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Dim Magika (Goblin Magic)

Dim Magika (Goblin Magic)

Born in the underbelly of the Underdark below what would become the ancient human capital of Isengaard through the ingenious Goblins of the Hakh-Zherad, Magika is an ancient art. This art shares its history with human magic, however and stories tell that the grandfather of all primary Goblin magic stole magic secrets from human mages in the early towns which preceded Isengaard. Grandmaster Mijenko would go on to teach many masters and four of them became exceptionally special. Matrica (Master) Lesko developed smoke magic, Matrica Jadran developed the goblin version of earth magic, Matrica Aldako developed creature summoning and Matrica Boža developed black magic. As the power of Isengaard grew, the goblins mastered their own arts, stealing bits of power through the Age of Humanity and the Age of Magic. With the destruction of Isengaard, some brave goblins even entered the ruined deep library and found even more. These days, Magika is part of goblin history and the goblin world and no moreso than within the Hakh-Zherad

Weapon and Armor Restrictions: Goblins are often battle mages, but rarely wear metal armor and prefer one handed weapons, but there are no overall restrictions (DM)

Ethos: Goblin mages often end up being promoted to positions of authority within goblin society on par with exceptional warriors. In most of the goblin collectives, young pups are automatically reviewed for magic potential and promising students are taught. Magika is seen as an integral part of goblin society and goblins to not fear magic, they see it as a tool

Echelon of Power: There is not an overall echelon of power, but each goblin collective has an echelon

Locations: There are no guilds, but generally goblins follow one of the Magika paths per their natural affinity

Clothing: There are no official restrictions, but goblins usually dress like goblins Guild Member

Restrictions: There are no known non-goblin practitioners

Dim Magika (Goblin Smoke Magic)

The practice of Smoke Magic is a long standing tradition among the goblins of the Central Underdark. Each goblin tribe having it’s own secrets passed down from master to pupil style of teaching. The father of goblin Smoke Magic, however is thought to have been a powerful mage aiding the Orcs during the Age of Wars. Known as Matrica Lesko (THE Master Lesko,) he crafted the primary aspects of smoke magic as it stands today, most of it’s current variants able to be traced back to his original manipulations. Smoke magic is a magic of subterfuge, stealth and illusion facilitated by elemental smoke powers

Admittance to the School : To learn Dim Magika, a prospective student must be hand selected by an existing master and endure a goblinesque initiation process. The prospect must show considerable Dexterity and intuition

Ability Requirements : Must meet all admittance requirements and must additionally have a minimum Dexterity of 14 and minimum intuition of 14

Oppositional Spheres : Summoning and Elemental Ice

School Hierarchy : Dijet (Level 0-1), Inicirati (Level 1-2), Ucenik (Level 3-4), Vikan (Level 5-6), Matrica Vika (Level 7-11), Matrica Visoko (Level 12-13), Matrica Velika (14+)

School Powers/Skills

2nd Level Powers
(Multi Class 10cp; Single Class 15cp)

10cpRevealing Smoke at will
10cpSmoke Tool 1/day
5cpSmoke Image at will
2cpLore: Alternate Magic: Elemental Smoke
2cpPhysics: Smoke/Vapor

6th Level Powers
(Multi Class 15cp; Single Class 25cp)

15cpVanish in Smoke 3/day
15cpHot Smoke 3/day
10cpControl Smoke/Vapor at will
10cpElemental Endurance: Minor (+25% Duration)
2cpSignaling: Smoke

10th Level Powers
(Multi Class 25cp; Single Class 35cp)

20cpAssume Smoke Form at will
15cpSmoke of Refusal 1/day
10cpSummon Smoke Fortress at will
10cpElemental Endurance: Median (+50% Dur)
2cpEmbalming/Preserving: Smoke

4th Level Powers
(Multi Class 15cp; Single Class 20cp)

15cpSmoke of Enfeeblement 3/day
10cpElemental Dilation: Minor (+25% AOE)
10cpImmunity to Smoke and Gas
2cpCombat Spellcasting Proficiency
2cpLore: Foci: Smoke

8th Level Powers
(Multi Class 20cp; Single Class 30cp)

15cpSmoke Creations at will
15cpSmoke Tendrils 3/day
10cpSmoke Hardening at will
10cpElemental Dilation: Median (+5 0 % AOE)
2cpLore: Planar: Para-Elemental Smoke

12th Level Powers
(Multi Class 30cp; Single Class 40cp)

20cpElemental Endurance: Major (x2 Duration)
20cpElemental Dilation: Major (x2 AOE)
15cpEmpower Smoke Warg at will
10cpSmoke of Disguise 1/day
2cpLore: Alternate Magics: Smoke Enchantment


Students of the school gain access to all Goblin Smoke magic listed in the below special spell section. Students also gain a certain number of related elemental spells of the appropriate level. In addition, the students gain access to a random number of miscellaneous, non-oppositional magics, dependant on their teachers and their personal aptitude. All magic learned via goblin smoke mages tends to have an element of smoke involved in the spell where possible. Spell descriptions are attached below

        1st     Cough, Lull, Smoke Fingers 
        2nd     Improved Sleep Smoke, Smoke Aura, Smoke Walk 
        3rd     Corrosive Smoke, Pressurize, Smoke Warg 
        4th     Dispelling Smoke Screen, Smoke Limb 
        5th     Breath of the Silver Dragon, Smoke Suspension 
        6th     In the Bottle, Transport via Smoke 
        7th     Smoke Kennels 
        8th     Wall of Black Smoke 
        9th     1 

Dim Magika Spells

1st Level Spells

Range5 feet/levelDuration2 melees/level
Casting Time1AOE10 foot radius cloud
SaveReflex or Fort/ReducedSphereEnchantment/Elemental

Smoke Allows the goblin to blow a small jet of smoke that quickly travels to the target location and expands to fill the AOE with an irritating smoke. Creatures must make a Reflex or Fort save (whichever is better) to either escape the cloud or resist it’s effects. Creatures who successfully save suffer a -2/-10% on actions for 1d4 melees and spellcasters must make successful combat spellcasting rolls to act. Creatures that fail the save suffer a -4/-20% penalty to all actions (DM) and have their Dex bonus to DEF cut in half for the full duration. Within confined indoor and underground settings the duration is increased to 3 melees/level while in outdoor settings where there is a breeze the duration is reduced to 1 melee/level

Range0Duration1 turn/level
Casting Time1AOE10 foot radius cloud

Smoke Allows the goblin while passively smoking in an area to cause creatures in the AOE to need to make a will save or be lulled into not noticing anything happening beyond five feet from them. Creatures do not generally notice (DM) they were affected whether they save or not, they simply smell a waft of the goblin’s smoke

Smoke Fingers
Range5 yards/levelDuration1 round/level
Casting Time1AOE10 foot/level radius

Smoke Allows the goblin to transport a puff of smoke anywhere within range. The smoke can then be directed by the goblin to move anywhere within the AOE and feel around with exceptional tactile sensitivity. The smoke can flow through the tiniest cracks and can even feel around the inside of such things as chests, drawers and crates assuming they are not air-tight. The goblin will gain +50% on any rolls to detect things via touch (DM) and can additionally direct the smoke to exert very small amounts of force on objects touched. About enough force to open a latch, lid or loose cap, but not enough to pop a tight cork, drag a bag of gold, etc. (DM)

2nd Level Spells

Improved Sleep Smoke
Range10 yards/levelDuration2 turns/level
Casting Time2AOE1d6/level HD w/in range

Smoke A more powerful, but also a visible version of the sleep spell, causes 1d6/level HD worth of creatures to fall into comatose slumber. A light, but definitely noticeable vapor rises near each target and creatures or beings of 3 rd level, 3+HD or lower gain no save and immediately fall asleep. Creatures of 4th^ level or 4+HD gain a Fort save at +2, while those of 5th^ level or higher level are unaffected by the spell. Each of the targets must be within range of each other

Smoke Aura
RangeTouchDuration1 hour/level
Casting Time2AOEWilling creature

Smoke Summons a chameleonic cloud of smoke that surrounds the creature adding a +20% to stealth and hiding skills. Additionally, the cloud protects the creature adding +2 DEF, but takes damage from attacks as the creature. If the hit misses by only 1 or 2 the aura takes all the damage. The aura has the same amount of HP as the caster at the time of casting

Smoke Walk
Range0Duration1 turn/level
Casting Time2AOESelf

Smoke By means of this spell the caster may walk on any form of fog, cloud, or smoke as if it were solid. The goblin is able to move at normal movement rate on any smoky substance or may also climb any column of smoke at half movement rate by simply grasping and being carried by the rising smoke

3rd Level Spells

Corrosive Smoke
Range10 feetDuration1 melee/level
Casting Time3AOE1 foot/level square surface
SaveFort ½ damageSphereConjuration/Elemental

Smoke Allows the goblin to breathe corrosive smoke over an area which immediately begins to make whatever it touches extremely brittle. It is most effective against non-living wood, stone and metal, but also causes some damage to living creatures with exposed skin which immediately begins to crust (generally, however, this will affect clothing, armor, etc. before getting to skin.) Damage to living creatures is 1 very painful point per melee unless washed thoroughly with water or similar liquid. It’s effect on wood, leather, bone and other formerly living matter is to corrode a 1 foot expanding radius each melee from the initially affected area. Against stone and other non-metallic minerals the corrosion expands at 6 inches/melee while metals are affected at 3 inches/melee. The affected material becomes extremely brittle and can be easily broken and picked away with little pressure. Against bone, stone, iron elementals and the like (including certain types of undead like zombies and skeletons; DM) damage is 2d8/melee

Range10 yardsDurationSpecial
Casting Time1 turnAOEUp to 1d4 objects or contained space

Smoke Causes a d4 vessels or a single space of up to 10ft to magically seal and fill with smoke vapor until pressure begins to build. Ceramic and glass items such as normal jars and bottles will simply explode causing 2d8 damage to creatures in a 10ft radius. Metal items will hold the pressure until released and can be used for various applications (DM) Small rooms and the like will explode outward at their weakest points (doors, windows, etc.) and cause 2d4 damage to creatures within 10ft of those openings. Note that certain high quality ceramics can be crafted into grenade like weapons that will explode on impact and various pressure based variants can be explored. Duration is based on the resistance of the material and how much pressure the goblin builds within any particular structure

Smoke Warg
Range0Duration1 hour/level
Casting Time1 turnAOESpecial

Smoke Creates a warg shaped creature from the Elemental Demi-Plane of Smoke. The creature can be ridden only by the mage and has a DEF of 18. It has 7 HP + 1/level and moves at a maximum rate of 10 mph + 10 mph/level (maximum 100 mph) and can support up to 10 additional pounds/level of non-living equipment. The creature makes no sound while moving and will not fight, but is immune to fear of any kind. At 8th level, the mount may pass over sandy, muddy and swampy ground without difficulty. At 10th level, it may pass over water as if it were solid. At 12th level, it may travel horizontally across air as if it were solid and at 14th level it may fly

4th Level Spells

Dispelling Smoke Screen
Range5 yards/levelDuration1 round/level
Casting Time5AOE20 foot cube cloud

Smoke Allows the goblin to create a cloud of magical smoke in any shape up to the maximum AOE in size. Any magical effects present in the AOE at the time of casting are dispelled or a dispel check is made (caster vs caster levels) depending on the spell and it’s effects (DM) Any creature or object passing through the cloud will be affected by the dispel magic at the caster’s level in a similar manner and any non-major sphere spells targeted directly in the cloud’s AOE will fail

Smoke Limb
Range0Duration1 hour/level
Casting Time1 roundAOECaster

Smoke Allows the goblin to create an extra appendage (or replace a lost appendage) which appears semi-material and comprised of smoke. The limb can function as a normal limb, including manipulating objects, using a weapon or shield, etc. but may also become mostly immaterial and able to flow through small cracks and openings reforming on the other side. The limb can effectively exert the strength of the caster and can open complex locks, lift heavy door bars, etc. when used as immaterial and can cause normal weapon damage when semi-solid. Weapons used by the smoke limb must be small, such as knives, short swords and hatchets (DM) but can be used to deploy a shield. This use provides either a single extra attack per round or a shield bonus. The limb provides no sensing abilities beyond touch and is invulnerable to damage, but can be dispelled

5th Level Spells

Breath of the Silver Dragon
Casting Time5AOE5 foot long x 1 foot radius/level cone
SaveNegates (Fort)SchoolEvocation/Smoke

Allows the goblin to breathe a cone of paralyzing smoke like a dragon’s breath weapon affecting all creatures within the AOE. Any creature physically contacted by the smoke must save vs Fort at -2 or be completely paralyzed for 1d4 rounds (5-20 minutes) Creatures who save are unaffected and exceptionally quick creatures (DM) may be allowed to make a Reflex check instead of a Fort check to resist

Smoke Suspension
Range10 yards/levelDuration1 hour/level
Casting Time5AOEOne object up to 2500lbs/level

Allows the goblin to cause smoke to accumulate under a very heavy object and lift it slowly at a rate of 1 foot per melee (25 feet per round) with concentration. The object cannot be moved horizontally by the spell, but becomes virtually weightless (DM) and can be pushed or pulled along by other forces (i.e. – strong wind, horse team, etc.)

6th Level Spells

In the Bottle
Range10 feet/levelDurationSpecial
Casting Time6AOEOne Creature
SaveNegates (Fort)SchoolTransmutation

(Alteration)/Elemental Smoke Allows the goblin to transform a creature into smoke and suck them into a bottle, flask or similar closeable vessel. The vessel must be stoppered, sealed or otherwise closed within one round or the smoke will escape and the spell will fail. However, once stoppered, the creature within is held in a state of suspended animation indefinitely and will not age, be harmed or have anything effect them until the bottle is reopened. Willing individuals may forfeit their save and creatures already in a smoke, mist, vapor or similar form (such as vampires forced into mist, etc) make their save at -7 to resist this spell

Transport via Smoke
Casting Time1 roundAOEGoblin + 1 creature/2 levels
SaveNegates (Fort)SchoolAlteration/Elemental

Smoke Allows the goblin to transport himself plus an additional creature per two levels anywhere on the same plane of existence traveling through smoke. By utilizing the element of smoke as an anchor, this eliminates all possibility of teleportation error, however, it does mean that an area with no smoke within cannot be targeted. The goblin must have some idea of where he is traveling, the spell will then automatically locate an area within 100 yards/level of the target zone attempting to find a smoke source. If located successfully, the goblin may transport himself, the additional creatures and up to 50 pounds/level of gear instantaneously. The spell may all be attempted offensively causing a single target to make a Fort save or be teleported to a location desired by the caster

7th Level Spells

Smoke Kennels
Casting Time1 dayAOESpecial

(Alteration)/Elemental Smoke Allows the goblin to create a large kennel on the demi-elemental plane of smoke which is bound/tied to whatever other plane desired when casting this spell. The smoke kennel contains up to sixteen small hunting/tracking smoke wargs, six large battle smoke wargs and a single alpha command smke warg (maximum of 1 warg/level per kennel, only one kennel per linked plane and no more than one kennel per 5 smoke mage levels in total.) All smoke wargs have a base 12 hex movement outside the demi-plane of smoke. Hunting wargs are 2HD creatures and prefer not to actually fight, but rather track at a base 150% tracking via scent but can fight at ¼ the mage’s BAB, 1 att/rnd and a d6+4 damage. Battle wargs are 6+HD creatures and fight at +10BAB or the goblin’s BAB whichever is better, have 3 att/rnd (claw/claw/bite – d8+8 claws/d12+10 bite.) The alpha warg is an 8+HD creature, intelligent with tactics skills and able to command the others of the same kennel telepathically. It fights with +12BAB or the goblin’s BAB whichever is better, 3 att/rnd (claw/claw/bite – d10+10 claws/d12+12 bite.) Once the kennel is in place the smoke wargs are permanent and cared for by smoke servants until summoned or dispelled. At will the goblin may summon any number of the creatures housed at the kennel to aid him on the appropriate tied plane and will last until slain, dispelled or up to 2 days per level have passed. The kennel can be refilled if partial smoke wargs are summoned only with a complete recasting of the spell. While tied to the element of smoke, these wargs are not immune to non-magical attacks and can be killed (which simply returns them to the demi-plane of smoke permanently.) Subsequent castings of the spell can call upon the same smoke elemental wargs creating a bond with the goblin (DM)

8th Level Spells

Wall of Black Smoke
Range15 yards/levelDuration1 day/level
Casting Time8AOE1000 square foot/level wall area
SaveFort (Negates)SchoolSummoning/Elemental

Smoke Allows the goblin to conjure up a roughly one foot thick wall of black smoke which is toxic and will cause death to most creatures who touch it. The wall may use the AOE worth of space as desired in any configuration desired; a simple wall, a rectangle, a box, hemisphere, etc. The wall cannot be seen through with any manner of non-magical vision, but sounds and objects may pass through it without any effect. Creatures of 1+HD or less who physically contact the smoke immediately perish; creatures of 2-5+HD must save at -4; creatures of 6-8+HD save at -2 and creatures of 9HD and above save normally. The wall cannot be physically disturbed (resistant to even hurricane force winds, etc) but small portions may be disrupted by dispel magic and it can be affected by median sphere and more powerful dispels and anti-magic normally.

Dim Magika Power Descriptions

2ndLevel Powers

Revealing Smoke at will
Casting Time1AOEObjects/creatures w/in 5ft

Smoke Allows the goblin to blow smoke over an object or creature and reveal information about the target. The smoke detects the presence of magic, will reveal runes of activation, hidden extradimensional spaces, etc. (DM) When smoke is blown across a specific area the smoke reveals such things with glows in appropriate auras

4th Level Powers

Immunity to Smoke and Gas
Casting Time0AOEthe Goblin

Smoke Makes the goblin immune to all debilitating effects of smoke, gas, ether, fog or any related sort of matter (DM) The goblin may see through any such obscurement as if it were not there, may breathe poisonous or noxious fumes without being affected, may stand in corrosive or burning gasses without being damaged and may move through such clouds without suffering any ill effects

Smoke of Enfeeblement 3/day
Range0Duration1 round/level
Casting Time0AOEUp to 1d4 creatures in a 10ft radius

Reduces the target creature(s) to a strength equivalent of 5 causing them to be at -2 to hit and -1 to damage per die for the duration

6th Level Powers

Control Smoke/Vapor at will
Range10 yards/levelDurationConcentration
Casting Time0AOE100ft/level cube
SaveNoneSphereElemental (Smoke)

Allows the goblin to control the shape, movement and general behavior of any smoke, mist, fog or any other form of vapor including those of a magical nature

8th Level Powers

Smoke Creations at will
RangeTouchDuration1 hour/level
Casting Time1 roundAOE6 inch/level cube

Smoke Allows the goblin to craft existing smoke, either from a fire, a pipe or other source into temporary items which will function as normal quality items for the duration. Objects created cannot be complex unless the goblin has skill based expertise in the area in question, neither can objects retain an extreme sharpness (thus things like pitons can be created, but swords cannot.) In general, created items have no more tensile strength than young, flexible wood, thus strong ropes, clothing, simple tools, a door, etc. can be made quite easily, but things requiring stone or steel strength cannot. Items simply return to smoke at the end of the duration and blow away

10th Level Powers

Summon Smoke Fortress at will
Range10 yardsDuration1 hour/level
Casting Time1 turnAOE100 sq ft/level area

Smoke Allows the goblin to summon up an extra-dimensional fortress at will with internal dimensions equal to the AOE in any configuration of rooms desired. From the outside, however, the smoke fortress is all but invisible, simply being a very thin layer of smoke hanging in the air of the vicinity (this smoke is impervious to winds up to 10mph/level, however so certain conditions can make the magic more obvious.) The entrance is readily visible to the goblin and any individuals identified by him. Internally, the fortress is a small, comfortable two story home or cabin with comfortable beds, tables, chairs and any other mundane appointments desired by the mage, including things like wash basins, mirrors, etc. A cook fire is also automatically in place for making foods and such while the overall structure maintains a comfortable 70 degree temperature and though masked from the outside, may have as many windows as desired to view the external surroundings. The fortress itself can only be affected by median sphere magic or higher

Smoke of Refusal = Repel Lesser Creature priest spell

12th Level Powers

Empower Smoke Warg at will
Casting Time1 roundAOESummoned smoke warg

Smoke Allows the goblin to greatly improve the power of a summoned smoke warg into no longer simply being a mount, but a combat ready battle warg for the duration of the Smoke Warg spell. This power effectively adds 5 minutes to the casting time of Smoke Warg, but once summoned, the warg is a more real, having been empowered with more elemental smoke power. In addition to the abilities of the original spell, the warg is now an 8HD creature (generally between 120-140hp; DEF 24; immune to mind affecting spells; DM) and appears more vicious and intimidating with two attacks/rnd (claw/bite) at the caster’s BAB and doing (d6 claw/d10 bite w/+1 damage/2 caster levels.) Additionally, the warg is intelligent (Int 10) and capable of conversing w/the goblin in any of his natural languages and thus able to follow reasonable instructions (DM.) The warg is also an exceptional tracker, being able to track any creature identified by the caster (DM) at a base 100% chance (-5%/hour old the trail is) and has infravision, detect invisible and see into the Astra and Umbra at a range of 50 yards. Additionally, if separated, the caster may see/sense through the warg at will

Smoke of Disguise 1/day
Range10 yards/levelDuration1 hour/level
Casting Time1 roundAOE25 creatures/level in range

Smoke Allows the goblin to summon smoke which masks a large group of creatures so they appear as something they are not for the duration. Creatures can be morphed to appear from the size of a small goblin (3ft tall) to a half-ogre (8ft 600lbs max) and their equipment and such can be any reasonable items, limited only by the goblin’s imagination (DM.) Through the use of this power, the goblin could make a group of disheveled poor goblins look like a heavily armored group of mountain dwarves or a small army of goblin trog fighters appear as troglodytes themselves. At a distance of more than 100 yards there is no saving throw, but once closer, creatures witnessing the disguised troops can make a Will save to disbelieve

Other known common Goblin magic styles

Zemja Magika – Earth Magic – Master Jadran

Duboko Magika – Black Magic (Darkness/Necro powers) – Master Boža

Svorje Magika – Creature Magic (Summoning/Charm) – Master Aldako

The Grandfather of Goblin Magika– Grandmaster Miljenko