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Description of Proficiencies

Description of Proficiencies


The below is incomplete

The below descriptions are designed to help players understand the general breadth of skills and proficiencies in the Al’Akwannese universe. Under each listing you will find a recommended list of character concepts to which the skill may be common, a description of the general areas or applications the skill covers as well as a basic description of what the skill means to a character when taken to the specialization level (keep in mind these are general descriptions and can be altered and specified in various ways which can be cleared with the DM.) Finally, at the end of each description is a list of complimentary proficiency suggestions that can be effectively used for skill synergy. Keep in mind all of this information is meant to aid in conceptualizing skills, they are not meant to constrict the interpretation of skills. Feel free to bend skills to suit your concept by working with the DM and explaining your intent. The DM will be happy to work with you to achieve your end goal

General Proficiencies

General proficiencies are open to all classes at normal cost and are meant to reflect the skills available to the common man. These encompass most trade related skills, various basic survival skills and other common areas. All NPCs and zero level types will have a modicum of such skills

Acting – A common skill among performers, undercover spies and other persons who‟s lives revolve around appearing to be someone whom they are not. The acting proficiency reflects the ability to emulate and mimic various mannerisms and emotions. Those with strong acting skills can easily portray themselves as members of a different class of society or a different land, fake emotions effectively and lie with compulsion. Associated Skills Etiquette, Modern Language, Oratory/Debate, Psychology, Crowd Working, Disguise, Voice Mimicry

Alertness – A common skill among guards, bazaar shopkeepers and anyone else who‟s life or livelihood depends on remaining on their toes. The alertness skill reflects passive observation skills, allowing the character to notice things when not actively paying attention. Those with high alertness make excellent sentries as they rarely miss a beat. Associated Skills Danger Sense, Observation, Ambush, Light Sleeping

Ancient History – A common skill among elders and sages, the skill reflects ancient knowledge regarding the area in question. General ancient history reflects a basic knowledge of major historical events known on a worldwide scale (at least worldwide from the character‟s perspective.) The history knowledge may be specified to cover a specific region, group or other logical breakdown. The tighter the specification, the more in depth the knowledge. Associated Skills Area Knowledge, Local History, Org/Group Knowledge, Archaeology, Lore: Legends/Folklore

Animal Handling – A common skill among ranchers, herders and drovers, the animal handling proficiency reflects the ability to guide and control animals of a given type. There is no general version of the proficiency, however, the specification can be as broad or tight as desired (i.e. horses or race horses or Lackondori Plains Horses.) The tighter the specification, the more in depth the level of control. Those with high animal handling skills can persuade even the most stubborn and resistant of domestic beasts too cooperate Associated Skills Animal Noise, Animal Training, Lore: Animal/Insect, Riding: All, Rope Use/Nets, Veterinary Healing, Charioteer/Wagoner

Animal Noise – A common skill among hunters, rangers, bandits and scouts, the proficiency reflects the ability to mimic various animal noises. There is no general version of the proficiency, however, the specifications are grouped in loose genres (i.e. bird calls, canine noises, etc.) Those with high animal noise skills can fool even the animals themselves. Associated Skills Animal Handling, Animal Training, Lore: Animal/Insect, Musical Ability, Signaling, Hunting, Voice Mimicry

Animal Training – A common skill among drovers, kennel keeps and hunt masters, the animal training proficiency reflects the ability to teach skills and commands to animals of a given type. There is no general version of the proficiency, however, the specification can be as broad or tight as desired (i.e. birds, hunting birds or falcons.) The tighter the specification, the more in depth the level of training skill. Those with high animal training skills can produce highly responsive and capable animal companions. Associated Skills Animal Noise, Animal Handling, Gesture/Sign Language, Lore: Animal/Insect, Riding: All, Teaching, Psychology: Animal, Charioteer/Wagoner

Area Knowledge: AK – A skill everyone has to a certain extent, area knowledge reflects geographic and informational knowledge about the area in question. There is no general version of area knowledge, however the specified area can be extremely general (i.e. Central Al‟Akwannon, Southwest Peninsula, etc.) or more specific (i.e. Port Hills District of Hippocrane.) The tighter the specification, the more in depth the level of knowledge. Associated Skills Ancient History, Cartography, Direction Sense, Etiquette, Heraldry, Law, Local History, Navigation, Org/Group Knowledge

Artistic Ability – A common skill among elves, craftsmen and classic artists, the artistic ability proficiency represents noticeable artistic talent regarding the area in question. General artistic ability reflects a overall aesthetic sense and general knack for artistic endeavors. The artistic skill can be specified to cover a broad or tight area of talents (i.e. painting or oil painting or portrait painting.) As with any skill, the tighter the specification, the more striking the talent in that area...only those with specific skill areas have the potential to be recognized as true artists. Associated Skills Acting, Blacksmith, Craft Instrument, Dancing, Heraldry, Metalsmith, Musical Ability, Trade Skills, Architecture, Gem Cutting, Forgery, Armoring, Bowing/Fletching, Weaponsmith

Blacksmith – A common skill among stable masters, coopers and wainwrights, the blacksmith proficiency represents the ability to work iron. Knowledge of blacksmithing allows the creation of various tools and implements, provided there is a forge, smithing tools and material to work with. Associated Skills Animal Handling, Artistic Ability, Craft Instrument, Metalsmith, Mining, Shipbuilding, Trade Skills, Engineering, Metallurgy, Locksmith, Armoring: Crude, Artillery/War Machines, Weaponsmith: Crude

Boating (small) – A common skill among those who live near significant bodies of water, the boating proficiency represents skill in handling various small watercraft. The skill can be specified to reflect more intimate knowledge and skill with a particular class of boats or even an individual type of craft. The tighter the specification, the more in depth the level of knowledge. Those with high boating skills can navigate more treacherous waters and command their craft with skill. Associated Skills Deep Diving, Navigation, Seamanship/Sailing, Swimming, Fine Balance

Carousing – A common skill among socialites of various classes. The carousing ability reflects a general knowledge about places to enjoy social activities, clubs and other related areas. Those with high carousing skills can easily find social activities to engage in and put themselves in places where contacts can be made. Associated Skills Acting, Dancing, Drinking, Etiquette, Gambling, Organizational/Group Knowledge, Oratory/Debate, Politics, Religion, Bribery, Crowd Working

Cartography – A common skill among explorers, scouts and military strategists, the cartography skill represents the ability to interpret and create maps of various kinds. The skill can be specified to cover more detailed areas of expertise, such as underground mapping, star charting, elevation mapping, etc. Associated Skills Direction Sense, Distance Determination, Heraldry, Literacy, Navigation, Navigation/Underdark, Astrology, Mathematics, Streetwise

Chanting – A common skill among monks, mages and priests, the chanting ability reflects the knowledge of cadence and memorization of various mantras. The actual chanting ability often has effects on ritual magics and elaborate spells. Those with high chanting skills can use ancient mantras and words of power, weaving them into ritual magic versions of spells. Associated Skills Musical Ability, Sound Analysis, Ancient Language, Linguistics, Lore: Alternate Magics, Meditation, Spellcraft, Harness Subconscious, Religion

Craft Instrument – A common skill among many common people, at least in it‟s most simplistic forms. The craft instrument skill reflects the ability to create musical instruments from various materials. Often, other skills must factor into the creation of such an item (i.e. woodcarving, metalsmith, etc.) Those with high crafting skills can create instruments of exceptional tone and complexity. Associated Skills Artistic Ability, Metalsmith, Sound Analysis, Teaching, Trade Skills, Physics, Fine Balance

Dancing – A common skill among many common people, at least in it‟s most simplistic forms and common among performers on more advanced levels. The dancing skill represents proficiency in controlling one‟s body and blending such movements with the rhythms of music and similar sound patterns. Those with high dancing skills can mesmerize those who watch them with their amazing grace and technique. Associated Skills Gesture/Sign Language, Musical Ability, Teaching, Endurance, Fine Balance, Jumping, Tumbling, Unique Physical Ability

Danger Sense – A common skill among those with in depth meta-physical and psychic attunement training, such as monks, certain types of mages and priests. The danger sense skill represents a trained or natural innate sense of when things just aren‟t right. Those with high danger sense skills rarely to never find themselves walking blindly into dangerous situations or being caught unaware. Associated Skills Alertness, Direction Sense, Observation, Sound Analysis, Meditation, Detect Illusion, Detect Magic, Detect Noise, Light Sleeping, Detect Lies, Harness Subconscious, Blind Fighting

Deep Diving – A common skill among pearl divers, picis and other persons who operate underwater on a regular basis. The deep diving skill represents both training and genetics which contribute to the ability to deal with the additional pressures of the deep and return to the surface without causing damage to one‟s self. Those with high deep diving skills can withstand depths that would kill or severely injure their racial peers. Associated Skills Danger Sense, Direction Sense, Distance Determination, Survival: Undersea, Swimming, Breath Control, Endurance, Unique Physical Ability

Direction Sense – A common skill among herd drivers, explorers, coach drivers and other persons who find it easy to both follow directions and instinctively navigate. The direction sense skill represents natural instinct and sometimes some training which contributes to the ability to find one‟s way through cities, wildernesses, caverns and other locales without getting seriously lost. Those with high direction sense skills can almost mystically find their way places and never seem to get lost. Associated Skills Area Knowledge, Cartography, Navigation, Navigation: Underdark, Survival

Distance Determination – A common skill among archers, forward observers, scouts and other persons who must often judge the distance between themselves and/or between other persons, places or things. The distance determination skill represents training and natural ability to accurately judge distances from a variety of vantages. Those with high distance determination skills can judge distances with amazing accuracy. Associated Skills Cartography, Observation, Mathematics, Tactics

Drinking – A common skill among professional soldiers, sailors, laborers, desert nomads and wide variety of other persons who either drink great quantities of alcohol or those who must conserve and measure what they drink. The drinking skill represents training and/or genetics that allow for higher consumption of alcohol or the ability to survive with less liquid intake. Those with high drinking skills can withstand amazing levels of alcohol or challenge a camel for the ability to go without water. Associated Skills Carousing, Etiquette, Gambling, Lore: Plant/Fungi: Fermentable, Survival: Desert, Poisons: Alcohol, Harness Subconscious, Unique Physical Ability: Alcohol Processing or Body Moisture Conservation

Etiquette – A common skill among the military, nobles, politicians and wide variety of other persons who have enough social perception to pick up on the right and wrong ways to interact with people within their circle. The etiquette skill represents training and/or intuition that allows a person to act, interact and generally recognize expected behavior and communication within the specified area of knowledge. Those with high etiquette skills can impress even the most critical of persons, pick up on the slightest of nuances and generally act flawlessly within the specified type of people. Associated Skills Ancient History, Artistic Ability, Carousing, Dancing, Heraldry, Observation, Diplomacy, Oratory/Debate, Crowd Working

Fire Building/Control – A common skill among most people at least to a certain extent, it represents the ability to make a simple fire and keep it from getting out of control. Those with high fire building/control skills can build a fire in the most inclement of environments and may exercise great control over how that fire behaves (i.e. less smoke, more heat, forge quality heat, etc.) Associated Skills Foraging, Lore: Plant/Fungi, Weather Sense, Ecology/Eco Systems, Camouflage

First Aid – A common skill among the military, hunters and trappers, priests of healing orders and other persons who have gained training in dealing with emergency wound treatment. The first aid skill represents training and/or intuition that allows a person to accurately deal with wounds and trauma in a non-care environment. Those with high first aid skills can deal with the most severe types of wounds and trauma in even the most inopportune situations, often preventing death, permanent disfigurement, etc. Associated Skills Fire Building/Control, Foraging, Lore: Animal/Insect, Lore: Plant/Fungi, Rope Use/Nets, Survival, Herbalist, Psychology, Poisons, Anatomy, Healing

Foraging – A common skill among beggars, rangers, street urchins, nomads and other persons who have learned to survive on what they can scrounge up in various environments. The foraging skill represents training and/or intuition that allows a person to locate items they need to survive in a particular situation (i.e. find water in the desert, find a particular plant to deal with an ailment, find some edible scraps of food in a city, etc.) Those with high foraging skills seem to be able to always come up with the necessary items to fit the need no matter how bleak the outlook. Associated Skills Area Knowledge, Lore: Animal/Insect, Lore: Plant/Fungi, Survival, Ecology/Eco Systems, Hunting, Information Gathering

Gambling – A common skill among a wide variety of people with one thing in common, they like to take risks with their money. The gambling skill represents a combination of knowledge and/or intuition about games of chance, their rules, their odds, ways to cheat, various „systems‟ and a general knack for such games. Those with high gambling skills tend to be gamblers by profession, since they know the ins and outs to even the more obscure games and tend to be able to find a way to win one way or another. Associated Skills Carousing, Etiquette, Gesture/Sign Language, Observation, Mathematics, Psychology, Detect Illusion, Detect Lies, Fast Talk/Haggle, Sleight of Hand/Pick Pocket, Streetwise

Gesture/Sign Language – A common skill among militia, the deaf, thieves‟ gangs and other persons who‟s day to day lives require the ability to communicate silently. The gesture/sign language skill represents knowledge of a nonspoken language of some sort. Those with high gesture/sign language skills can flawlessly communicate volumes of information without the need for a single word to be spoken. Associated Skills Etiquette, Observation, Linguistics, Somatic Concealment, Sleight of Hand/Pick Pocket, Unique Physical Ability

Heraldry – A common skill among a wide variety of people who encounter or deal with groups of individuals who utilize insignia for a wide range of purposes. The heraldry skill represents knowledge of insignia, rank symbols, coats of arms, holy symbols and the like which are used to identify members of guilds, military organizations, churches, nobility and various other groups. Those with high heraldry skills can decipher even the most obscure designations at a glance. Associated Skills Ancient History, Etiquette, Law, Local History, Observation, Politics, Religion

Hiding – A common skill among sneak thieves, spies, children, snipers and other people who have a knack for finding opportunistic places to hide. The hiding skill represents the intuitive ability to find locations where one can hide and watch the goings on around him undetected. Unlike the Hide in Shadows skill, Hiding is a more effective form of finding a secure hiding spot but does not provide for mobility. Those with high hiding skills seem to be able to locate the most ingenious and secure hiding spots which can be used for great spans of time without ever being discovered. Associated Skills Distance Determination, Observation, Survival, Ambush, Camouflage, Hide in Shadows, Tactics

Law – A common skill among barristers, civil militia, judges and other people who have decided to learn about the laws of a particular area. The law skill represents knowledge actively gained regarding the do‟s and don‟ts of a particular city, state, country, region, etc. Those with high law skills seem to know even the most obscure ordinances, laws and loopholes for the area or areas they are specialized in. Associated Skills Etiquette, Heraldry, Local History, Diplomacy, Politics, Research, Detect Lies, Crowd Working, Information Gathering

Leadership – A common skill among militia officers, priests, civil servants and other people who have either the training or the knack for guiding the masses. The leadership skill represents training or intuitive ability to influence others and get them to work as desired by the lead and generally get people who are not opposed to them to function more efficiently in a variety of ways. Those with high leadership skills seem to be able to muster the most rabbleous of groups, give clear directions to the dimmest of persons and generally finely orchestrate any operation. Associated Skills Etiquette, Organizational/Group Knowledge, Teaching, Diplomacy, Oratory/Debate, Psychology, Intimidation, Tactics, Crowd Working

Literacy – A common skill among educated people who have learned a written language through one fashion or another. The literacy skill represents training or a self-taught understanding of a written language ancient or modern. Those with high literacy skills can read with amazing comprehension (where applicable) and write with impeccable spelling, grammar, punctuation and the like. Associated Skills Artistic Ability, Etiquette, Modern Language, Teaching, Ancient Language, Linguistics, Lore: Ancient Runes

Local History – A common skill among most people to some degree or another, at least in regards to their home city or region. The local history skill represents knowledge gained regarding the general goings on in the specified area, pretty much the equivalent of knowing recent headlines today. Those with high local history skills never seem to miss a beat and know a great deal about what the latest news is around town. Associated Skills Ancient History, Area Knowledge, Carousing, Organizational/Group Knowledge

Lore: Animal/Insect – A common skill among naturalists, ranchers, exterminators, animal trainers and generally anyone who deals with animals or insects on a regular basis. The animal/insect lore skill represents knowledge or intuition regarding the specified type of creature or creatures on such things as diet, standard behavior, habitat and a variety of other things. Those with high animal/insect lore skills seem to know literally everything there is to know about the specified group of creatures. Associated Skills Animal Handling, Animal Noise, Animal Training, Area Knowledge, Sound Analysis, Survival, Ecology/Eco Systems, Lore: Monsters, Hunting, Tracking, Anatomy, Veterinary Healing

Lore: Plant/Fungi – A common skill among naturalists, farmers, mushroom hunters and generally anyone who deals with flora of some kind or another on a regular basis. The plant/fungi lore skill represents knowledge or intuition regarding the specified type of plants or fungi covering such things as habitat, physical properties, growth cycles and a variety of other things. Those with high plant/fungi lore skills seem to know literally everything there is to know about the specified group of plants or fungi. Associated Skills Area Knowledge, Artistic Ability, Foraging, Survival, Ecology/Eco Systems, Herbalist, Camouflage

Metalsmith – A common skill among jewelers, minters, smelters and generally anyone who deals with precious or other easily workable metals a regular basis. The metalsmith skill represents knowledge or intuition regarding how to purify, work with and otherwise handle a wide variety of workable metals (the main exception being iron and steel.) Those with high metalsmith skills seem to know literally everything there is to know about the specified metals and can purify and handle them quite effectively. Associated Skills Artistic Ability, Blacksmith, Craft Instrument, Fire Building/Control, Trade Skills, Metallurgy, Merchant, Appraising, Forgery, Armoring, Weaponsmith

Mining – A common skill among dwarves, miners, prospectors and those people who deal with the tactics of digging ores, gems and other items from the earth. The mining skill represents knowledge or intuition regarding how to locate and safely remove treasures of the earth, construct mining tunnels and shafts, etc. Those with high mining skills seem to know literally everything there is to know about mining and mines themselves making them extremely valuable and important persons. Associated Skills Cartography, Direction Sense, Distance Determination, Navigation/Underdark, Observation, Rope Use/Nets, Sound Analysis, Stonemasonry, Trade Skills, Architecture, Engineering, Geology, Physics

Modern Language – A common skill for just about anyone. The modern language skill represents knowledge of a specified spoken language. Those with high modern language skills grasp every nuance of the language, including slang, dialects, jargon and other language formations. Associated Skills Artistic Ability, Etiquette, Gesture/Sign Language, Literacy, Anthropology, Diplomacy, Oratory/Debate, Fast Talk/Haggle

Musical Ability – A common skill among performers, composers and anyone with an ear for music. The musical ability skill represents knowledge or intuition regarding musical notes, tones and things generally pleasing to the ear. Those with high musical ability skills are simply the most renowned instrumentalists, singers, composers and the like. Associated Skills Acting, Artistic Ability, Chanting, Craft Instrument, Sound Analysis, Hypnosis

Navigation – A common skill among scouts, sailors, explorers and those with a knack or learned skill for traversing a course where the sky can be seen. The navigation skill represents knowledge or intuition regarding course planning and plotting and the ability to pick and maintain the safest, fastest and/or otherwise reliable routes. Those with high navigation skills pretty much never get lost and are highly sought after in military and mercantile circles. Associated Skills Cartography, Direction Sense, Seamanship/Sailing, Astrology, Mathematics

Navigation, Underdark – A common skill among miners, spelunkers, dwarves and humanoids who live in the various great networks of caverns that honeycomb parts of Al‟Akwannon. The Underdark navigation skill represents knowledge or intuition regarding course planning through the skyless world and the ability to pick and maintain the safest, fastest and/or otherwise reliable routes. Those with high Underdark navigation skills pretty much never get lost and are highly sought after especially in mining circles. Associated Skills Area Knowledge, Cartography, Direction Sense, Sound Analysis, Geology

Observation – A common skill for just about anyone who pays attention to the world around them. The observation skill represents the discipline or intuition to pay attention to details and perceive what is available to their senses. Those with high observation skills pretty much never miss a beat, noticing every little detail which often helps them excel in other skills. Associated Skills Alertness, Danger Sense, Sound Analysis, Detect Illusion, Detect Magic, Detect Noise, Detect Lies, Lip Reading, Streetwise, Identify Weakness

Organization/Group Knowledge: OK A skill everyone has to a certain extent, organization/group knowledge reflects informational, structural and hierarchal knowledge about the group or organization in question. There is no general version of organization/group knowledge, however the specified area can be extremely general (i.e. Central Al‟Akwannon Militaries, Olympian Churches, etc.) or more specific (i.e. – Thornwood Merchant Society of Morgana, Guild of Emerald Sky, etc.) The tighter the specification, the more in depth the level of knowledge. Associated Skills Ancient History, Carousing, Etiquette, Heraldry, Law, Local History, Lore: Legends/Folklore, Psychology, Information Gathering

Riding: Airborne – A very rare and specialized skill for those who ride flying mounts, mages with flying carpets and the like. The airborne riding skill represents knowledge or intuition regarding the control of aerial mounts which is key in not falling to one‟s death. Those with high airborne riding skills pretty much never have the concern of making any fatal errors and can pull off impressive riding feats. Associated Skills – Animal Handling, Animal Training, Deep Diving: Altitude, Lore: Animal/Insect, Navigation: Aerial, Weather Sense, Physics, Breath Control, Tactics, Veterinary Healing, Fine Balance, Unique Physical Ability

Riding: Land Based – A common skill for most everyone as horses are a primary mode of transportation and this would generally be the most likely specification. The skill would apply to any manner of land based animal riding however, from things like donkeys, camels and elephants to more rare mounts such as battle bears and goblin wargs. The land based riding skill represents knowledge and comfort with riding and controlling the specified type of mount. Those with high land based riding skills are able to perform exceptional riding feats with their mount as well as gaining perfect responses from the creature in question. Associated Skills – Animal Handling, Animal Training, Lore: Animal/Insect, Navigation, Tactics, Veterinary Healing, Fine Balance, Unique Physical Ability, Charioteer/Wagoneer

Riding: Aquatic – A very rare and specialized skill for those who ride swimming and underwater mounts and the like. The aquatic riding skill represents knowledge or intuition regarding the control of water or liquid based mounts and insuring proper control to avoid things like unexpected diving below the waves. Those with high aquatic riding skills can pull off impressive riding feats and never have any worry about an unfortunate or uncoordinated action by their mount. Associated Skills – Animal Handling, Animal Training, Deep Diving, Direction Sense, Lore: Animal/Insect, Navigation: Sea/Ocean, Survival: Sea/Ocean, Swimming, Breath Control, Tactics, Veterinary Healing, Fine Balance

Rope Use/Nets – A common skill among teamsters, survivalists, hunters, police, fishermen and a number of other people who rely on the use of rope, lines, nets and other permutations of such things for their daily life. The rope use/nets skill represents knowledge and dexterous application of knots, rope and line types, rigging nets and the like while often being specified for a subset for things such as lasso work for cowboys, fishing net use for fishermen, binding for dominatrices and a wide variety of possible applications in between. Those with high rope use/nets skills are unmatched in their ability to utilize line and nets for a variety of applications, tie flawless knots every time and can execute some pretty incredible uses of rope with nominal effort. Associated Skills – Animal Handling, Artistic Ability, Boating, Seamanship/Sailing, Survival, Trade Skills (several), Interrogation, Mountaineering, Set/Find/Remove Traps, Escape Artist, Sleight of Hand/Pick Pocket, Artillery/War Machines, Charioteer/Wagoneer

Seamanship/Sailing – A common skill among sailors, mariners and seamen, especially those who are part of the deck department of any ship. The seamanship/sailing skill represents knowledge and intuition regarding various ship maintenance tasks, handling of rigging, running and cargo handling gear and a wide variety of other areas related to managing a ship in port and on the sea. Those with high seamanship/sailing skills are unmatched in their skills even under such duress as a “perfect storm” and are often those who become ship captains if paired with some charisma or the ability to communicate well. Associated Skills – Area Knowledge (commonly sailed areas,) Boating, Cartography, Direction Sense, Distance Determination, Heraldry, Lore: Animal/Insect: Sea Creatures, Navigation, Rope Use/Nets, Signaling, Swimming, Weather Sense, Astrology, Climbing: Rigging

Shipbuilding – A specialized trade skill possessed by shipwrights of various types and disciplines. The shipbuilding skill represents knowledge and physical skills predominately revolving around the specialized carpentry skills associated with the building, restoring and retrofitting of ships. Those with high shipbuilding skills are invariably highly sought after among the shipbuilding community and are capable of turning out masterful looking ships given proper time. Associated Skills – Ancient History: Ships, Artistic Ability, Blacksmith, Boating, Seamanship/Sailing, Trade Skills (various,) Architecture, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Appraising, Armoring, Artillery/War Machines

Signaling – A common skill among sailors, militia, survivalists, fire brigades and any other type of organized or professional group who needs to be able to communicate simple information over long distances in a quick fashion. The signaling skill represents knowledge revolving around a specified variety of long distance signaling (i.e. – semaphore, smoke signals, light signals, etc.) Those with high signaling skills are able to quickly and efficiently send clear messages and receive precisely what is being sent in return flawlessly. Associated Skills – Alertness, Animal Noise, Distance Determination, Fire Building/Control, Gesture/Sign Language, Musical Ability, Observation, Sound Analysis

Sound Analysis – A common skill among blind people, hunters, orchestra conductors, ventriloquists, linguists and any other type of individual who needs a trained ear in order to execute their job or otherwise survive. The sound analysis skill represents knowledge and intuition regarding the interpretation and identification of sounds, pitches, etc. and their origins. Those with high sound analysis skills are able to perfectly identify sounds, flawlessly tune an instrument, or otherwise perform sound analysis at an unmatched level. Associated Skills – Animal Noise, Craft Instrument, Lore: Animal/Insect, Musical Ability, Linguistics, Lore: Monsters, Ventriloquism, Voice Mimicry

Stonemasonry – A trade skill common among quarrymen, sawyers, masons, carvers and other people working in related stone working professions. The stonemasonry skill represents knowledge and proficiency with the tools of the trade and how to use them on different types of stone for intended results. Those with high stonemasonry skills are highly sought after in the building trade and are able to craft incredibly strong and sound stone craft items and more when coupled with other skills. Associated Skills – Ancient History: Stone Building, Animal Handling, Artistic Ability, Mining, Rope Use/Nets, Trade Skills (complimentary,) Architecture, Engineering, Geology, Mathematics, Gem Cutting

Survival – A common skill among people living in a wilderness area, militia scouts, hunters and other types of people who often put themselves into remote settings requiring some manner of survival skills. The survival skill must be specified to a type of region (i.e. – desert, arctic, jungle, etc.) and represents knowledge and intuition regarding survival techniques for the region in question. Those with high survival skills are able to manage to survive ordeals in some of the most inhospitable conditions on the planet. Associated Skills – Area Knowledge, Danger Sense, Direction Sense, Distance Determination, Fire Building/Control, First Aid, Foraging, Lore: Animal/Insect, Lore: Plant/Fungi, Navigation, Observation, Rope Use/Nets, Signaling, Swimming, Weather Sense, Ecology/Eco Systems, Endurance, Mountaineering, Set/Find/Remove Traps, Tracking, Weaponsmith: Crude

Swimming – A common skill among sailors, divers and a fair number of any populace who lives around any large bodies of water. The swimming skill represents physical abilities providing anywhere from basic swimming techniques to more advanced strokes and methods. Those with high swimming skills are able to swim against incredible currents and undertows, maximize their swimming speeds and otherwise execute swimming elements in perfect form. Associated Skills - Deep Diving, Distance Determination, Breath Control, Endurance, Unique Physical Ability

Teaching – A common skill among tutors, master tradesmen who handle apprentices, gurus and any other person who needs or wants to be able to share their knowledge, skills and thoughts with others in a mentoring fashion. The teaching skill represents knowledge, intuition and sometimes empathy in the ways of transferring knowledge and skill to learners of various aptitudes. Those with high teaching skills are able to bring students and apprentices to their highest possible levels and overcome many learning disabilities with their own teaching abilities. Associated Skills – Ancient History, Artistic Ability, Leadership, Observation, Trade Skills, Oratory/Debate, Psychology, Research, Crowd Working, Information Gathering

Trade Skills – A common skill tradesmen of any kind and represents any “professional” skill outside of those specifically outlined with a separate skill (i.e. – Blacksmith, Gem Cutter, Shipbuilder, etc.) The trade skills skill represents in depth knowledge and intuition regarding the specified trade. Those with high trade skills are masters of whatever trade they‟ve specified and are generally among the most talented and respected in their field. Associated Skills – Ancient History (trade specific,) Artistic Ability, Etiquette, Heraldry, Observation, Organization/Group Knowledge, Appraising (goods related to trade)

Weather Sense – A common skill among sailors, survivalists, farmers and anyone whose livelihood or survival is dependent on understanding weather patterns. The weather sense skill represents knowledge and intuition regarding the interpretation of natural weather indicators. Those with high weather sense skills are able to detect even the most insignificant indicators and accurately predict weather, sometimes even days in advance. Associated Skills – Area Knowledge, Danger Sense, Direction Sense, Distance Determination, Lore: Animal/Insect, Observation, Ecology/Eco Systems, Lore: Legends/Folklore, Unique Physical Ability

Academic Proficiencies

Academic proficiencies are open to the all but the warrior class at normal cost and are meant to reflect the skills available to the educated man. These encompass most lore related skills, various dark age equivalents of science skills and other specialized areas of knowledge. Generally, only special or otherwise unique plot device NPCs and zero level types will have any of these skills though higher level NPCs will likely have a smattering of them

Ancient Language – A common skill among sages, historians, wizards and those people who often find themselves dealing with ancient texts and communication. The ancient language skill represents knowledge of the vocabulary of ancient and often extinct languages. Those with high ancient language skills seem to know even the most obscure dialects, slang and jargon associated with the specified language. Associated Skills Ancient History, Literacy, Modern Language, Anthropology, Linguistics, Lore: Ancient Runes, Research, Cryptography

Anthropology – A unique skill among historians, politicians and those people who choose to delve deeply into the study of races. The anthropology skill represents knowledge of a race or races including their distribution on the planet, their origin, physical character, inter-racial relations and their culture. Those with high anthropology skills seem to know almost everything there is to know about a given race and its culture. Associated Skills Ancient History, Area Knowledge, Etiquette, Heraldry, Law, Local History, Modern Language, Organizational/Group Knowledge, Ancient Language, Archaeology, Linguistics, Lore: Legends/Folklore, Politics, Psychology, Research, Anatomy

Archaeology – A unique skill among historians, treasure hunters and those people who choose to study antiques, fossils and other ancient artifacts. The archaeology skill represents knowledge of material remains of past cultures and beings, including such things as fossil remains, monuments and other artifacts. Those with high archaeology skills seem to know almost everything there is to know about a great many ancient objects. Associated Skills Ancient History, Area Knowledge, Cartography, Heraldry, Group/Organizational Knowledge, Anthropology, Forensics, Research, Information Gathering

Architecture – A common skill among builders, wreckers and those people who‟s lives revolve around the construction and demolition of buildings. The architecture skill represents knowledge of both the art and science of building, including potential weak points and strengths of such structures. Those with high architecture skills seem to know almost everything there is to know about buildings, the origin of their style and how to put them together. Associated Skills Ancient History, Artistic Ability, Heraldry, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Appraising

Astrology – A unique skill among sages, soothsayers, priests and other people concerned with the moons, stars, planets and their metaphysical applications. The astrology skill represents knowledge of both the celestial objects (much like medieval astronomy), their movements, cycles, etc. and the various supernatural and mythical implications of such. Those with high astrology skills seem to know almost everything there is to know about celestial objects and their physical and metaphysical impacts on Al‟Akwannon. Associated Skills Ancient History, Observation, Lore: Alternate Magics, Lore: Legends/Folklore, Mathematics, Physics, Research

Combat Spellcasting – A common skill among battle priests and wizards, or other spellcasting types who are used to being in melee while casting their spells. The combat spellcasting skill represents conditioning that allows a spellcaster to concentrate when all hell is breaking loose and when they are dealing with the pain of wounds. Those with high combat spellcasting skills seem to be able to maintain concentration and cast spells in the most chaotic of combat situations and even when they are grievously wounded. Associated Skills Meditation, Close Quarters Fighting, Endurance, Tactics, Harness Subconscious, Resist Pain

Diplomacy – A common skill among politicians, negotiators, ambassadors, mediators and other persons used to dealing with various opinionated persons to come up with solutions. The diplomacy skill represents an intuitive ability to help people see other sides of conflicts, other viewpoints and generally coerce people into altering their own viewpoints. Those with high diplomacy skills seem to be able to convince even the most stubborn, emotional and opinionated people to see things in a different light. Associated Skills Etiquette, Leadership, Modern Language, Oratory/Debate, Psychology, Interrogation, Detect Lies, Crowd Working, Fast Talk/Haggle

Ecology/Eco Systems – A common skill among naturalists, druids, outdoorsmen and other persons in touch with the sometimes delicate balance of nature. The ecology/eco systems skill represents an intuitive and/or educated knowledge about the interdependency of the elements, flora, fauna and how an increase or deficiency in one area or another can affect other aspects in both the short and long term. Those with high ecology skills seem to be able to interpret every nuance of an eco system and the potential impact of most any action or symptom. Associated Skills Area Knowledge, Lore: Animal/Insect, Lore: Plant/Fungi, Observation, Geology, Lore: Planar, Research, Information Gathering

Embalming/Preserving – A common skill among morticians, herbalists, meat curing specialists and other persons who find need to preserve things that normally decompose. The embalming/preserving skill represents an intuitive and/or educated knowledge about the arts of keeping various organic materials from spoiling, rotting and eventually returning to their component parts. Those with high embalming skills seem to be able to prevent the decay of most any material and are adept at the most obscure methods of preservation. Associated Skills Foraging, Lore: Plant/Fungi, Herbalist, Lore: Alternate Magics, Lore: Undead

Engineering – A common skill among civic and military construction managers, bridge builders, mining planners and other persons who have need of technical knowledge to be applied to design, analysis and practical construction works. The engineering skill represents an intuitive and/or educated knowledge about the technical and scientific aspects of the specified area of expertise. Those with high engineering skills are able to conceptualize and implement the most effective and impressive methods of achieving desired plans and construction. Associated Skills – Artistic Ability, Cartography, Trade Skills: as appropriate, Architecture, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Research

Forensics – A common skill among healers, detectives, trackers and other persons who have developed the ability to notice the tiny details in various applications. The forensics skill represents generally either a highly methodical approach or a natural knack for picking up on minute details of the items in question. There are a great number of specialties associated with forensics as well as various skills which are naturally synergistic with the root skill. Those with high forensics skill are able to pull various trace evidence into light and with the aid of other skills often reconstruct events, motiviations, etc. Associated Skills – One could list easily half of all the proficiencies as associations to forensics, from things like the various Lore skills to Psychology, Archaeology and even Spellcraft

Geology – A common skill among those who seek out natural resources as well as those who mine them, large scale architects and any other persons for whom understanding of rock, soil and other elements are either critical or very helpful in success. The geology skill represents knowledge revolving around the study of solid earth, the rocks and soil which it is composed of, identification of resources and natural hazards and a variety of related geotechnical data. Those with high geology skills are able to notice hazards and resource indicators with only nominal data and are otherwise the pinnacle of the field. Associated Skills – Area Knowledge, Mining, Observation, Stonemasonry, Metallurgy, Identify Weakness

Herbalist – A common skill among those who harvest and collect medicinal plants, indigenous medicine people, apothecaries, those trained in the therapeutic use of medicinal plants and other related professions and disciplines. The herbalist skill represents knowledge and intuition revolving around the preparation, blending and use of botanical ingredients to treat a number of health issues of many kinds. Those with high herbalist skills are able to craft amazing tinctures, salves, etc which provide excellent results. Associated Skills – Area Knowledge, First Aid, Foraging, Lore: Plant/Fungi, Ecology/Eco Systems, Embalming/Preserving, Lore: Legends/Folklore, Poisons, Healing, Veterinary Healing

Hypnosis – An uncommon skill reserved to those who utilize the powers of hypnosis for either entertainment or medical purposes. The hypnosis skill represents knowledge and intuition revolving around hypnotic induction, hypnotic instructions and suggestion and related preparations to aid in facilitating such. Those with high hypnosis skills are able to gain exceptional levels of success, cooperation and results. Associated Skills – Chanting, Fire Building/Control, Gesture/Sign Language, Sound Analysis, Lore: Alternate Magics, Meditation, Psychology, Interrogation, Harness Subconscious, Crowd Working

Linguistics – A common skill among translators, language professors and those who possess either an interest or have a job which requires understanding the science of language. The linguistics skill represents knowledge regarding the grammatical structure of language, phonetics, language meaning and ambiguity as well as the evolution of language and various areas which relate to these language elements. Those with high linguistics skills are able to easily analyze language and identify even the most subtle elements, connections or corrections for their language(s) of expertise. Associated Skills – Ancient History, Etiquette, Gesture/Sign Language, Literacy, Modern Language, Sound Analysis, Ancient Language, Anthropology, Lore: Legends/Folklore, Oratory/Debate, Psychology, Information Gathering

Lore: Alternate Magics – A common skill non-standard style spellcasters, specialists, priests and those who tap mana or focus it in some manner of unique style. The lore: alternate magics skill represents knowledge and/or intuition revolving around a unique manner of tapping, focusing or otherwise manipulating mana. This can range quite broadly; from things such as blood magic (tapping HP instead of mana,) ley line manipulation, elemental magic, prayer based enhancement and actuation, ancestral spirit magic and the list goes on infinitely. Those with high lore: alternate magics skills are able to gain maximum understanding and benefit from their specified alternative magic approach. Associated Skills – Ancient History, Lore: Ancient Runes, Lore: Foci, Lore: Wards/Sigils, Meditation, Research, Spellcraft, Detect Magic, Information Gathering, Unique Physical Ability

Artisan Proficiencies

Artisan proficiencies are open to the all but the warrior class at normal cost and are highly specialized skills. These encompass three skills; Gem Cutting, Merchant and Poisons. Only special NPCs might have one of these skills including higher level NPCs

Gem Cutting – A rare and specialized skill which represents knowledge of gems, precious stones, crystals and the like and how to shape them without causing damage, in order to increase their desirability and value. Those with high gem cutting skills are able to amazingly increase the value of any gemstone in their area of expertise flawlessly, making them exceedingly rare and valuable individuals. Associated Skills Artistic Ability, Observation, Geology, Physics, Appraising

Merchant – The most common of the artisan proficiencies the merchant skill is more of a meta proficiency which generally represents either in depth knowledge of a particular product or more general knowledge of a variety of products from the point of view of selling points and making money. Those with high merchant skills are able to come up with amazingly effective sales and money management techniques. Associated Skills Artistic Ability, Etiquette, Law, Organizational/Group Knowledge, Trade Skills, Mathematics, Psychology, Research, Detect Lies, Appraising, Crowd Working, Fast Talk/Haggle, Streetwise

Poisons – A rare and specialized skill which represents knowledge of toxins and anti-venoms of organic, inorganic, magic and other natures. Those with high poisons skills are able to come up with the most deadly poisons, the most effective anti-venoms and have very broad reaching knowledge about them. Associated Skills Animal Handling, Foraging, Lore: Animal/Insect, Lore: Plant/Fungi, Herbalist, Healing, Veterinary Healing

Field Proficiencies

Field proficiencies are open to warriors and rogues at normal cost and are meant to reflect skills available to those trained both physical and mental arts of the outdoorsman and ranger types. These encompass a wide variety of physical, mental and combat related skills. Only special NPCs and zero level types will have any of these skills though higher level NPCs will likely have a smattering of them

Ambush – A common skill among bandits, snipers, hunters and those people who specialize in locating and creating ways to surprise their prey. The ambush skill represents knowledge or intuition regarding the location of ambush areas, setting up blinds, executing ambushes and other related things. Those with high ambush skills are able to find, create and execute deadly ambushes in virtually any scenario. Associated Skills Alertness, Distance Determination, Hiding, Observation, Rope Use/Nets, Signaling, Camouflage, Hunting, Find/Set/Remove Traps, Tactics, Trailing

Breath Control – A common skill among pearl divers, escape artist performers, mountaineers and those people who find themselves regularly in situations requiring them to deal with low oxygen. The breath control skill represents a physical ability to reduce one‟s oxygen intake and/or hold one‟s breath for longer than normal periods of time. Those with high breath control skills are able to operate easily in low oxygen environments and hold their breath for amazing lengths of time. Associated Skills Deep Diving, Mining, Riding: Aquatic, Survival, Swimming, Hypnosis, Meditation, Mountaineering, Running, Harness Subconscious, Escape Artist, Unique Physical Ability

Camouflage – A common skill among rangers, scouts, spies, special forces type militia and those people who find themselves needing to mask the presence of persons, places or things from unwanted notice. The camouflage skill represents a highly intuitive ability to blend a person, area or item with it‟s surroundings via the use of materials, colors, landscape and various other means. Those with high camouflage skills seem to be able to hide almost anything from prying eyes. Associated Skills Artistic Ability, Foraging, Hiding, Lore: Plant/Fungi, Rope Use/Nets, Trade Skills: Various, Architecture, Engineering, Disguise

Climbing – A common skill among free climbers, second story men, loggers, sailors, carpenters and other persons who find themselves scaling things. The climbing skill represents training or natural ability to find handholds, keep balance and generally manage precarious scaling situations. Those with high climbing skills seem to be able to scale sheer cliffs, branchless and smooth barked trees, generally impassable walls, etc. Associated Skills Rope Use/Nets, Endurance, Mountaineering, Fine Balance, Jumping

Detect Illusion – A unique skill among bounty hunters, paranormal investigators and other specialized individuals adept at discerning the real deal from the harmless apparitions. The detect illusion skill represents an intuitive ability to identify illusions, phantasms and other phenomena from reality. Those with high detect illusion skills are rarely, if ever, fooled. Associated Skills Danger Sense, Observation, Sound Analysis, Forensics, Lore: Alternate Magics, Physics, Detect Magic

Priest Proficiencies

Priest proficiencies are open only to priests at normal cost and are meant to reflect skills available to those trained in traditionally religious related skills. These encompass a handful of specialized skills. Only priest type NPCs and zero level types will have any of these skills though rare higher level NPC types may have one or more of these skills

Anatomy – A common skill among healers of both persons and creatures and rare in anyone else. The anatomy skill represents knowledge regarding the tissues, organs, bones and general composition of the specified type of creature. Those with high anatomy skills seemingly know even the most minute details and oddities associated with the specified type of creature. Associated Skills First Aid, Healing, Veterinary Healing, Identify Weakness

Detect Lies – A unique skill among upper clergy, law enforcement persons and random other persons. The detect lies skill represents an intuitive ability to identify when people are telling the truth. Those with high detect lies skills are rarely, if ever, fooled. Associated Skills Observation, Oratory/Debate, Psychology, Fast Talk/Haggle

Harness Subconscious – A unique skill among monks, priests and practitioners of special arts of focusing one‟s self. The harness subconscious skill represents a learned discipline which can focus willpower, spiritual energy, mental awareness and a variety of other things. Those with high harness subconscious skills are able to focus their subconscious selves to accomplish amazing feats. Associated Skills Alertness, Chanting, Danger Sense, Survival, Hypnosis, Lore: Alternate Magics, Lore: Divination, Meditation, Psychology, Breath Control, Detect Magic, Endurance, Light Sleeping, Detect Lies, Healing, Veterinary Healing, Unique Physical Ability, Resist Pain

Healing – A common skill among healers of both persons and creatures and rare in anyone else. The healing skill represents an intuitive or learned knowledge about wounds, diseases, their symptoms and best practices to heal them. Those with high healing skills seem to be able to diagnose and treat most any ailment, wound or affliction. Associated Skills First Aid, Observation, Herbalist, Hypnosis, Psychology, Poisons, Veterinary Healing

Rogue Proficiencies

Rogue proficiencies are open only to rogues at normal cost and are meant to reflect skills common among persons with street types of knowledge. These encompass a variety of relatively specialized skills. Only rogue type NPCs and zero level types will have any of these skills though the occasional one or two of these skills is common in higher level NPC types

Appraising – A common skill among merchants, treasure hunters, antique dealers, smiths and other persons with a specialized knowledge of a certain type of item or items. The appraising skill represents knowledge regarding the valuation and categorization of particular types of goods, ores, gems and finished products. Those with high appraising skills always know what to look for when analyzing an item and are amazingly accurate at determining value. Associated Skills Ancient History, Artistic Ability, Blacksmith, Craft Instrument, Heraldry, Lore: Animal/Insect, Lore: Plant/Fungi, Trade Skills, Architecture, Geology, Lore: Legends/Folklore, Gem Cutting, Poisons, Armoring, Bowing/Fletching, Weaponsmith

Begging – A common skill among beggars, poor children, priests of some religions and persons who are adept at getting people to part with their hard earned money or other things for a variety of reasons. The begging skill represents the ability to get money, items and other mundane donations to one‟s cause. Those with high begging skills are amazingly successful, raising large sums, successfully coordinating large drives for things such as clothing, food and even shelter. Associated Skills Acting, Carousing, Etiquette, Foraging, Law, Leadership, Survival, Diplomacy, Politics, Psychology, Crowd Working, Fast Talk/Haggle

Bribery – A common skill among organized crime individuals, lobbyists and persons who are adept at persuading people of influence and power through the lure of money, gifts and favors. The bribery skill represents the ability to assess and offer the appropriate types of bribes for the type of target in question. Those with high bribery skills are amazingly successful and rarely, if ever, do they make the faux pas of offering the wrong type of bribe to a moral official. Associated Skills Carousing, Etiquette, Law, Diplomacy, Oratory/Debate, Politics, Psychology, Intimidation, Appraising, Fast Talk/Haggle, Information Gathering, Identify Weakness

Crowd Working – A common skill among carnival barkers, bazaar salesmen, policemen and persons who are adept at garnering the attention of an audience or controlling the rudimentary movements and behavior of the general public. The crowd working skill represents the ability to evaluate the type of crowd in question and offer up the appropriate buzz words, gesturing, volume, etc. to attract the interest of multiple people at once and gain their cooperation at a basic level. Those with high crowd working skills are amazingly successful at gathering crowds, directing their attention and movement and are able to get even the least interested an uncooperative people to follow the herd. Associated Skills – Acting, Etiquette, Gesture/Sign Language, Leadership, Modern Language, Diplomacy, Oratory/Debate, Psychology, Merchant, Intimidation, Religion, Fast Talk/Haggle, Information Gathering, Side Show Talents

Warrior Proficiencies

Warrior proficiencies are open only to warriors at normal cost and are meant to reflect skills common among persons with combat and war related knowledge. These encompass a relatively select group of specialized skills. Only warrior type NPCs and zero level types will have any of these skills and they are fairly uncommon even in higher level NPC types who are not affiliated in some way, shape or form with the tenets of combat

Armoring – A rare skill among smiths, armorers are always in high demand. The armoring skill represents knowledge regarding the creation of armor for persons, beasts, vehicles and other applications. Those with high armoring skills are the few individuals who can craft ultra high quality armor and they are few and far between. Associated Skills Animal Handling, Artistic Ability, Blacksmith, Fire Building/Control, Metalsmith, Shipbuilding, Trade Skills, Engineering, Mathematics, Metallurgy, Appraising, Fine Balance, Armoring: Crude, Artillery/War Machines, Charioteer/Wagoner, Identify Weakness

Armoring: Crude – A common skill among militia, bandits, barbarians and other persons used to coming up with armor solutions on the fly. The armoring: crude skill represents creative and intuitive knowledge for armoring persons, beasts, vehicles and other applications without having the proper resources. Those with high armoring: crude skills are able to come up with various creative solutions, including things like exceptional hide armors. Associated Skills Blacksmith, Foraging, Stonemasonry, Trade Skills, Architecture, Engineering, Physics, Armoring

Artillery/War Machines – A specialized skill among soldiers, engineers and other professional, large scale warriors. The artillery/war machines skill represents knowledge and training in the assembly and use of such devices as ballistae, catapults, siege towers, oil cauldrons, spear launchers and other large scale offensive and defensive weapons. Those with high artillery/war machines skills are a select and sought after group when war and fortress seige is at hand as they can make such a tool devastating. Associated Skills Animal Handling, Distance Determination, Observation, Rope Use/Nets, Trade Skills (various), Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Set/Find/Remove Traps, Tactics, Display Weapon Prowess

Blind Fighting – A common skill among those who fight in night conditions, trained to combat in heavy smoke, fog or similar obscurement and of course, those rare warriors who are actually blind. The blind fighting skill represents the ability to use other senses in place of sight for the purposes of both defending and attacking in combat situations. Those with high blind fighting skills are able to fight as well as a warrior with sight despite any level of blinding conditions or lack of sight in general. Associated Skills – Alertness, Danger Sense, Distance Determination, Sound Analysis, Detect Noise, Tactics, Unique Physical Ability, Identify Weakness