Human, kadarin
Human, kadarin
Kadarin, meaning “balanced” in the ancient tongue of Estron, are hybrids of the human race designed to be elite calvary with exceptional balance and coordination. During the Age of Civilization and the massive human expansion, they proliferated to the corners of the known world among various armies and mercenary companies. In the modern world, genetic experiments are no longer in practice, in fact they’ve been gone for over a thousand years interbreeding with common humans. However, the powerful genetic code some times takes hold manifesting in a human in near perfect replication of their original breeding. For the most part, Kadarin are indiscernible from normal humans. They are genetically somewhat shorter and lighter weight than average humans, designed to minimize impact on mounts, especially light and medium calvary. Their hair, skin and eye color range in the normal spectrum for humans
Racial Abilities / Skills
(70cp to spend on the below abilities, the stock Human will have the * abilities at 33cp with 37cp free)
**Kadarin have natural affinity toward domesticated animals, especially horses