th^ to 8th^ per the +

Small Shopping Area – any city or town, small collection of shops (pop – 500)

Zero Level – 4007 th^ to 8th^ Level – ???
1 st^ Level – 509 th^ to 12th^ Level – ???
2 nd^ to 4th^ Level – 3013 th^ to 17th^ Level – ???
5 th^ to 6th^ Level – 1018 th+ Level – ???

Large Group – any random gathering of people (pop – 50)

Zero Level – 407 th^ to 8th^ Level – ???
1 st^ Level – 59 th^ to 12th^ Level – ???
2 nd^ to 4th^ Level – 313 th^ to 17th^ Level – ???
5 th^ to 6th^ Level – 118 th+ Level – ???

Small Group – any random gathering of people (pop – 20)

Zero Level – 157 th^ to 8th^ Level – ???
1 st^ Level – 29 th^ to 12th^ Level – ???
2 nd^ to 4th^ Level – 213 th^ to 17th^ Level – ???
5 th^ to 6th^ Level – ???18 th+ Level – ???