Class Benefits
Class Benefits
When you select your classes, you gain some minor benefits that stack on to your initial character build. Technically these capabilities would be associated with the transition from a zero level character (generally zero level characters are considered "class-less") to a first level character. Thus there are times where these could be granted ad hoc by a GM for PCs developing from zero level characters or for NPCs that are a bit more advanced. In most cases, however, when you select your classes at character build, these elements will be considered some of your earliest acquisitions as you build out your starting character
Single Class Warrior
Gain weapon familiarity with one broad weapon group or two tight weapon groups
Gain one of the following bonuses
- +2 starting HP
- +1 Weapon Proficiency (i.e. - you may purchase any 1pp weapon proficiency or weapon related skill)
Multi-Class Warrior
Gain +1 Weapon Proficiency (i.e. - you may purchase any 1pp weapon proficiency or weapon related skill)
Single Class Rogue
Gain one of the following bonuses
- +4 PP
Multi-Class Rogue
Gain +2 PP
Single Class Priest
Gain one of the following bonuses
- Magic Sight (see magical spectrum)
- +2 sv vs Oppositional (resistance to your deities nemesis)
- One minor orison (as long as the priest has theurgy available)
Multi-Class Priest
Gain Magic Sight
Single Class Wizard
Gain one of the following bonuses
Magic Sight (see magical spectrum)
One minor cantrip (as long as the wizard has mana available)
Multi-Class Wizard
Gain Magic Sight