Personal Names
Personal Names
Onomastic scholars trace the evolution of names back to their etymological origin to decipher what they mean, how they are used in various cultures and why certain names are chosen more often by parents than others. Their research in various regions of Al‟Akwannon have helped come up with some basic classification for certain groups of names that are prevalent in a particular area or group of areas. Below is the result of this research
Human Name Evolution
Humans are more far flung than any other race on the face of Al‟Akwannon. Though all base their language source on Proto Estron, most truly traceable factors in names do not quite trace back this far. Reviewing the language tree may help or confuse the matter, but for properly naming your character, use the below for help, keeping in mind where your character is from, not necessarily where the game begins
Sunken Sea Region
Regions of Hippocrane, Morgana, Gul, Sarad, Vakourrei, Mendaas, Thazool, Suzarail, Thorl and Horse Lords – as people whose derivative language was Eastern Estron, utilize fantasy appropriate Italian-ish style names. Names almost always end in a vowel with “o” being common in men and “a” being common in women. As always, naming is dependant on parents and thus there are always exceptions (parents travel and like a foreign name, parents make something up randomly, parents assign non-standard proper names [such as the equivalents of Summer, Crystal, Canyon and Mace in our real world])
Some sample names would be: Male – Alessio, Cesare, Dario, Gaspare, Giovanni, Luca, Mattia, Raul, Sansone, Ulisse Female – Alessia, Caprise, Elena, Grazia, Marzia, Orsina, Samanta, Tiziana, Velia, Zeta
Below is a helpful link (there is a link on this page to female names as well)
Western Great North
Regions of Kaltesvard, Pheralon, the Fjordlands, Balconis and the Kingdom of Uln – the Norlan people who settled this area have a language derived from Old Barbaric and utilize fantasy appropriate Swedish/Norwegian-ish style names. Male names often end in a consonant and are often N, R, D and S, but certainly not exclusive. Female names often end in a vowel with “a” being common in women. As always, naming is dependant on parents and thus there are always exceptions (parents travel and like a foreign name, parents make something up randomly, parents assign non-standard proper names [such as the equivalents of Summer, Crystal, Canyon and Mace in our real world])
Some sample names would be: Male – Andor, Dagrun, Gulbrand, Haldor, Jorgun, Magnus, Njal, Oyston, Ragnar, Solveig, Tollak, Valdemar Female – Birgitta, Eirika, Halla, Jahnna, Kaia, Margit, Petra, Runa, Sanna, Thora, Ulrika, Ylva
Below is a helpful link (there is a link on this page to female names as well)
Regions of Thelgar – the Fenni are a people whose derivative language was also Old Barbaric but arrived in the lands centuries before the Norlans and had a divergent language path. For Fenni people of Thelgar and the scattered nomads of the far north utilize fantasy appropriate Fin-ish style names. Names almost always end in a vowel for both men and women and many names contain a double vowel. As always, naming is dependant on parents and thus there are always exceptions (parents travel and like a foreign name, parents make something up randomly, parents assign non-standard proper names [such as the equivalents of Summer, Crystal, Canyon and Mace in our real world])
Some sample names would be: Male – Aatami, Eero, Heikki, Ilmari, Jaska, Kaleva, Lasse, Markku, Oskari, Raimo, Santtu, Taavi, Viljaa Female – Akka, Eevi, Helka, Inka, Jaana, Kirsi, Liisi, Marjukka, Piia, Ritva, Stiina, Viivi
Below is a helpful link (there is a link on this page to female names as well)
Southern Southwest Peninsula
Regions of the Empire of Cha’Akun, Ajaxil of Mata Capac, Tolemec Ajaxil, Sajalan of Cuzcual and Kalakmul – the people who settled this area have a language derived from Old Akun and utilize fantasy appropriate Mayan, Aztec, Olmec style names. Male names end regularly in both consonants and vowels but are often L, A, N and I endings, but certainly not exclusive. Female names often end in a vowel with A and I being the most common. As always, naming is dependant on parents and thus there are always exceptions (parents travel and like a foreign name, parents make something up randomly, parents assign non-standard proper names [such as the equivalents of Summer, Crystal, Canyon and Mace in our real world])
Some sample names would be: Male – Ahexotl, Chantico, Maxtla, Huemac, Olintecke, Zolin, Tenoch, Xilotzin, Pochotl, Quauhtli Female – Atzi, Chima, Eloxi, Ixchiel, Malinche, Namilizi, Pipinxi, Tayanna, Uacali, Xilonen
Below is a helpful link (there is a link on this page to female names as well)
Goblin Name Evolution
Goblins are quite likely the most widespread of the Uruk races, other than the pseudo race of half-orcs. All goblins, however, base their language roots in the area of the Ahg-Mahad and Uruk languages and from all indications, goblin naming reflects this influence even in the far flung Vapna Dzahad far from any strong Uruk influence. For properly naming your goblin character, use the below for help, keeping in mind where your character is from, not necessarily where the game begins
Underdark Regions of the Hakh-Zherad (Isengaard), the Ahg-Mahad (East Wood), Giantlands and the Vapna Dzahad (SW Peninsula) – most goblins and creatures who grew up with goblins have names that derive from Uruk with some Torog influences from ancient times (that could only be identified by a linguist these days), utilize fantasy appropriate, simplified and “Uruk-ized” Croatian-ish style names. Names often end in harsh sounds or “ooulish” sounds, with males more often ending in the harsher “hard” endings, while females more often ending in the softer style. Keep in mind that goblins who grow up in orc clans and other areas tend to have their naming shift somewhat to a hybrid of Goblinoid names and the local naming conventions
Some sample names would be: Male – Balak, Dubrat, Grgur, Jozok, Morgu, Valnak, Umrik, Jadrank, Mirko, Velmag, Zakat Female – Capeka, Draganu, Jelka, Mojka, Snezanu, Tkana, Zlanu, Tajnu
Below is a helpful link (there is a link on this page to female names as well)
Kobold Name Evolution
None of the root
Underdark Regions of East Wood, XXX – most kobolds have names that derive from old Uruk ties with some Torog influences from ancient times (that could only be identified by a linguist these days), utilize fantasy appropriate, simplified and “Uruk-ized” Polish style names. Male names often end in harsh sounds or abrupt sounds, while females almost invariably end in an “ah” style. Keep in mind that kobolds who grow up in orc clans and other areas tend to have their naming shift somewhat to a hybrid of Kobold names and the local naming conventions
Some sample names would be: Male – Amadei, Cezar, Henio, Jarek, Kolek, Mieszko, Raclaw, Swietopelk, Teofil, Ulryk, Wojtek Female – Blanka, Dyta, Genowefa, Izolda, Nastusya, Tekla, Wisia, Zoja
Below is a helpful link (there is a link on this page to female names as well)
Probable Native Languages by Race
Arachnahdi most arachnahdi will speak either Urûk or Drusunge Emakiel as their primary language, depending on whether they or their guardians are originally from the Imlad Morgul or the Underdark. Unless a child is brought up without Arachnahdi influence, it is extremely rare for any other language to be primary. There is no official dialect associated with the arachnahdi, though some scholars insist there are some accentual differences
Avariel invariably, avariel speak their own sub-dialect of Eldarin known as Eldros as their primary language. Since no case has ever been documented of an avariel surviving childhood outside the confines of their racial homeland, the Qu‟Ciel, it is highly unlikely any other language will qualify as the native tongue
Barkah most barkah will speak their own dialect of Drusunge Emakiel known as Aamasil as their primary language. However, as solitary creatures, the barkah find more use for written language than that of the spoken word. As such, often an ancient or common writing language may end up as an alternate primary, depending on the child‟s guardian and upbringing
Centaurs almost invariably, centaurs speak their own sub-dialect of Sindarin known as Cinidar as their primary language. Similar to the avariel, it is rare to find a centaur youth who survives outside the confines of Centaur society. There are, however, several minor dialect variants of Cinidar spread throughout Western Al‟Akwannon
Deadeyes as a symbiotic race, deadeyes will speak a language prevalent in the region of their origin. Since deadeyes host in all the „elder‟ races, this can be quite varied. See the appropriate host race for a logical choice
Dwarves most dwarves, including all sub races speak one of the dialects of Daeron as their primary language, depending on their kingdom of origin. Occasionally, dwarves growing up in major metropolitan areas pick up a common tongue as their primary speech, but this is fairly rare, since most dwarves are staunch nationalists and are proud of the fact that Daeron has withstood the test of time
Elves most surface dwelling elves speak Sindarin as their primary language, though a higher percentage of gray elves speak Eldarin primarily. Occasionally, elves growing up in a major metropolitan area will pick up a common tongue as their primary speech, but this is fairly rare due to the prevalent elitist attitude held by many elves. Drow elves are almost certain to speak their own dialect of Drusunge Emakiel (Drosirin) as their primary language since it is extremely rare for juvenile drow to survive outside the influence of their brethren
Half-Elves as a half breed race, half-elves will speak a language prevalent in the region of their origin. For the most part halfelves find themselves as outcasts and, as such, are generally found speaking a common dialect as their primary tongue
Gnomes most surface gnomes speak their own dialect of Daeron, known as Gaeron, as their primary language. Surface gnomes do have a great deal of interaction with both Dwarven and Human societies, however, and it is not unlikely that children growing up in trade or metropolitan environments will pick up a common tongue or Daeron itself as their primary tongue. Svirfneblin primarily speak a sub-dialect of Gaeron called Gaeron Adânc (French base, Romanianized) as their primary tongue. However, there are many who speak their own dialect of Drusunge Emakiel, Fassil (Portuguese base, Slavic tones) as their root language. The split is primarily determined by a child‟s proximity to Dwarven culture or the mix of Underdark cultures
Goblins most goblins speak their own dialect of Urûk known as Ushak (Croatian base, Uruk-ized) as their primary language. Overall, it is fairly rare to find goblins who have survived outside the protection of the clans in their younger years and thus there is little variation to this rule
Halflings most halflings, including all sub races, speak the common dialect associated with their region of origin as their primary language. For the most part, halflings have been absorbed into Human society as simply „little people‟
Humans most humans, including all sub races, speak the common dialect associated with their region of origin. In general, humans are an extremely prolific race and there are numerous accounts of humans living among other societies. As such, it is not unlikely for a human to find themselves with another racial language as their primary tongue
Kobolds almost invariably kobolds speak their own dialect of Urûk known as Kusk (Polish base, slightly Uruk-ized) as their primary language. With their odd appearance and small stature, there are very few cases of kobold youths surviving outside the shelter of either Kobold or Orcish society. As such the only likely alternates for root language would be Ushak or the parent Urûk language
Lionmen nearly all lionmen speak their own dialect of Common known as La‟Ko Ska as their primary language. It is unlikely to find lionmen with other primary languages, simply because of the innate family bonds and heritage that are a part of Lionman culture. If there is an exception it is usually another common dialect in it‟s place
Half-Ogres as a half breed race, half-ogres will speak a language prevalent in their region of origin. Generally, since they are outcasts elsewhere, this is either Levathos or the common dialect of Aglid Lingra depending on where they grow up
Orcs speak Orcish
Half-Orcs -speak the language of their area of origin
Picis communicate with each other empathically but usually speak one of the southern dialect of Common depending on their origin point
Scaloids -speak the language of their area of origin
*Note although most will fall into the above major classifications, there are often sub-dialects and other factors which will alter the languages somewhat. The DM will ultimately handle character languages on a case by case basis
Al’Akwannon Language and Font Bases
Al’Akwannese (Curi’a and Medius) based on the English language, using Arial TTF
Aglid Lingra based on a Swedish/Norwegian/English hybrid, using Arial TTF
Aquila Loqua based on a Swahili/English hybrid, using Arial TTF
Inculaj Dihat based on an Arabic/English hybrid, using Arial TTF
Olon Di’Akat based on Mongolian, using Arial TTF
Inferan’Sermat based on a Tagalog/English hybrid, using Arial TTF
La’ko Ska based on a Lakota/Tsalagi/English hybrid, using Arial TTF
Ocaesyn Laenga based on a Gaelic/English hybrid, using Arial TTF
Pristinu Al'Akwannu based on Old English, using Arial TTF
Bagoth (Scorpion Tongue) based on the Turkish language, using WP Arabic Sihafa TTF
Daeron (Dwarven) based on the Romanian language, using Elder Futhark TTF
Gaeron Adanc – Svirfneblin Gnome sub-language based on French, using Elder Futhark TTF
Draglossa (Draconian) based on the Greek language, using Runes of the Dragon TTF
Drakh-Nhagi (Pratuseh/Chaos Tongue) based on the Sanskrit language, using Meroitic Demotic TTF
Drusunge Emakiel (Black Tongue/Drow/Undercommon) based on the Bulgarian language, using Shadow TTF
Aamasil – Barkah sub-language based on Dutch, same font as Black Tongue
Fassil – Svirfneblin Gnome sub-language based on Portuguese, same font as Black Tongue
Eldarin (Ancient Elven) based loosely on the Afrikaans language, using Angerthas TTF
Estron (Ancient Al’Akwannese/Human) based on the Latin language, using Alphabet of the Magi TTF
Ikrademaas (Ethereal/Githyanki) based on the ??? language, using Aurabesh TTF
La’Shon Ru’Ach (Spirit Tongue) based on the Hebrew language, using EVA Hand 1 TTF
Lau-Mara (Ancient Picis Magic) no written language, vocalizations based on Esperanto
Riesig Zunge (Giant Tongue) based on the Germanic language, using Ugarit TTF
Sindarin (Modern Elven) based on the Danish language, using Brakiri TTF
Torog (Ancient Orcish) based on the Slovok language, using Gabrial Ator TTF
Urûk (Modern Orcish) based on the Klingon language, using Skaven TTF
Kusk – Kobold sub-language based on Polish, same font as Uruk
Ushak – Goblin sub-language based on Croatian, same font as Uruk