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A calendar is simply a system for organizing days for social, religious and commercial reasons. Though many calendars have been developed over the millennia, the ones that have stood the test of time have all been based on cycles of the sun and moons. While there are actually a handful of major calendars in use with slight variances, for purposes of ease in the meta-game environment the Isengaardi calendar will be virtually the same as the Julian calendar we use. The Isengaard calendar was developed by the human race sometime during the Age of Humanity. For the most part, it is the standard for Central Al’Akwannon and all peripheral areas. Additionally, in the later ages, due to the great economic power and broad trade of the Central states, even more remote areas have adopted versions of the global calendar, though many use local naming conventions for months. Most certainly there are innumerable alternative calendars, local dialect variations of month names and season measuring standards used by different races, societies and groups across Al’Akwannon, but these are too far and varied to list. Use the below as rule of thumb

The first month of the Al'Akwannese calendar is the equivalent of the month of January on the Julian calendar. There are 31 days in the month, known in the ancient human language of Isengaardi Estron as Fröilun, meaning the season of cold. The month has various names depending on the region or racial group in question. Following are some of the major titles:

Isengaardi Estron Fröilun (season of cold) Central Al'Akwannon/Sunken Sea Region Iceheld (ice is holding fast) Great North/Barbarian Lands Vansis (deep level of stasis) Northwest Regions Morsugur (severeness) Deep North (Northeast) Tycuza (pole perch) Far West Darkice (old ice) Southwest Peninsula Yax (green storm) Far East Ashvani (harnessing of horses) Hordelands Bituun (cold iron) Torosia Thout (early planting) Elvish Deepfrost (deep in the frosty times) Orcish Bo’Katuc (ice fist) Dwarven Coldforge (rest from heavy forge work) Yakushima/Eastern Continent Ichigatsu Xia’Xuan/Great Empire Yi Yue

The second month of the Al'Akwannese calendar is the equivalent of the month of February on the Julian calendar. There are 30 days in the month, known in the ancient language as Dégèlun, meaning the season of thaw. The month has various names depending on the region or racial group in question. Following are the major titles:

Isengaardi Estron Dégèlun (season of thaw) Central Al'Akwannon/Sunken Sea Bleaking (bleak weather days) Great North/Barbarian Lands Bevegis (cold and wind) Northwest Regions Hornung (shedding of antlers) Deep North (Northeast) Luty (hard frost) Far West Wetice (beginning of the melt) Southwest Peninsula Yahx’In (the new sun) Far East Bahrani (season of fertility) Hordelands Batuuz (sacrifice of the goat) Torosia Baba (flood times) Elvish Crackingice (ice begins to break) Orcish Bo’Shan (ice shatter) Dwarven Deepmine (begin new mining) Yakushima/North Eastern Continent Nigatsu Xia’Xuan/Great Empire Er Yue

The third month of the Al'Akwannese calendar is the equivalent of the month of March on the Julian calendar. There are 33 days in the month, known in the ancient language as Pleùlun, meaning the season of rain. Traditionally the spring equinox happens around the first third of this month each year. The month has various names depending on the region or racial group in question. Following are the major titles:

Isengaardi Estron Pleùlun (season of rain) Central Al'Akwannon/Sunken Sea Mistfall (morning mists/fog) Great North/Barbarian Lands Dodis (quiet old ice) Northwest Regions Lenzinat (coming of spring) Deep North (Northeast) Brezien (awakening of the birch trees) Far West Coldwind (cold winds from the coast) Southwest Peninsula Sek (the watering time) Far East Krittika (time of the cut) Hordelands Tsagaan (white month/milk) Torosia Hathor (receding of the floods) Elvish Coldrain (early season rains) Orcish Ku’Mag (wet mud) Dwarven Firstmint (begin new minting) Yakushima/North Eastern Continent Sangatsu Xia’Xuan/Great Empire San Yue

The fourth month of the Al'Akwannese calendar is the equivalent of the month of April on the Julian calendar. There are 32 days in the month, known in the ancient language as Réillun, meaning the season of thunder. The month has various names depending on the region or racial group in question. Following are the major titles:

Isengaardi Estron Réillun (season of thunder) Central Al'Akwannon/Sunken Sea Cannonsky (cannons of the sky) Great North/Barbarian Lands Sturmvind (storm wind) Northwest Regions Ostarmund (homage to the goddess) Deep North (Northeast) Kwiat (early flowers bloom) Far West Darkcloud (storm clouds) Southwest Peninsula Mol (never ending water) Far East Rohini (time of the banyans) Hordelands Khadag (month of blue silk) Torosia Khoiak (month of the bull) Elvish Stormwind (spring storms) Orcish Ku’Dakut (wet plants) Dwarven Fireforge (begin true forging) Yakushima/North Eastern Continent Shigatsu Xia’Xuan/Great Empire Si Yue

The fifth month of the Al'Akwannese calendar is the equivalent of the month of May on the Julian calendar. There are 33 days in the month, known in the ancient language as Fleùlun, meaning the season of flowers. The month has various names depending on the region or racial group in question. Following are the major titles:

Isengaardi Estron Fleùlun (season of flowers) Central Al'Akwannon/Sunken Sea Lifebloom (life blossoms everywhere) Great North/Barbarian Lands Regnforaven (rains of heaven) Northwest Regions Wonnemond (the blissful month) Deep North (Northeast) Kveten (month of grasses) Far West Liferain (water breeds new life) Southwest Peninsula Muwan (water seed life) Far East Touba (crop growth) Hordelands Mrigashirsha (time of forests and gardens) Torosia Touba (crop growth) Elvish Lifewind (warm breeze and coming of life) Orcish Ku’Jamus (growth among the damp) Dwarven Newaxe (begin weapon forging) Yakushima/North Eastern Continent Gogatsu Xia’Xuan/Great Empire Wu Yue

The sixth month of the Al'Akwannese calendar is the equivalent of the month of June on the Julian calendar. There are 32 days in the month, known in the ancient language as Viëlun, meaning the season of life. Traditionally the summer solstice begins around the middle of this month. The month has various names depending on the region or racial group in question. Following are the major titles:

Isengaardi Estron Viëlun (season of life) Central Al'Akwannon/Sunken Sea Lifesong (crying of babies) Great North/Barbarian Lands Ormsturg (awakening of plants) Northwest Regions Brachmund (crop rotation) Deep North (Northeast) Czerven (bee grub) Far West Warmbloom (temperature warms and plants bloom) Southwest Peninsula K’ank’in (yellow sun) Far East Ardra (invulnerability) Hordelands Saikhan (kiss the cheek) Torosia Meshir (genius of wind) Elvish Leafsong (sounds of the forest abound) Orcish Cha’Obeg (warm games) Dwarven Shortbeard (birth of young ones) Yakushima/North Eastern Continent Rokugatsu Xia’Xuan/Great Empire Liu Yue

The seventh month of the Al'Akwannese calendar is the equivalent of the month of July on the Julian calendar. There are 35 days in the month, known in the ancient language as Anölun, meaning the season of sun. The month has various names depending on the region or racial group in question. Following are the major titles:

Isengaardi Estron Anölun (season of sun) Central Al'Akwannon/Sunken Sea Sunwarm (sun is warm) Great North/Barbarian Lands Nygress (growth of plant and animals) Northwest Regions Heuert (month of hay) Deep North (Northeast) Lipiec (warm trees) Far West Earlysun (early morning sunshine) Southwest Peninsula Sip (conjunction of the sun) Far East Punarvasu (start afresh) Hordelands Khorol (rest and games) Torosia Paremhat (month of honor) Elvish Lightbeams (long days, lots of light) Orcish Cha’Motak (warm hunting) Dwarven Secondmint (second coin minting) Yakushima/North Eastern Continent Shichigatsu Xia’Xuan/Great Empire Qi Yue

The eighth month of the Al'Akwannese calendar is the equivalent of the month of August on the Julian calendar. There are 33 days in the month, known in the ancient language as Chällun, meaning the season of heat. Following are the major titles:

Isengaardi Estron Chällun (season of heat) Central Al'Akwannon/Sunken Sea Burnsun (sunburns and lots of heat) Great North/Barbarian Lands Manevarm (warm days) Northwest Regions Ermanod (harvest month) Deep North (Northeast) Sierp (the sickle) Far West Warmnights (warmth well into the evening) Southwest Peninsula Sotz’ (nights of many bats) Far East Pushya (month of gold) Hordelands Naadam (stifling heat) Torosia Baramouda (month of the cobra) Elvish Skyfire (lots of heat, seeking of shade) Orcish Cha’Zak (warm hammer) Dwarven Longfeast (season of celebrations) Yakushima/North Eastern Continent Hachigatsu Xia’Xuan/Great Empire Ba Yue

The ninth month of the Al'Akwannese calendar is the equivalent of the month of September on the Julian calendar. There are 33 days in the month, known in the ancient language as Saùlun, meaning the season of change. Traditionally the fall equinox begins around the middle of this month. Following are the major titles:

Isengaardi Estron Saùlun (season of change) Central Al'Akwannon/Sunken Sea Sunwane (sunny days but cooler) Great North/Barbarian Lands Ahvling (warm but cooling) Northwest Regions Witumanod (month of leaves) Deep North (Northeast) Warzien (heather proliferating) Far West Lastsun (last sun to enjoy before cooler weather) Southwest Peninsula Zol (nights of the owl) Far East Ashleshar (spear of fire) Hordelands Yarmag (horse breaking) Torosia Ashons (time of the righteous) Elvish Colorleaf (leaves begin to color) Orcish Ho’Dagu (cool colors) Dwarven Breakearth (second season of mining) Yakushima/North Eastern Continent Kugatsu Xia’Xuan/Great Empire Jiu Yue

The tenth month of the Al'Akwannese calendar is the equivalent of the month of October on the Julian calendar. There are 31 days in the month, known in the ancient language as Chölun, meaning the season of death. Following are the major titles:

Isengaardi Estron Chölun (season of death) Central Al'Akwannon/Sunken Sea Leafall (leaves fall) Great North/Barbarian Lands Hohst (chill returns to the air) Northwest Regions Gilbhard (yellowing of the forest) Deep North (Northeast) Padzierz (yellow leaves) Far West Longrest (rest and celebrations post harvest) Southwest Peninsula Ch’en (the black storm) Far East Magha (month of the throne) Hordelands Gharid (month of birds) Torosia Ba’ouna (valley festivals) Elvish Barebranch (leaves fall) Orcish Ho’Rabik (cool baring/stripping) Dwarven Hearthfire (family times/bloodline celebrations) Yakushima/North Eastern Continent Juugatsu Xia’Xuan/Great Empire Shi Yue

The eleventh month of the Al'Akwannese calendar is the equivalent of the month of November on the Julian calendar. There are 30 days in the month, known in the ancient language as Néilun, meaning the season of snow. Following are the major titles:

Isengaardi Estron Néilun (season of snow) Central Al'Akwannon/Sunken Sea Frostfall (morning frost) Great North/Barbarian Lands Almane (snow storms) Northwest Regions Nebelung (season of fog) Deep North (Northeast) Listopad (carpet of fallen leaves) Far West Deepmud (fall rains begin) Southwest Peninsula Xul (month of dogs) Far East Chitra (the bright jewel, bright moon) Hordelands Airagyn (horse races) Torosia Epip (late harvesting, second season) Elvish Coldwind (chill back in the air) Orcish Ho’Makat (cool and snow) Dwarven Bladesharp (season of weapon maintenance) Yakushima/North Eastern Continent Juuichigatsu Xia’Xuan/Great Empire Shi Yi Yue

The twelfth month of the Al'Akwannese calendar is the equivalent of the month of December on the Julian calendar. There are 31 days in the month, known in the ancient language as Glälun, meaning the season of ice. Traditionally the winter solstice begins around the second third of this month. The month has various names depending on the region or racial group in question. Following are the major titles:

Isengaardi Estron Glälun (season of ice) Central Al'Akwannon/Sunken Sea Newice (ice, snow and cold) Great North/Barbarian Lands Nyis (freezing) Northwest Regions Ylir (snow and ice) Deep North (Northeast) Grudan (frozen ground) Far West Firstfreeze (ice and snow) Southwest Peninsula Wayeb (the unlucky days) Far East Svati (celebration of family) Hordelands Mergen (season of marksmen/archery) Torosia Mesra (birth of the sun) Elvish Feathersnow (light fluffy new snow) Orcish Bo’Imruk (ice hardening) Dwarven Longbeard (reverence for the old ones) Yakushima/North Eastern Continent Juunigatsu Xia’Xuan/Great Empire Shi Er Yue

There are 381 days in a standard calendar year