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Weapon Proficiency

Weapon Proficiency

As with non-weapon proficiencies, characters now spend Proficiency Points (PP) to purchase their weapon slots. Characters of any class may spend their points as desired, limited only by the level and quantity based limitations associated with certain types of proficiencies and proficiency upgrades. Unlike non-weapon proficiencies, there are no “free” weapon slots. However, this does not mean that one cannot simply pick up a weapon and attempt to use it. With the exception of some exotic and complicated weapons, anyone may attempt to use a weapon without bonuses and with the appropriate non-proficiency penalty:

Base Non-Proficient Penalties by Class

  • Wizards: -5 to hit
  • Priests/Rogues: -4 to hit
  • Warriors: -2 to hit

Weapon Class Familiarity (any character class)

One of the cheapest ways to eliminate some of the troubles presented by not knowing how to handle a weapon is to purchase basic familiarity with a group of weapons. This simply means the character is able to recognize associated weapons and hold them without looking like a fool. Purchasing weapon class familiarity reduces the non-weapon proficiency penalty by 2 and allows half of normal attack bonuses to apply for all of the weapons in the class purchased

  • Cost 1pp for Tight Group Familiarity, 2pp for Broad Group Familiarity (DM restrictions apply)
  • Prereq None

Single Weapon Proficiency (any character class)

The most simple way to totally offset non-proficiency penalties, is to simply choose a weapon and become proficient in it. Proficiency represents competent knowledge of how to use a weapon properly. Purchasing a weapon proficiency eliminates all non-proficiency penalties and allows bonuses from strength, dexterity and weapon quality to apply

  • Cost 1pp per individual weapon
  • Prereq None

Tight Group Proficiency (any character class)

For those who have familiarity with a particular weapon class, they may upgrade that level of familiarity to the equivalent of Single Weapon Proficiency with all weapons in the desired class. Non-warriors may not have more than one Tight Group Proficiency

  • Cost +2pp per tight group
  • Prereq Weapon Class Familiarity with desired group (may be enclosed in broad group)

Broad Group Proficiency (priest/rogue/warrior)

For those who have familiarity with a particular weapon class, they may upgrade that level of familiarity to the equivalent of Single Weapon Proficiency with all weapons in the desired class. Priests and Rogues may not have more than one Broad Group Proficiency

  • Cost +4pp per broad group
  • Prereq Weapon Class Familiarity with desired group

Weapon Focus: Lesser (any character class)

This reflects training that improves a character’s control over a weapon affording a bonus to hit. This represents additional weapon control training. Gaining lesser weapon focus with a weapon affords the character a +1 to hit which stacks with any other to hit bonuses. Non-warriors may not have more than one lesser weapon focus at first level (warriors may have up to three at 1st level; at 3rd level WFL is open to all; DM may allow exceptions based on concept)

  • Cost +1pp per individual weapon
  • Prereq Single Weapon Proficiency (this may be enclosed in a tight or broad group)

Weapon Focus: Median (Rogue/Priest/Warrior)

This reflects continued training that improves a character’s control over a weapon improving the bonus to hit. Gaining median weapon focus with a weapon improves the character’s total focus to hit bonus to +2 and stacks with any other non-focus to hit bonuses. Rogues and Priests may not have a median weapon focus until 5th level (Rogues/Priests may buy a 2nd^ median focus at 8th level, beyond this DM restrictions apply.) Warriors may not have more than one median weapon focus at first level. Warriors may gain an additional WFM at 3rd and 5th levels. At 7th level WFM is open to as many weapons as a warrior would like (DM concept allowances apply)

  • Cost +1pp per individual weapon
  • Prereq Weapon Focus: Lesser and Weapon Specialization

Weapon Focus: Greater (Warrior)

This reflects continued training available to Warriors only that improves a character’s control over a weapon improving the bonus to hit. Gaining greater weapon focus with a weapon improves the character’s to total focus to hit bonus to +3 and stacks with any other non-focus to hit bonuses. Warriors may not gain greater weapon focus until 5th level (DM restrictions apply)

  • Cost +1pp per individual weapon
  • Prereq Weapon Focus: Median

Damage Focus: Lesser (any character class)

This reflects training that improves a character’s ability to inflict wounds with a weapon affording a bonus to damage. Gaining lesser damage focus with a weapon affords the character a +1 to damage which stacks with any other damage bonuses. Non-warriors may not have more than one lesser damage focus at first level (warriors may have up to three at 1 st level; at 3rd level DFL is open to all; DM may allow exceptions based on concept)

  • Cost +1pp per individual weapon
  • Prereq Single Weapon Proficiency (this may be enclosed in a tight or broad group)

Damage Focus: Median (Rogue/Priest/Warrior)

This reflects continued training that improves a character’s ability to inflict wounds with a weapon improving the bonus to damage. Gaining median damage focus with a weapon improves the character’s total focus damage bonus to +2 and stacks with any other non-focus damage bonuses. Rogues and Priests may not have a median damage focus until 5th level (Rogues/Priests may buy a 2nd^ median focus at 8th level, beyond this DM restrictions apply.) Warriors may not have more than one median damage focus at first level. Warriors may gain an additional DFM at 3rd and 5th levels. At 7th level DFM is open to as many weapons as a warrior would like (DM concept allowances apply)

  • Cost +1pp per individual weapon
  • Prereq Damage Focus: Lesser and Weapon Specialization

Damage Focus: Greater (Warrior)

This reflects continued training available to Warriors only that improves a character’s ability to inflict wounds with a weapon improving the bonus to damage. Gaining greater damage focus with a weapon improves the character’s total damage focus bonus to +3 and stacks with any other non-focus damage bonuses. Warriors may not gain greater damage focus until 5th level (DM restrictions apply)

  • Cost +1pp per individual weapon
  • Prereq Damage Focus: Median

Weapon Specialization (any character class)

Weapon Specialization reflects intense and balanced training with a specific weapon and learning of various weapon specific styles and tactics. Specialization in a weapon provides a +2 to hit and +2 to damage with the weapon specified. Non-warriors may not gain specialization until 3rd level, normally cannot have a second specialization until 5th level and cannot generally gain more than three specializations overall (DM concept allowances apply.) Warriors may not have more than one weapon specialization at 1st level, may have two at 3rd level and may have any number of specializations at 5 th level and beyond

  • Cost +2pp per individual weapon
  • Prereq Single Weapon Proficiency (this may be enclosed in a tight or broad group)

Weapon of Choice/WOC (Rogue/Priest/Warrior)

Beyond specialization is weapon of choice. This represents weaponry that a character is not only specialized with, but is most comfortable with as an extension of himself. Weapons of choice provide an additional +1 to hit and +1 to damage above and beyond bonuses from Weapon Specialization. Non-warriors may not have a weapon of choice at first level and then only once approved either by concept or through game play minimum 5th level Priest/Rogue.) Non-warriors may not have more than one weapon of choice at any time. Warriors may not have more than one weapon of choice until 5th level (DM)

  • Cost +1pp per individual weapon
  • Prereq Weapon Specialization

Weapon Mastery (Priest/Rogue/Warrior)

The next level of weapon skill beyond a Weapon of Choice is Weapon Mastery. At this level, not only is the character comfortable with the weapon...they are it’s master. Such skilled use of a weapon in public display can cause morale increases (or decreases for enemies) and otherwise strike awe in the hearts of onlookers (DM’s adjudication.) Weapon Mastery provides an additional +1 to hit and +1 to damage above and beyond bonuses for Weapon of Choice and automatically offsets 2 penalty points whenever attempting special maneuvers. Masters also score critical hits on natural 19s as well as natural 20. In addition to standard special maneuvers, the master will develop a signature move which will afford a special effect of some kind (develop with the DM.) This signature move will not usually be gained immediately after gaining mastery unless the character has already displayed such a flair. After attaining mastery, the character may continue to spend PP to gain new maneuvers which build into the signature move (DM.) Characters who are Weapon Masters of missile weapons gain a new range category called Extreme Range which is ¼ further than Long Range (i.e. if Long Range is 20 then Extreme Range is 25.) Shots to Extreme Range suffer a -10 attack penalty. Priests and Rogues may not gain Weapon Mastery without DM approval (minimum 9th level) and may never have more than one Weapon Mastery skill. Warriors may not obtain Weapon Mastery until 7th level and even among Warriors it is rare for a character to have more than one Weapon Mastery (DM approval only.)

  • Cost +2pp
  • Add’l +1pp for signature move additions (may purchase up to 3 if Single Class, 2 if Multi, 1 if Priest/Rogue)
  • Prereq Weapon of Choice, Minimum 7th level Single Class Warrior, 8th Level Multi Class Warrior, 9th level Priest or Rogue)

Weapon High Mastery (Warrior)

To go beyond Weapon Mastery is the domain of only the Warrior class. High Mastery of a weapon is an art form that is both beautiful and terrible to behold. In combat, opponents of a High Master who do not possess at least Weapon of Choice skill levels (DM restrictions) automatically have their morale reduced one level. High Mastery provides an additional +1 to hit and +1 to damage above and beyond bonuses for Weapon Mastery and weapon speed of the weapon in hand is reduced by 3 (minimum 0.) In addition, High Masters score critical hits on natural rolls of 18, 19 and 20 and automatically offset 3 penalty points when attempting special maneuvers. High Masters begin to develop new special maneuvers to compliment their signature move, as well as building on the signature. Again, these do not come to the High Master immediately, but rather are developed as the character shows certain flairs (DM.) High Masters of missile weapons have their Extreme Range increased to +½ of Long Range (i.e. LR 20 = ER 30.) Warriors must reach at least 10th level to attain High Mastery and must have developed a signature move in character. No character may have more than one High Mastery skill at any time

  • Cost +2pp
  • Add’l +1pp for new maneuvers and additions, two free with HM (DM restrictions on number of additions)
  • Prereq Weapon Mastery, Minimum 10th level Single Class Warrior, 12th level Multi Class Warrior

Weapon Grand Mastery (Single Class Warrior)

The pinnacle of perfection with a weapon is Grand Mastery. Grand Masters can perform feats which seem impossible and fantastic. In combat, opponents of a Grand Master who do not possess at least Weapon Mastery skill levels (DM restrictions) automatically have their morale reduced one level. Grand Mastery provides yet another +1 to hit and +1 to damage above and beyond all bonuses for High Mastery and weapon speed of the weapon in hand is reduced by 5 (minimum 0.) In addition, Grand Masters increase the damage die for their chosen weapon by one factor (i.e. a long sword which normally does 1d8/1d12 uses 1d10 and 1d20 in the hands of a Grand Master), score critical strikes on a natural 17, 18, 19 or 20 and automatically offset 4 penalty points when attempting special maneuvers. Grand Masters of missile weapons have their Extreme Range increased to +¾ of Long Range (i.e. LR 20 = ER 35) and have their Extreme Range Penalty reduced to -8. Grand Masters may continue to develop sub-signature moves and combo maneuvers after gaining Grand Mastery by spending additional PP (DM restrictions.) Only Single Class Warriors may become Grand Masters, they must be a minimum of 13th level and must have developed at least two sub-signature maneuvers and three combo maneuvers in character. No character may ever have more than one Grand Mastery or High Mastery skill at any time

  • Cost +2pp
  • Add’l +1pp for new maneuvers and additions, two free with GM (unlimited number of additions)
  • Prereq Weapon High Mastery, Minimum 13th level Single Class Warrior

Improved Defense: Lesser (any character class)

For the most part an untrained individual has only their raw balance stat to determine their ability to defend themselves through dodging, weaving, etc. Purchasing Improved Defense reflects some level of defensive training in helping them evade attacks. Any character class may purchase this skill at 1st level and it affords a +2 AC/DEF bonus which is negated when surprised (flat footed) just as the balance bonus. This bonus does not stack with heavy armor (DM)

  • Cost 2pp
  • Prereq None

Improved Defense: Median (Warrior/Rogue/Priest)

This level of improved defense includes additional training in evasive maneuvers. Any character class may purchase this skill and it affords an additional +2 AC bonus which is cumulative with Improved Defense: Lesser. Warriors may purchase this skill at 4th level, Rogues and Priests at 6th. These bonuses are negated when surprised (flat footed) just as the balance bonus and this bonus does not stack with heavy armor (DM)

  • Cost 2pp
  • Prereq Improved Defense: Lesser

Improved Defense: Greater (Warrior/Rogue/Priest)

Greater defense improves upon training studied at median levels. Any character class may purchase this skill and it affords yet another +2 AC bonus which is cumulative with lower level Improved Defenses. Warriors may purchase this skill at 6th level, Rogues and Priests at 10th. These bonuses are negated when surprised (flat footed) just as the balance bonus and this bonus does not stack with heavy armor (DM)

  • Cost 2pp
  • Prereq Improved Defense: Greater

Unarmed Combat (any character class)

Rather than gain proficiency with a weapon of some sort or perhaps to supplement their weapon skill, some characters may choose to incorporate unarmed forms of combat into their repertoire. There are a myriad of styles of unarmed combat, such as pugilism, wrestling, kicking, etc. any of which can be appropriate if approved by the DM. For the most part, basic knowledge of these styles boils down to similar damage and effects which are broken down in the unarmed combat charts. Unarmed combat styles may be specialized in and otherwise upgraded just as any weapon proficiency. These upgrades are limited by class and level in the same fashion as any weapon would be

  • Cost 1pp per style
  • Prereq None

Shield Proficiency (any character class)

Under normal circumstances, a character can pick up a shield of any size and gain a +1 bonus to AC versus a single attack per round. They may also use it as a weapon (albeit a non-proficient one.) Those who take a proficiency in shield may use their shield against all attacks to their front or side (DM restrictions) and may forego the parry to attack with the shield with normal bonuses

  • Cost 1pp per shield type
  • Prereq None

Shield Specialization (Priest/Rogue/Warrior)

Taking the level of expertise with a shield to the next level, shield specialization affords a +2 bonus to AC versus all basically frontal attacks (DM restrictions.) +3 to active parries. In addition, the parrying ability may be alternated with a shield punch with a bonus of +1 to hit and +2 to damage. Priest and Rogue characters may not specialize in shield until after first level

  • Cost +1pp per shield type
  • Prereq Shield Proficiency

Armor Proficiency (any character class)

Unlike the shield proficiency, armor proficiency does not improve armor class, but rather eliminates some of the effects of encumbrance. A character with proficiency in a type of armor reduces the effective weight of that armor by half. The full actual weight does act in such situations as swimming, flight, etc., of course

  • Cost 1pp per armor type
  • Prereq None

Armor Specialization (Priest/Rogue/Warrior)

Taking the level of familiarity and comfort ability in full armor to the next level, armor specialization reduces the effective weight of the specified armor to 25% of it’s normal weight. As with proficiency, this obviously does not change the actual weight of the armor and even the agile knight in plate will sink like a rock in water

  • Cost +1pp per armor type
  • Prereq Armor Proficiency

Fighting Styles

When someone learns to use a weapon, they are generally either taught or eventually develop a style of fighting. There are several major classifications for Fighting Styles: Single Weapon, Two Weapon,Two Handed, Weapon & Shield, Missile, Mounted Weapon, and Mounted Missile. Although there are many sub-styles to each, these major styles successfully represent the whole in game terms. Styles not only can be learned, but they can be specialized in and even a Style of Choice can be garnered. The costs and effect for each general style are detailed below. Wizards may not learn more than one fighting style, cannot specialize until after first level and can only gain Style of Choice at a subsequent level with DM permission. Priests and Rogues may not learn more than three styles, can only specialize in two (no more than one at first level) and can only gain Style of Choice after first level with DM approval. Warriors may choose as many styles as they wish and may specialize in as many styles as desired. No character may have more than one Style of Choice

Proficiency Single Weapon Style (any character class)

Single Weapon Style is exemplified by the use of one hand for the weapon and the free hand used for balance, opportunistic strikes and grapples or even throwing another object. Characters who become proficient inSingle Weapon Style are able to perform these off hand maneuvers at half the normal penalty (normal is -4, -2 withSingle Weapon Style) and allows bonuses for strength, dexterity, etc. to apply

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Weapon Proficiency (one handed weapon)

Specialization Single Weapon Style (any character class)

Specialization in Single Weapon Style affords the character a +1 AC bonus due to the balance provided by the free hand. This bonus may be relinquished in order to perform an off hand maneuver at no penalty and full bonuses

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Proficiency Single Weapon Style

Style of Choice Single Weapon (any character class)

Making Single Weapon Style the character’s Style of Choice increases the AC bonus to +2 and allows off hand maneuvers to be made by only reducing the AC bonus to +1. Off hand maneuvers are made with a bonus of +1 to hit

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Specialization Single Weapon Style

Proficiency Two Weapon Style (any character class)

Two Weapon Style is exemplified by the use of a weapon in each hand, usually one longer than the other. Characters who become proficient in Two Weapon Style gain one additional attack phase per round (i.e. 1 becomes 3/2, 3/2 becomes 2/1, etc.) Normally, untrained characters suffer a -4 to the weapon in their off hand and a -2 to the weapon in their main hand. For the proficient character, the primary hand penalty is eliminated and the off hand are halved and bonuses from strength, dexterity, etc. may apply. At this level of training, one weapon must be significantly shorter than the other (DM restrictions)

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Weapon Proficiency (one handed weapons only)

Specialization Two Weapon Style (any character class)

Specialization in Two Weapon Style eliminates all of the penalties for two weapon use and allows full bonuses to apply. In addition, the character is able to use weapons of equal length (DM restrictions)

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Proficiency Two Weapon Style

Style of Choice Two Weapon (any character class)

Making Two Weapon Style the character’s Style of Choice allows the character a full additional attack per round with full bonuses (i.e. 3/2 becomes 5/2, 2/1 becomes 3/1, etc.)

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Specialization Two Weapon Style

Proficiency Two Handed Style (any character class)

Two Handed Style is exemplified by the use of a weapon firmly grasped by both hands to inflict heavy damage and resist disarming attempts. Characters who become proficient in Two Handed Style reduce the weapon speed of the weapon wielded by 3 (cannot be less than 1) and must be hit by two successful attempts to successfully disarm the character (one success simply knocks one hand free)

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Weapon Proficiency (may be used with normally one handed weapons as well)

Specialization Two Handed Style (any character class)

Specialization in Two Handed Style increases damage done by the weapon by +1, reduces the weapon speed of the weapon wielded by 4 (cannot be less than 1) and causes disarming attempts made against the character to be made at 1

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Proficiency Two Handed Style

Style of Choice Two Handed  (any character class)

Making Two Handed Style the character’s Style of Choice increases the weapon damage by an additional +1 (+2 total), reduces the weapon speed by 5 (cannot be less than 1) and causes disarming attempts to be at a -3

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Specialization Two Handed Style

Proficiency Weapon and Shield Style (any character class)

Weapon and Shield Style is exemplified by the use of a weapon in one hand and the free hand dedicated to using a shield. Characters who become proficient in Weapon and Shield Style gain a +1 bonus to their AC (in addition to any normal shield effects, including Shield Proficiency and Specialization.) Characters may forgo the AC bonus to perform a shield punch at half the normal penalty (normal -4, with Weapon and Shield Proficiency, -2) and allows normal strength bonuses to apply. If the character has Shield Proficiency, the bonuses default to the better of the two

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Weapon Proficiency (one handed weapon)

Specialization Weapon and Shield Style (any character class)

Specialization in Weapon and Shield Style increases the bonus for a shield punch to +1 to hit and +1 to damage. This is cumulative to any bonuses already in effect from Shield Proficiency or Specialization

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Proficiency Weapon and Shield Style

Style of Choice Weapon and Shield (any character class)

Making Weapon and Shield Style the character’s Style of Choice increases the AC bonus to +2 (cumulative with Shield Proficiency or Specialization.) In addition, the shield punch option gains an additional +1 to hit and +1 to damage (cumulative with all other proficiency and specialization bonuses)

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Specialization Weapon and Shield Style

Proficiency Missile Style (any character class)

Missile Style is exemplified by the use of ranged weapons to gain a tactical advantage over one’s opponents. Characters who become proficient in Missile Style may move half their normal movement in a round and still fire all their missile attacks without penalty. Optionally, they may move their full movement and take their attacks at -4

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Weapon Proficiency (missile weapon)

Specialization Missile Style (any character class)

Specialization in Missile Style allows the character to move their full movement and use all of their attacks without penalty. In addition, when moving, the character gains a +1 bonus to their AC versus other missile using opponents

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Proficiency Missile Style

Style of Choice Missile (any character class)

Making Missile Style the character’s Style of Choice allows the character to opt for aimed shots when stationary at a bonus of +2 to hit. In addition, when moving, the character’s AC bonus versus missile using opponents is increased to +2

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Specialization Missile Style

Proficiency Mounted Weapon Style (any character class)

Mounted Weapon Style is exemplified by the wielding of various one handed weapons from a mounted position. Characters who become proficient in Mounted Weapon Style gain an additional +1 to hit while mounted (+2 total with normal mounted bonuses)

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Weapon Proficiency (one handed weapon) and an appropriate Riding skill

Specialization Mounted Weapon Style (any character class)

Specialization in Mounted Weapon Style allows the character to use two handed weapons from a mounted position and allows the character to do double damage with any weapon on a mounted charge (not just a lance, spear or similar polearm)

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Proficiency Mounted Weapon Style

Style of Choice Mounted Weapon (any character class)

Making Mounted Weapon Style the character’s Style of Choice increases the attack bonus for being mounted an additional +1 (+3 total) and allows mounted charges with lances, spears and similar polearms (DM’s restrictions) to cause triple damage on a full mounted charge

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Specialization Mounted Weapon Style

Proficiency Mounted Missile Style (any character class)

Mounted Missile Style is exemplified by combining the ranged thread of missile weapons with the mobility of a mount. Characters who become proficient in Mounted Missile Style reduce all mounted missile penalties by half and allows dexterity bonuses to apply (Normal minuses are -2 for half move and -4 for full move. With proficiency these are -1 and 2 respectively)

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Weapon Proficiency (mount acceptable missile weapon)

Specialization Mounted Missile Style (any character class)

Specialization in Mounted Missile Style eliminates all moving mount minuses and provides a +1 to hit bonus when moving at a half move or less

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Proficiency Mounted Missile Style

Style of Choice Mounted Missile (any character class)

Making Mounted Missile Style the character’s Style of Choice increases allows the character the +1 bonus to hit even at a full move and allows the character a +1 bonus to AC when moving at full speed

  • Cost +1pp
  • Prereq Specialization Mounted Missile Style

Other Styles (DM Approval)

Other styles desired or invented by players can be created if appropriate and deemed acceptable. In general, the level of bonuses shown in the above styles cannot be increased for created styles. The DM will require a full written description and reasoning for why the style should exist above and beyond the ones shown here