Central Al'Akwannon Commerce
Central Al'Akwannon Commerce
For the most part, a central, influential and powerful country in each region sets the monetary standard for the whole of that region...it is no different on Al’Akwannon. The major regions are; the Sunken Sea Basin, the Far West, the Fey Kingdoms, the Southwestern Peninsula, the Near East, the Hordelands, the Deep North, the Savage Sea Region, Torosia and the Great North. Central Al'Akwannon, the region which surrounds the Sunken Sea (see map) is generally thought of as the main center of economics on Al'Akwannon and has basically set the standard by which all other currencies are measured. The system is silver based, with an agreed upon weight value and certain anti-shaving and counterfiting measures required. Each of the capitals mints a version of the listed coins, each with their own depictions on the coin faces. They are universally accepted within the realms of that region and usually gain quite a fair exchange in most other regions, shady individuals not withstanding. All values are matched against the Silver Standard (the precident set by ancient standards, approximately the equivalent of a gold piece in standard AD&D and roughly $20 US currency)
Coins of the Sunken Sea Basin (Central Al'Akwannon)
Most everything in Central Al’Akwannon was originally based on the value of the Isengaardi Silver Coriel. Coriels and other currencies were originally minted in the first human city of Isengaard, the original seat of human civilization, though it is now long in ruin. Today there are mints in each of the central great cities; Hippocrane, Cirdan, Isengrim, Lor’Aserion, Tynderius and Morgana. Since the advent of the Age of Darkness, the Tynderian mint has supplanted Hippocrane as the mitigating standard for the Sunken Sea region. All of the countries and territories of the Sunken Sea region utilize virtually the same coinage listed below. Each implements its own artwork, wording and overall design while weight and value remain the same throughout the region:
Proper Name Informal Name Silver Standard Value Modern Equivalent
Tynderian Gold Full Stater High Stater (STAY-tur) 100 SS 2000 dollars
Tynderian Gold Stater Stater 20 SS 400 dollars
Tynderian Gold Half Stater Half Stater 10 SS 200 dollars
Tynderian Gold Quarter Stater Gold Quarter 5 SS 100 dollars
Tynderian Silver Coriel Coriel (kor-EE-el) 1 SS 20 dollars
Tynderian Silver Half Coriel Half Coriel .5 SS 10 dollars
Tynderian Silver Quarter Coriel Silver Quarter .25 SS 5 dollars
Tynderian Copper Potin Potin (Potina) (po-TEE-nuh) .05 SS 1 dollar
Tynderian Copper Half Potin Half Potin .025 SS 50 cents
Tynderian Copper Potin Piece Copper Piece .0125 SS 25 cents