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Weapon Groups

Weapon Groups

Weapon groups have been simplified to be based on the damage range of the type of weapon. Generally speaking a weapons of a certain weight, cutting, piercing or slashing ability work feasibly the same for meta-game purposes. The character, however, may select any specific style of weapon from a desired category to work with appropriate character origins, training, etc. Non-group weapon proficiencies, specializations and mastery will still work according to the specific weapon you are most comfortable with

Small Axe

this group actually contains axes and picks can be wielded one handed only, they are not large enough to effectively grip with both hands. They are appropriate for two weapon fighting and include such weapons as the hatchet, tomahawk, moon axe, adze, lohar and miner’s axe. All small axes and picks are d6 damage, 2 feet or shorter in overall length and cost a base of around 1SC

Medium Axe

this group actually contains axes and picks and each can be wielded either one handed or two handed. If wielded one handed the base damage is d6 as a small axe, if used with two hands the damage is d8. This group contains such weapons as the anchor axe, battle axe, bipennis, crescent axe, horseman’s pick, mattock, zaghnal and epsilon axe. All medium axes and picks are roughly between 2 and 3 feet in overall length and cost a base of around 5SC

Large Axe

this group actually contains axes and picks and can be wielded two handed only, they are too heavy to be swung one handed effectively. These axes are meant for dealing heavy damage and include such weapons as the bullova, great axe, kheten, military pick and bearded axe. All large axes and picks are d10 damage, range up to a length of around 5ft (longer than this would generally be considered a pole axe or pick and note that the pictures do not show the full length of the weapon haft) and have a base cost of around 15SC

Small Knife

all of these knives and daggers can be wielded with one hand only and cannot be effectively gripped with two hands. They are appropriate for two weapon fighting and include such weapons as the jambiya, to-su, dirk and stiletto. The primary advantage of the small knife over the large knife is the ability to conceal such a weapon. All small knives are d4 damage, 12 inches or shorter in length and have a base cost of around 1SC

Large Knife

all of these knives and daggers can be wielded with one hand only and cannot be effectively gripped with two hands. They are appropriate for two weapon fighting and include such weapons as the haladie, kukri, main gauche, misercorde and katar. All large knives are d6 damage, range up to 2ft in overall length (basically the equivalent of short sword at the long end of the spectrum) and have a base cost of around 3SC

Light Flail

all of these flails can be wielded one handed only and cannot be effectively gripped with two hands. They are appropriate for two weapon fighting and include such weapons as the ball and chain, cat o’ nine tails and the goupillon. All light flails are d6 damage, range up to 3ft in overall length (including chain) and have a base cost of around 10SC

Heavy Flail

all of these flails can be wielded either one handed or two handed. If wielded one handed the base damage is d6 as a light flail and d8 if used with two hands. This group contains such weapons as the footman’s flail, mace and chain, military flail and chinte. Heavy flails range up to approximately a total length of 5ft and have a base cost of around 20SC

Light Mace

this group actually contains hammers, maces and clubs as they are all functionally the same and each can be wielded with one or two hands. If wielded one handed the damage is d6 if used two handed d8. This group contains such weapons as the war hammer, club, pry bar, cudgel, holy water sprinkler, footman’s mace, fist mace and martel de fer. Light maces, clubs and hammers range up to approximately 2ft 6in in overall length and have a base cost of around 5SC

Heavy Mace

this group actually contains hammers maces and clubs as well, but each can only be effectively wielded two handed. This group contains such weapons as the great maul, hercules club, tetsubo, war club and great mace. All heavy maces, clubs and hammers are d10 damage, range up to a length of around 5ft and have a base cost of around 15SC


this group contains all piercing pole arms and all are two handed weapons only. This group contains such weapons as the pike, lance, broad spear, yari, javelin and harpoon. All spears are d8 damage and range from lengths as short as around 5ft up to around 13ft and have a base cost of around 1SC

Pole Axe

this group contains all chopping and cutting pole arms and are all two handed weapons only. This group contains such weapons as the bardiche, bill, halberd, lochaber axe, glaive, partisan, nagamaki and scythe. All pole axes are d10 and range from lengths as short as around 6ft up to around 9ft and have a base cost of around 15SC

Weapon Trapper

this group contains all forked pole arms and all are two handed weapons only. This group contains such weapons as the guisarme, military fork, pitch fork, ranseur, scorpion, fauchard and trident. All weapon trappers are d8 and range from lengths as short as around 6ft up to around 8ft and have a base cost of around 30SC


this group contains all staves and all are two handed weapons only. This group contains such weapons as the jo, bo, arnis and quarterstaff. All staves are d6 and range from lengths as short as around 4ft up to around 10ft and have a base cost of around 1SC

Small Sword

all of these swords can only be effectively wielded one handed and gripping them with two hands affords no additional damage. This group contains such weapons as the badelaire, drusus, kris, opi and wakizashi. All small swords are d6, range from lengths of around 2ft to 3ft and have a base cost of around 15SC

Medium Sword

all of these swords can be wielded either one or two handed. If wielded one handed damage is d8, if wielded two handed the damage is d10. This group contains such weapons as the broadsword, cutlass, dha, falchion, gladius, longsword, saber, scimitar, katana and zulf-I-khar. Lengths range from around 3ft to 4ft and have a base cost of around 25SC

Large Sword

all of these swords can only be effectively wielded with two hands. This group contains such weapons as the bastard sword, claymore, flamberge, no-dachi and zweihander. All large swords are d12 damage, have lengths ranging from around 4ft to 7ft in length and have a base cost around 50SC

Exotic Melee Weapons

exotic melee weapons are those which have special abilities, are unique and often difficult to use effectively without special training. As such there is no group available for purchase and each proficiency must be purchased separately. Each weapon’s base damage will be determined by the DM but some examples are as follows: d4 – bagh nakh, gunsen/war fan, bullwhip and pednjepit; d6 – spiked buckler, klaw gauntlets, kiseru/smoking pipe, three section staff, tiger head hooks, manriki-gusari and gaff hook; d8 – horse chopping sword, lajatang and double bladed axes and swords. Generally most of these weapons start out at a very expensive price due to their unique nature.

Small Bows

d6 – Ranges 8/16/24 (40ft/80ft/120ft)

Large Bows

d8 – Ranges 10/20/30 (50ft/100ft/150ft)

Light Crossbows

d8 – Ranges 10/20/30

Heavy Crossbows

d10 – Ranges 12/24/36 (60ft/120ft/180ft)

Thrown Balanced

d4 – Ranges 2/4/8 (10ft/20ft/40ft)

Exotic Range Weapons


Missile Weapon Ranges

Comp. long bow, flight arrow2/160120210
Comp. long bow, sheaf arrow2/14080170
Comp. short bow2/150100180
Longbow, flight arrow2/170140210
Longbow, sheaf arrow2/150100170
Short bow2/150100150
Hand crossbow1204060
Heavy crossbow1/280160240
Light crossbow160120180
Hand axe1102030
Sling bullet150100200
Sling stone14080160
Staff sling bullet2/1-30-6090
Staff sling stone2/1-30-6090

* range in yards

Weapon Speeds

(listed from fastest to slowest)

  • R = Ranged (ranged weapons are always fastest when they have range, persons in melee distance negate this)
  • 0 = Zero Action Hand to Hand/Small Knife (small/negligible weight)
  • F = Fast Small Axe/Large Knife/Small Sword (fairly light, quick weapons)
  • M = Medium Medium Axe/Light Flail/Light Mace/Spear(DM)/Staff/Medium Sword (more weight brought to bear)
  • S = Slow – Heavy Flail/Heavy Mace/Spear(DM)/Weapon Trapper/Large Sword (heavy harder to control)
  • VS = Very Slow – Large Axe/Pole Axe (very long and unbalanced weight)

* Exotic Melee Weapons are reviewed case by case by the DM