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Guild of the Emerald Sky

Guild of the Emerald Sky

The Guild of Emerald Sky is the most successful and global magic guild of all. Founded by the immortal archmage Ioldrak-Sul in 400AH at the same time as the official christening of Isengaard as the capital of humanity, it is also one of the oldest magical organizations. Under the guidance of Ioldrak-Sul and Kal-Zurak, another archmage and good friend, the two helped usher in the Age of Magic and cement the guild into history through their roles on the Magic Council. Aiding in the clamping down on rogue mages, further defining of the schools of magic and becoming a major factor in developing a methodology of teaching magic to young individuals with the potential to manipulate mana. Specializing in alteration and transmogrification magic, the guild has spread to nearly every major metropolis on the western continent and several of the largest cities on the eastern continent. It is really the only global organization on the planet

The Gachala Emerald – the largest Emerald Gem on Al’Akwannon 971 carats and a symbol of the guild housed in Isengrim

Ethos: Guild members of Emerald Sky are taught to master their arts and endeavor to always gain a profit. The guild takes a highly mercenary stance towards all applications of magic for those outside the guild and often even within it.

Echelon of Power: the Grand Meta Mage (Magic Council Seat) the Gachala Six; Six Arch-Magi (the six most successful guild masters, changed yearly, this is not always based on power) the Emerald Council (Internal Governance attended yearly by all of the guild heads, many of whom are arch-mages)

Clothing: Guild members are instructed to wear shades of green only, unless on some sort of clandestine operation. Wearing the signature colors of the guild is often enough to keep unwanted harassment away as most immediately recognize the colors of the guild and the influential connection for even the youngest and most inexperienced members

Locations: There are major guilds in every major metropolitan city across the globe and guilds of varying sizes in other strategic or otherwise profitable locations

Weapon and Armor Restrictions: One handed swords generally, but almost invariably a one handed weapon of some kind if used at all and lightweight, primarily ornamental armors (DM)

Guild Member Restrictions: Guild members must show exceptional problem solving abilities and instinct (minimum Reason 14, minimum Intuition 14)

Ecolu Ahn Mogrus (the School of Transmogrification)

The Emerald Sky’s School of Transmogrification, better known as Shapeshifting, fosters the growth of specialists in the transmutation sub-sphere of physical alteration. Mages learn to maximize self-alterations and the effectiveness of altering others Admittance to the School : To gain entrance to the school, a prospective student must be sponsored by an active or honorary guild member. The prospect must show physical fortitude and a creative spirit Ability Requirements : Must meet all guild requirements and must additionally have a minimum Health of 12 and minimum Fitness of 14 Oppositional Spheres : Divination and Evocation School Hierarchy : Probate (Level 0-1), Neolyte (Level 1-2), Minor Shifter (Level 3-4), Shifter (Level 5-6), Greater Shifter (Level 7-11), Master Shifter (Level 12-13), High Shifter (14+)

School Powers/Skills

Neolyte (2nd Level) Powers/Skills
(Multi-Wizard 10cp; Single Class Wizard 15cp)

10cpTransmogrification Cantrips at will
10cpReduce Self 3/day
5cpSphere Bonus (+15% to learning)
4cpAnatomy: Humanoid
2cpSomatic Concealment Proficiency

Mutare (6th Level) Powers/Skills
(Multi-Wizard 15cp; Single Class Wizard 20cp)

15cpAlter Self at will
10cpHarden Skin: Minor 3/day (+ 4 DEF) 1
10cpAssume Animal Form at will (pick one)
2cpLore: Monster: General
4cpWeaponsmith: Crude

Master Shifter (10th Level) Powers/Skills
(Multi-Wizard 20cp; Single Class Wizard 30cp)

20cpPolymorph Other by touch 3/day
15cpHarden Skin: Major 3/day (+8 DEF)
15cpMolecular Healing: Major 3/day
10cpAssume Avian Form at will (pick one)
2cpLore: Legends/Folklore: Lycanthropes

Minor Shifter (4th Level) Powers/Skills
(Multi-Wizard 10cp; Single Class Wizard 15cp)

10cpMinor Transmog Endurance (+25% Duration)
10cpShift Senses at will
5cpMolecular Healing: Minor 3/day
2cpLore: Animal/Insect: General
2cpArtistic Ability: Shapeshifting

Magnus Mutare (8th Level) Powers/Skills
(Multi-Wizard 15cp; Single Class Wizard 25cp)

15cpMedian Transmog Endurance (+50% Duration)
5cpAssume Wraith Form 3/day
10cpBody Weaponry at will
2cpLore: Demons: General
2cpLore: Wards/Sigils: Transmogrification

High Shifter (12th Level) Powers/Skills
(Multi-Wizard 25cp; Single Class Wizard 40cp)

20cpMajor Transmog Endurance (x2 Duration)
20cpPolymorph Self at will
20cpAssume Monstrous Form at will (pick one)
15cpForce Shapechange by touch at will
2cpLore: Wards/Sigils: Transmog: Permanent


Students of the school gain access to all Alteration sphere magic, gaining a chance to learn those in the transmogrification focus with a bonus of 10% (or +25% if the 1st Level Sphere Bonus is taken.) In addition, the students gain access to a random number of miscellaneous, non-oppositional magics, dependant on their teachers and their personal aptitude. Finally, the students gain access to the following spells unique to the Emerald Sky School of Transmogrification, also with the bonus of +10% (or 25%.) Spell descriptions are attached below

        1st   Adrenaline Boost, Chameleon, Claws 
        2nd   Absorb Disease, Ignore Fatigue, Resist Pain 
        3rd   Absorb Poison, Amplify Pain, Cannibalize Self 
        4th   Add Appendage, Body Control 
        5th   Assume Ethereal Form, Metal Skin 
        6th   Beneficent Polymorph, Merciful Metamorphosis, Trollish Fortitude 
        7th   Age Creature, Body Outside Body, Duo-Dimension 
        8th   Giant Size, Iron Body 
        9th   Instant Regeneration 

1st Level Spell Descriptions

Adrenaline Boost

Range0Duration1 round/level
Casting Time1AOEShifter

Endows the shifter with a period of heightened physical capability for the duration. The shifter gains 2d6 points to spread between STR, DEX and CON subabilities (max +3 in any one subability)


Range0Duration2 rounds/level
Casting Time1AOEShifter

Allows the shifter to blend in with the surrounding area. When immobile, he will be virtually invisible, especially at ranges of over ten yards (generally only detectable by someone with Observation standard or similar skill.) When moving in areas where the colors and textures of the background do not vary much, the shifter’s skin masks quite well, while abrupt changes (whether du e to movement or a viewer’s perspective) cause approximately a one melee adjustment period (DM) but in general this applies a detection penalty of -50% (DM)


Range0Duration1 round/level
Casting Time1AOEShifter

Causes the shifter’s fingertips to grow into razor sharp claws which can cause 1d6 damage in hand to hand combat. Optionally, the shifter may garner climbing or digging claws. Climbing claws afford a +30% to climbing skills and digging claws allow burrowing into normal earth at a rate of 2 feet/round

2nd Level Spell Descriptions

Absorb Disease

Casting Time2AOEShifter or creature touched

Allows the shifter to absorb a disease from a touched creature or purge a disease from his own body. The spell does not affect such supernatural diseases as lycanthropy or mummy rot

Ignore Fatigue

Range0Duration1 day/level
Casting Time2AOEShifter

Allows the shifter to ignore the need for sleep or rest for the duration. The shifter must still meditate in order to regain mana, however

Resist Pain

Range0Duration1 turn/level
Casting Time2AOEShifter or creature touched

Allows the affected creature to ignore the effects of pain, keeping them from falling unconscious due to such physical shock, allowing them to resist torture, etc. The spell does not prevent unconsciousness due to loss of blood

3rd Level Spell Descriptions

Absorb Poison

Casting Time3AOEShifter or creature touched

Allows the shifter to absorb toxins from a touched creature or purge poisonous substances from his own body. The spell may not affect certain supernatural or extremely exotic poisons (DM)

Amplify Pain

Range5 feet/levelDuration1 melee/level
Casting Time3AOEOne creature
SaveFort ½ effectSchoolAlteration

Allows the shifter to amplify the pain of any wound, be it a scratch or gaping wound (though more severe wounds may cause penalties to a victim’s saving throw.) The target must make a Fort save at -2 or be consumed by pain, barely able to move or defend. If the save is made the victim suffers a -4 on all actions (DM) for the duration (note this makes spellcasting almost impossible)

Cannibalize Self

Casting Time3AOEShifter

Allows the shifter to transmogrify his own life energy into useable mana. The shifter can convert one point of Constitution into 5 points of mana and may use as many CON points as desired. The shifter loses hit point bonuses from CON while lowered and th e CON heals at a rate of approximately 1 CON point/week of rest

4th Level Spell Descriptions

Add Appendage

Range0Duration1 turn/level
Casting Time1 roundAOEShifter

Allows the shifter to create one extra appendage of any kind for every six caster levels. Appendages can be grown from any part of the shapeshifter’s body, but clothing and armor worn is a consideration. The DM will assign special benefits, attacks and uses for the added appendage

Body Control

Range0Duration1 hour/level
Casting Time4AOEShifter

Allows the shifter to alter his own physiology to adapt to foreign environments for the duration. The adaptation must be keyed to a specific surrounding (i.e. underwater, elemental plane of fire, arctic cold, etc.; DM)

5th Level Spell Descriptions

Assume Ethereal Form

Range0Duration1 turn/level
Casting Time1 roundAOEShifter

Allows the shifter to become a ghost like creature which can move along the border ethereal. As such, the shifter may move through solid objects of any kind on the prime material plane, moving at his normal rate of speed. The shifter may choose to be visible or invisible to normal vision, though various methods of magical and hyper sensitive detection can locate the ethereal form. The shifter may only be struck by +1 or better weapons in this form

Metal Skin

Range0Duration1 melee/level
Casting Time5AOEShifter

Allows the shifter to transform his skin into a flexible, yet nigh indestructible metal. While metal, the shifter is immune to non-magical weaponry, immune to 1st^ level spell damage and automatically has damage of other minor sphere spells reduced by half (¼ damage with save.) The only exception to this damage is electrical damage which does normal damage to the shifter. Additionally, while metal the shifters base DEF improves by +8 and his punches, kicks and other HTH attacks do a base d8 damage plus muscle bonuses. There are other inherent bonuses and some limitations associated with being metallic (DM)

2nd Level Power Descriptions

Transmogrification Cantrips at will

Range10 feetDurationSpecial
Casting Time1AOESpecial

Allows the shifter to perform many minor magics in the transmogrification (shapeshifting) school (change one’s eye color, skin color, hair color, hair length, shape nails, etc.) All are obviously magic and are subject to the DM’s restrictions. Cantrips expend no mana, however, the mage must have at least a point of mana in his pool in order to perform such magic

4th Level Power Descriptions

Shift Senses at will

Casting Time1AOEShapeshifter

Allows the shifter to alter his senses at will allowing him to do a variety of things such as using hearing to see through a door, using touch to taste an item and using sight to smell something a great distance away. The drawback is that while one sense i s altered, it no longer functions in its normal capacity. It takes a mere melee round to shift one’s sensory use

6th Level Power Descriptions

Harden Skin: Minor 3/day

Range0Duration1 round/level
Casting Time1AOEShapeshifter

Allows the shifter to alter his physical properties transforming his skin into a hardened, yet flexible substance effectively improving his DEF by 4 for the duration. If possible the shifter may use cantrips or other spells to alter the special effects (i.e. appear as light chain, chitinous shell, scales, etc. (DM))

8th Level Power Descriptions

Body Weaponry at will

Casting Time1AOEShapeshifter

Allows the shifter to alter his appendages at will to become any sort of weapon the shapeshifter is familiar with. Because the weapon is attached to the shapeshifter, non-proficiency penalties are halved. If possible the shifter may use cantrips or other spells to alter the special effects or use spells through the body weaponry (i.e. make whips appear as tentacles, use Ray of Enfeeblement by touch, etc.)

Ecolu Ahn Mutus (the School of Transmutation)

The Emerald Sky’s School of Transmutation, or Alteration, is the eldest of all the guild’s schools. It fosters the growth of specialists in the primary transmutation sphere. Mages learn to manipulate objects and the universe around them to their advantage

Admittance to the School: To gain entrance to the school, a prospective student must be sponsored by an active or honorary guild member. The prospect must show exceptional learning capability

Ability Requirements: Must meet all guild requirements and must additionally have a minimum Knowledge of 14

Oppositional Spheres: Abjuration and Evocation

School Hierarchy: Probate (Level 0-1), Neolyte (Level 1-2), Lesser Alterist (Level 3-4), Adept Alterist (Level 5-6), Greater Alterist (Level 7-11), Regulator (Level 12-13), Master Regulator (14+)

School Powers/Skills

Neolyte (1st Level) Powers/Skills
(Multi-Wizard 10cp; Single Class Wizard 15cp)


Shifter (5th Level) Powers/Skills
(Multi-Wizard 15cp; Single Class Wizard 20cp)


Master Shifter (12th Level) Powers/Skills
(Multi-Wizard 20cp; Single Class Wizard 30cp)


Minor Shifter (3rd Level) Powers/Skills
(Multi-Wizard 10cp; Single Class Wizard 15cp)


Greater Shifter (7th Level) Powers/Skills
(Multi-Wizard 15cp; Single Class Wizard 25cp)


High Shifter (14th Level) Powers/Skills
(Multi-Wizard 25cp; Single Class Wizard 40cp)



Students of the school gain access to all Alteration sphere magic, gaining a chance to learn those in the augmentation focus with a bonus of 10% (or +25% if the 1st Level Sphere Bonus is taken.) In addition, the students gain access to a random number of miscellaneous, non-oppositional magics, dependant on their teachers and their personal aptitude. Finally, the students gain access to the following spells unique to the Emerald Sky School of Augmentation, also with the bonus of +10% (or 25%.) Spell descriptions are attached below


Ecolu Atus Ahn Agmus (the School of Augmentation)

The Emerald Sky’s School of Augmentation fosters the growth of specialists in the primary transmutation sub-sphere of augmentation. Mages learn to increase the natural abilities and powers of themselves, creatures and spells

Admittance to the School: To gain entrance to the school, a prospective student must be sponsored by an active or honorary guild member. The prospect must show fortitude and endurance

Ability Requirements: Must meet all guild requirements and must additionally have a minimum Fitness of 14 and minimum Stamina 13

Oppositional Spheres: Abjuration and Divination

School Hierarchy: Probate (Level 0-1), Neolyte (Level 1-2), Lesser Amplifier (Level 3-4), Adept Amplifier (Level 5-6), Greater Amplifier (Level 7-11), Master Amplificationist (Level 12-13), Grandmaster Amplificationist (14+)

School Powers/Skills

Neolyte (1st Level) Powers/Skills
(Multi-Wizard 10cp; Single Class Wizard 15cp)

10cpAugmentation Cantrips at will
10cpSpider Climb 3/day
5cpSphere Bonus (+15% to learning)
4cpAnatomy: Humanoid
2cpAncient History: Emerald Sky

Adept Amplifier (5th Level) Powers/Skills
(Multi-Wizard 15cp; Single Class Wizard 20cp)

15cpNo need for sleep (meditate for mana pts)
10cpMinor Augmentation Endurance (+25% Dur)
10cpInfravision at will
4cpFine Balance Proficiency
2cpLore: Wards/Sigils: General

Master Amplificationist (12th Level) Powers/Skills
(Multi-Wizard 20cp; Single Class Wizard 30cp)

20cpHaste Self at will 20cp
15cpMedian Augmentation Endurance (+50% Dur)
15cpNo need to breathe (DM)
10cpStoneskin 1/day
2cpLore: Circles: Magic Augmentation

Lesser Amplifier (3rd Level) Powers/Skills
(Multi-Wizard 10cp; Single Class Wizard 15cp)

10cpMinor Augmentation Amplitude (+25% Range)
10cpStrength by touch 3/day
5cpLesser Fortitude (+2 sv vs physical affect; DM)
2cpEndurance Proficiency
4cpQuickness Proficiency

Greater Amplifier (7th Level) Powers/Skills
(Multi-Wizard 15cp; Single Class Wizard 25cp)

15cpMedian Augmentation Amplitude (+50% Range)
15cpFly at will
10cpMedian Fortitude (+4 sv vs physical aff; DM)
4cpHarness Subconscious Proficiency
2cpLore: Wards/Sigils: Augmentation Tattoos

Grandmaster Amplificationist (14th Level) Pwr/Sk
(Multi-Wizard 25cp; Single Class Wizard 40cp)

20cpMajor Augmentation Amplitude (x2 Range)
20cpMajor Augmentation Endurance (x2 Duration)
20cpGreater Fortitude (+8 sv vs physical aff; DM)
15cpImmunity to Stat/HP Drain Attacks (DM)
2cpLore: Wards/Sigils: Permanent Augmentation

Students of the school gain access to all Alteration sphere magic, gaining a chance to learn those in the augmentation focus with a bonus of 10% (or +25% if the 1st Level Sphere Bonus is taken.) In addition, the students gain access to a random number of miscellaneous, non-oppositional magics, dependant on their teachers and their personal aptitude. Finally, the students gain access to the following spells unique to the Emerald Sky School of Augmentation, also with the bonus of +10% (or 25%.) Spell descriptions are attached below

        1st     Expeditious Retreat, Eye of the Tiger, Fiery Eyes, Light Step, Steady Aim, Swim             
        2nd     Brawl, Breath of Life, Cat’s Grace, Encompassing Vision, Scent Mask, Swift Mount, Vocalize          
        3rd     Deadly Strike, Eye of the Eagle, Lesser Skill Appropriator          
        4th     Improved Strength, Master of Arms, Running Warrior          
        5th     Ironguard, Primal Fury, Superior Spell Enhancer             
        6th     Greater Skill Appropriator, Pain, Power Word: Silence, Urgent Utterance             
        7th     Withering Palm          
        8th     Greater Skill Appropriator          
        9th     Spellstrike 

1st Level Spell Descriptions

Expeditious Retreat

Range0Duration3 rounds + 1 rnd/lvl
Casting Time1AOECaster

Triples the casters movement rate for the duration of the spell and allows vertical leaps up to 5ft and horizontal leaps up t o 15ft with ease. While moving at this rate, the caster cannot perform any other actions (although he can stop and make an action) including spell casting. This spell will not work in conjunction with other movement enhancing spells and items

Eye of the Tiger

RangeTouchDuration1 round/level
Casting Time1AOECreature touched

Endows the subject exceptional nightvision up to 60ft for the duration

Fiery Eyes

Range0Duration3 rounds/level
Casting Time5AOECaster

Causes the caster’s eyes to glow with an unnatural fire, projecting beams of light and heat in any direction the caster looks. The light is the equivalent of a bright lantern and will fully illuminate the target area up to 60ft away. Within a 3ft radius, the caster may focus the vision for 3 melees on any combustible material and cause them to ignite. The spell may be used in conjunction with Hypnosis, Hypnotic Pattern and similar spells and will cause a -1 to victim saves for such. Some creatures can be affected as if by Fear when viewing this spectacle (DM)

Light Step

RangeTouchDuration5 rounds/level
Casting Time1AOECreature touched

Endows the recipient with a limited form of Levitation, allowing them to walk over any surface without leaving tracks (including snow, mud, etc.) and preventing them from being able to trigger weight activated traps and covered pits. In addition, the cr eature may walk across slow moving or still liquid surfaces at half their normal walking rate (DM.) The creature can only move at a walking pace to keep the trackless, lightweight movement, however, if the light step is not required, the spell effectively increases move ment by 50% for the duration

Steady Aim

Range30 yardsDuration1 turn/level
Casting Time1AOEOne warrior

Conveys exceptional aim to the target warrior for the duration. If the warrior is motionless and set, the aim allows a bonus of +2 to hit for all attacks with missile weapons. If the warrior is moving (running, mounted, aboard a wagon, etc.) the aim will automatically offset any and all movement penalties, no matter how unsteady the motion


Range0Duration3 rounds/level
Casting Time1AOECreature touched

Enables the recipient to swim with the ease of a fish, allowing movement of 10 hexes/melee combat, or 20mph non-combat movement. This spell does not confer the ability to breathe underwater

2nd Level Spell Descriptions


RangeTouchDuration1 melee/level
Casting Time2AOECreature touched

Enhances the recipient’s unarmed combat abilities affording them a +2 to initia, +2 to hit with all hand to hand (non-weapon) attacks and a +10% to any special effects success rate (stunning, KO, etc.) In addition, any holds or locks established have a +4 bonus to be maintained (or -4 to victim’s escape attempts)

Breath of Life

Range100 yardsDuration5 turns
Casting Time1/10th of a secondAOE1 creature/level

Endows all target creatures in range the ability to hold their breath for the duration. The casting time is 1/100th of a nor mal melee round and can be cast before any other actions in a round

Cat’s Grace

RangeTouchDuration1 hour/level
Casting Time2AOECreature touched

Enhances the recipient’s base Dexterity for the duration (increasing their subabilities proportionally.) Rogues gain up to 1d8 points, Wizards and Warriors up to 1d6 points and Priests up to 1d4 points. The spell cannot confer higher than 20 Dexterity (but may enhance subabilities beyond this) and is not cumulative with any other Dexterity enhancing magic or power

Encompassing Vision

RangeTouchDuration1 hour/level
Casting Time6AOECreature touched

Affords the recipient 360 degree vision for the duration allowing them to only be surprised by ranged attacks. In addition, this spell is cumulative with other vision and detection spells (i.e. Infravision, Detect Invisibility, Detect Supernatural, etc.)

Scent Mask

RangeTouchDuration1 turn/level
Casting Time2AOE1 creature/level

Conceals all odors emanating from touched creatures for the duration, preventing the ability to track or otherwise detect the m via olfactory sense. The spell will automatically negate an odor based attack, such as a skunk’s spray, a Stinking Cloud spell, etc.

Swift Mount

RangeTouchDuration2 hours + ½ hour/lvl
Casting Time1 roundAOE1 mount/two levels

Effectively doubles the affected mounts’ movement rate for the duration, including any form of locomotion (i.e. running, swimming, flying, etc.) The spell does not increase carrying capacity and casting the spell on an encumbered mount automatic ally negates the spell. At the end of the spell, affected mounts are physically exhausted and cannot be moved for approximately 24 hours


Range0Duration5 rounds
Casting Time2AOECreature touched

Allows the caster to cast any spell which normally requires verbal commands without them (DM) for the duration, allowing the caster to successfully cast in the confines of a Silence radius or stealthy activity

3rd Level Spell Descriptions

Deadly Strike

Range0Duration1d6+3 melees
Casting Time3AOECaster

Improves the martial prowess of the caster for the duration, causing all successful hits in melee to cause maximum damage. The spell affects only hand to hand weapons, unarmed combat and hand propelled missiles (i.e. knives, darts, etc.)

Eye of the Eagle

RangeTouchDuration1 turn/lvl
Casting Time1 roundAOECreature touched

Increases the affected creature’s vision to double it’s normal effectiveness (this is cumulative with such spells as infravis ion and natural abilities like nightvision.) The Observation proficiency is temporarily increased by 30% and it improves accuracy with long range missile weapons (such as bows), providing a +2 to hit at all ranges

Lesser Skill Appropriator

RangeTouchDuration1 turn/lvl
Casting Time3AOECaster

Allows the caster to temporarily gain aptitude with a non-weapon proficiency known by another. If the target of the spell is a willing party, there is no saving throw, however, if the target wishes to resist a save is allowed. Skills learned are at the same % as the “teacher” and the spell cannot confer specialized capabilities (specialized proficiencies automatically translate as a st andard proficiency at 120%)

4th Level Spell Descriptions

Improved Strength

RangeTouchDuration1 rnd/level
Casting Time4AOEOne creature

A more powerful version of the Strength spell, it allows the mage to confer giant class strength to the recipient. Warriors may gain up to 1d8+4 slots (max 25), Priests and Rogues 1d6+4 (max 23) and Wizards 1d4+4 (max 21). At the end of the spell, the affected creature become extremely exhausted and must rest for 1d3 turns to recover his normal strength. The spell is not cu mulative with other strength enhancing magic

Master of Arms

RangeTouchDuration1 turn/level
Casting Time4AOEWarrior touched

Allows the mage to enhance the weapon’s skill of any warrior touched. Recipients become proficient with any weapon they pick up for the duration, weapons which they are familar or proficient with become the equivalent of specialized and weapons which they are specialized in become the equivalent of weapon of choice. The spell cannot confer weapon mastery or beyond

Running Warrior

Range60 yardsDuration2 rnds/level
Casting Time4AOEOne creature

Allows the mage to enhance the movement and speed of a warrior for purposes of fighting a running battle or one which is fought over a wide terrain. The affected creature first is granted a move of 15 hexes in combat, regardless of their level o f encumbrance. In addition, no matter how far the creature moves in combat, they may still make half of their attacks (i.e. may move full move and still attack)

5th Level Spell Descriptions


RangeTouchDuration1 round/level
Casting Time5AOEOne creature

Allows the mage to confer immunity to the existence of non-magical metals to herself or the creature touched. Weapons of such origin will simply pass through the protected individual as if they do not exist. In addition, the affected creature ma y pass through metal doors, bars and similar impediments as if they do not exist. The spell affects the creature and all items on it’s person at the time of casting (in other words, metal armors/weapons worn at the time of casting are unaffected and may be used normally)

Primal Fury

Range20 yardsDuration1 round/level
Casting Time5AOEOne warrior

Allows the mage to confer a surge of rage to the target warrior, transforming him into a berserker-like juggernaut. The recipent becomes immune to all forms of fear and gains a +2 to save versus all forms of debilitating magic. In addition, the warrior receives +2 to hit and damage for the duration, gains one additional attack phase (i.e. 3/2 becomes 2, etc) and gains a temporary boost of 4d4 hit points. In combat, the warrior will seek out and destroy all of his enemies first, however, if the spell is still in effect when all such targets are eliminated, he will turn on the nearest creature, friend or foe, with the intent of destroying them as well

Superior Spell Enhancer

Casting Time+1AOECaster

Allows the mage to augment the power of one of her spells, increasing it’s potency and damage. The enhancement is chanted before the actual spell is cast, then the attack spell. The enhanced spell causes all targets to have their magic resistance lowered by 10%, save at -1 and each die of damage to be increased by 1 (i.e. Fireball becomes 1d6+1 damage per die)

6th Level Spell Descriptions

Greater Skill Appropriator

RangeTouchDuration1 turn/lvl
Casting Time3AOECaster

Allows the caster to temporarily gain aptitude with a non-weapon proficiency known by another. If the target of the spell is a willing party, there is no saving throw, however, if the target wishes to resist a save is allowed. Skills learned are at the same % as the “teacher” and the spell cannot confer specialized capabilities (specialized proficiencies automatically translate as a st andard proficiency at 120%)


RangeTouchDuration1 turn/lvl
Casting Time3AOECaster

Allows the caster to temporarily gain aptitude with a non-weapon proficiency known by another. If the target of the spell is a willing party, there is no saving throw, however, if the target wishes to resist a save is allowed. Skills learned are at the same % as the “teacher” and the spell cannot confer specialized capabilities (specialized proficiencies automatically translate a s a standard proficiency at 120%)

Power Word: Silence

Range120 ydsDuration1 round
Casting Time1AOEOne Creature

Causes the victim and everything within a one foot radius of them to become completely silent for the duration. This prevents spellcasting of any kind, command words and any sound based attacks

Urgent Utterance

Range0DurationOne day or until used
Casting Time1 turnAOECaster

Allows the caster to prepare a spell for an emergency use. Once the urgent utterance is cast, the mage focuses on the desired spell and weaves it’s somatic and verbal components into a single command word which can be triggered before any initiative. The mage can have up to three such spells readied (each requires a separate spell), all spells must be 6th level or lower (DM’s restrictions on spells)