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Storm Magic

Storm Magic

A multi-element magic blending lightning, sonic, wind and water, there is no specific guild for Storm Magic. Storm mages have long been feared and culled extensively by other “primary” elementalists since the days of the Magic Council. This was not helped by the fact that some of the most powerful storm mages of the time were loose cannons with designs on getting their hands on the artifact known as the Elemental Staff and forcing other wizards to recognize them. However, one of the greatest female proteges, called Venthys Stormchaser, student of the most powerful storm mage in ancient times survived, going into hiding with the aid of one of the Emerald Sky founders, Ioldrak-Suul. For thousands of years, storm mages have continued to pass down spells from teacher to student while remaining very secretive.

Ethos : There is not a guild, but rather principles passed from master to student with many variants between races and regions

Echelon of Power : None

Locations : None

Clothing : No restrictions, though naturally most tend to stick with storm related colors, blue, gray, black, gold, white, etc.

Storm Mage (Weather Magic)

Storm mages foster the growth of multi-elemental powers that mimic the various outputs of storms: rain, wind, thunder and lightning in various forms based on different masters and students. Since ancient times they have been considered a hunted type of wizard and thus generally go to great lengths to stay out of the limelight.

Admittance to the School : There are no schools, so a prospective student must be noticed or sought by a master storm mage in order to learn the discipline. The prospect must show physical fortitude and a strong level of concentration

Ability Requirements : Must meet all guild requirements and must additionally have a minimum Stamina of 12 and minimum Health of 12

Guild Member Restrictions : Guild members must show exceptional intuition and concentration to master the unwieldy elements related to storms, as well as good reasoning skills (minimum Intuition 14, minimum Willpower 12, minimum Reason 13)

Oppositional Spheres : Elemental Fire

Hierarchy : Apprentice (Level 0-1), Lesser Tempest (Level 1-2), Squall (Level 3-4), Greater Tempest (Level 5-6), Thunderstorm (Level 7-11), Thunder Master (Level 12-13), Superstorm (14+)

School Spells

Students of the practice gain access to all unique storm magic listed in the below special spell section. Students also automatically gain a certain number of elemental storm spells of the appropriate level. In addition, the students gain access to a random number of miscellaneous, non-oppositional magics, dependent on their teachers and their personal aptitude. Spell descriptions are attached below

        1st     Cooling Mist, Electric Aura, Tiny Thunderclap 
        2nd     3 
        3rd     3 
        4th     2 
        5th     2 
        6th     2 
        7th     1 
        8th     1 
        9th     1