Linguistic scholars contest many things as do all who study the ancient past. However it is commonly agreed that communication between ancient humans on Al’Akwannon appears to have been around for easily two hundred thousand years. Finding ties to ancient language is not always easy though and scholars also agree that somewhere between 5,000 and 7,000 years, depending on the language, the traces to prior language is lost.
Approximately 5,500 years ago, archaeological evidence shows that several early tribes of human farmers lived in, what was at the time, an extremely fertile lowland approximately 100 miles north of ruins of Isengaard. These tribes all spoke the same language. They would eventually become the first humans to tame wild horses in the area and over the next thousand years would begin to slowly spread, taking along with them their language. Spreading to the corners of Al’Akwannon, their language would gradually change into hundreds of mutually unintelligible languages.
This early language has been called Proto Estron and though not spoken at all, has been reconstructed from knowledge of the oldest examples of classical and modern languages. With the exception of a few strange pockets of language that currently possess inexplicable sources, this is the primary root language of all languages spoken by humans on the Occidental continent of Al’Akwannon.
None of the root language offshoots of Proto Estron are generally spoken languages anymore. Though possibly dozens of additional languages may have evolved from Proto Estron and subsequently died out without any written record over thousands of years after their earliest ties, these secondary root languages have ties from over 3000 years old. Each has many representative texts that can be traced back to various offshoots of humanity as they evolved in different locations. For game purposes, the below languages can only be purchased as ancient languages and with the exception of Estron Arcanum should come with some good reasoning as to why the PC would know such things (i.e. – you’re a scholar of linguistics!)
Ancient Curi’a Estron – also known as Isengaardi Estron, it is considered by many the purest form of Al'Akwannese and is the source language for the central dialects of Modern Al’Akwannese (or Common Tongue.) This ancient language is one of the few nearly pre-historic languages still spoken occasionally, though not by any actual known populace. Instead it is a language used by scholars, linguists and others interested in keeping an ancient language alive. Additionally, there are a great number of texts available at libraries all over the world penned in this language, more than 100,000 times the number found in any other proto-language. Ancient Curi’a Estron mimics our own Latin language as its basis.
Estron Arcanum – also known as the Magic Language, is very similar to Ancient Curi’a Estron. It is considered a separate language due to large amounts of arcane jargon which would mean nothing to an average person. Additionally there is a great deal of tonal differences in speaking this language based on the actuation of mystic formulae. The language, however, is based on a pseudo version of our own Latin language as is Curi’a.
Inculaj Dihat – also known as Ancient Desert Estron for the people migrating into the desert regions east and south of Isengaard, Inculaj Dihat is the root of nearly all languages spoken in the Far East. It is also the parent language for languages that evolved on the continent of Torosia. Inculaj Dihat has at least 2,000 years of language evolution from Proto-Estron and shows little semblance to its original source in discovered ancient writings. While there are some scholars able to read this language, it is no longer spoken. Inculaj Dihat mimics our own Proto Indo-Iranian source language as its basis.
Aquila Loqua – also known as Ebon Tongue for the generally dark skinned people who originally spoke this offshoot language of Inculaj Dihat. Aquila Loqua evolved far away from Inculaj Dihat over the course of at least 1,000 years with people on the small continent of Torosia.
Aglid Lingra – also known as the Ancient Cold Tongue due simply to the temperatures of the areas north of the White Mountains where the original speakers of this language lived. It is the parent language for nearly all languages spoken throughout the Great North. Aglid Lingra has over 2,500 years of language evolution from Proto-Estron and shows little semblance to its original source in discovered ancient writings. There are scholars who can read this language, which is mostly comprised of ancient runic inscriptions from stones and cave drawings, but it is no longer spoken. Aglid Lingra mimics our own Proto-Germanic source language as its basis.
Ocaesyn Laenga – also known simply as the Western Tongue, Ocaesyn Laenga was originally spoken in the Far Western regions of Al’Akwannon, beyond the massive forested area of Lothlorien. It is the parent language for nearly all languages spoken in the Far West and Fey Kingdoms. Ocaesyn Laenga is likely the most ancient of the root languages after Curi’a, with roughly 3,000 years of language evolution from the Proto-Estron source. As its root language cousins, it shows little resemblance to the sources found in ancient writings. There a fair number of scholars who can read this language and there are records that some small pockets of people actually speak the Old Tongue. Ocaesyn Laenga mimics our own Proto-Celtic source language as it’s basis.
Vàihrlig Laangael – the Green Tongue is probably the oldest living language (though Estron Arcanum is mostly living due to a good number of spell casters) being spoken among the various druids on the Isle of Viridian. The language bears little resemblance to the next oldest Ocaesyn Laenga offshoot of Old Rotharian. Though classified as an ancient language, any character playing a druid from Viridian may purchase this as a modern language.
Though ancient languages which spawned from the root languages can be spoken they are not generally spoken by any known general populace anymore. However, there are exceptions! There are likely dozens of additional ancient languages which have died out without any known written records over the thousands of years of language evolution. These ancient languages are all at least 2500 years old. Each has many representative texts that can be traced back from old languages.
Eastern Estron – originally a minor dialect difference used by miners and traders headed east from Isengaard, this offshoot language evolved to a distinct difference over the course of several hundred years. (French)
Southern Estron – originally (Italian)
La’ko Ska also known as Tin-Aka or the Roaring Speech, La’ko Ska is spoken almost exclusively by Lionmen. This ancient language is an offshoot of original Proto-Estron and is believed to have been based primarily on early lionmen learning the Estron alphabet. Thus words from this language share little resemblance to any of the other ancient languages. La’ko Ska is probably the oldest living “human” language spoken by the general populace and is spoken almost exclusively by lion people in the Veldt of South Central Al’Akwannon. Most native Lionmen have at least some of this accent in their voice. The closest modern approximation would be a Plains Native North American language (such as Sioux)
Old Occitani – Old Occitani is a language originally spoken by people from ancient lands which now comprise southern Isengrim, southern portions of the Eastern Empire and the Fang Lands. Huge numbers of these peoples were enslaved by the Isengaardi and pretty much built the boom towns of Isengrim and Cirdan. This language had a large impact on the development of the modern language of Cirigran, spoken widely in the states of the aforementioned cities. Old Occitani is still spoken today in ancient prayers and among various secret orders of these ethnic people
Old Jhandar – originally
Old Torosian – originally
Ancient Chiopti – originally
Old Rotharian – originally
Southern Estron – originally
Old High Ryndi – originally
Old Krystallian – originally
Elder Skaag – originally
Old B’aakal – originally
Old Akun – originally
Old Languages
These old languages are all at least 1000 years old, but many range over 2000 years of age. Several of these old languages find small pockets of people (generally who trace ethnicity to a time predating the current political environment) who still speak one of these languages to this day.
Old Hippocranian – originally
Old High Moraan – originally
Old Common – originally
Old High Cirdanese – originally
Old Rotharian – originally
Occitani – originally
Middle Jhandar – originally
Olon Di’Akat (Horde Jhandar) – originally
Classic Jhandar – originally
Torosian – originally
Chiopti – originally
Old Rotharian – originally
North Skaag – originally
West Skaag – originally
Eastern Skaag – originally
Old Barbaric – originally
Krystallian – originally
Rotharian – originally
Ryndi – originally
B’aakal – originally
The trade languages of Al’Akwannon are regionally spoken languages that have evolved to facilitate communication between various ethnic populations in fairly large regions. These are generally amalgamated languages, having various input from several older languages of the region in question. While these languages tend to evolve century after century with new jargon and the like, each common language has been in use for at least a thousand years. These languages generally mimic highly prolific languages in our own world (i.e. – English, Spanish, French, Hindu, etc.)
Common – or properly called, Medius Common, the Common tongue is the common language of all Central Al’Akwannon and is probably the language spoken by the most people on the entire Occidental Continent. From the borders of Lothlorien to the Eastern Empire; from the Rune Sea to the northern reaches of Krystallia almost everyone learns to speak it. Additionally, it is known by merchants and traders far flung and is an often known language beyond the central Al’Akwannese area much like Latin was in the days of the Roman Empire and throughout the Dark and Medieval Ages.
Thiar – also known as Western Trade, Thiar is spoken throughout the Far West and Fey Kingdoms. From the eastern borders of Lothlorien to the Endless Sea and from the northern portions of Bragnaca and Chimu to the southern portions of the Dark Marche and Jandros, nearly everyone knows this language. Second only to Medius Common, Thiar is probably the most prolific language of Occidental Al’Akwannon. The language is also known fairly commonly in the countries between the Far West and the states of Hippocrane and Morgana.
Praachi – also known as Eastern Trade tongue, Praachi is spoken throughout the Far East and the Hordelands. From the western edges of the Al’Makkar and Southern Empire, to the furthest reaches of the Hordelands and to the shores of the Savage and Hurricane Seas, nearly everyone knows this language. There are also a fair number of speakers in the states of Isengrim, Cirdan and Tynderius as trade with them has been prolific, but generally the onus of knowing Medius Common falls on the traders from the Eastern Trade regions. While officially the third most widely used language, Praachi is not terribly far behind Thiar.
Selja – also known as Northwestern Trade, Selja is spoken throughout the Great North. From the southern edges of the Dark Marche and Jandros to the shores of the Northern Fjords and from the shores of the Endless Sea into the edges of the realm of the Dragon Lords, nearly everyone knows this language. The language is also fairly common into the states of Krystallia and Morgana, but as with Praachi in the southeast, the onus of understanding Medius Common falls primarily on the traders from the barbarian lands.
Fornjing – also known as Northeastern Trade, Fornjing is spoken throughout the Deep North. From the southern edges of the Giantlands and Daloch to the shores of the North Sea and from the realm of the Dragon Lords in the west to the shores of the Hurricane Sea, nearly everyone knows this language. There are also a fair number of speakers in the northern reaches of the Hordelands and the states of Cirdan and Krystallia. However, Fornjing bows to both Medius Common and Praachi as a lesser form of language as preferred by traders in these areas.
Tregti – also known as Southern Trade, Tregti is the youngest of all the trade languages having been in existence only a little over 300 years. Tregti is prolific in the northeastern portions of the Southwest Peninsula and almost everyone in the area knows this language. Reaching further south into the jungles of the Peninsula, Tregti is much more like Spanish and Portugese in the jungles of the Amazon. Running across tribes and civilizations hidden within the jungle, there may be one or a handful of Tregti speakers, but the general populace will speak their local tongue. There are a fair number of Tregti users in the Golden Triangle and there is a actually a dialect of Pirate Tregti that is spoken in complete code.
Modern Human Languages There are nearly a hundred different modern languages in Occidental Al’Akwannon ranging anywhere from thousands of speakers to millions of speakers. Widely spoken languages are those spoken by at least one million speakers. Other languages can range from several thousand to hundreds of thousands. Languages are listed in order of estimated number of users of the language:
Central Al’Akwannese Languages (Use Fantasy Styled Italian) Widely Spoken – Cirigran (both Isengrim and Cirdan), Hippocranian, Tynderian, Moraan (Morgana) Other Languages – Khalarian Old Trade, Saradi, Gulish, Mendaasian, Suzaraali, Vakourrian, Thazooli, Black Hippocranian, Thorlian, Equesta, High Cirdanese
Far West Languages Widely Spoken – Rotharian, Ryndi, Ostenaari, Armaeghian Other Languages – Eridanian, Kherish, Brekkanic, Astron, Bragnacian, Banalti, Duirnish, Lokorian, Black Rotharic, Mhanish, Lythandian
Far East Languages (Use Fantasy Styled Urdu/Hindi) Widely Spoken – Jhandar, Olon Di’Akat, Torosian, Chiopti Other Languages – Black Torosian, Khorogi, Occitani, Southern Jhandar, Makkar, Avarii, Sunedaari, Tanit, Kummoku, Mufta Jhandar, Sher Jhandar, Gold Chiopti, Gyantanese
Northwest Languages Widely Spoken – Krystallian, Kaltic Other Languages – Pheralon, Barbaric, Thelgaric, Ulnic, Balconic, Jandros, Fjord Kaltic, Marche Pheralon
Northeast Languages Widely Spoken – Folkungur, Joten Skaag Other Languages – Hedmarke Skal, Holaric, Hring Skaag, Dalochi Skal, Mandrok Skaag, Slesva, Reach Skaag, Barrenic Skaag
Southern Languages Widely Spoken – Sythian, B’aakal, (the Mayan one) Other Languages – Kuushite, Chimucic, Iaxchii, Cab’Nal
While humans are by far the most prolific racial group on Al’Akwannon, each of the other elder races (Elves, Orcs and Dwarves) has their own language evolution
Daeron – also known simply as Dwarven, Daeron was the first language developed by the Dwarves, or Daer peoples, remaining mostly unchanged since ancient times. It is the only ancient language to have survived into full modern use by it’s people. There is a courtly dialect, known as Daeron Aectu, containing various etiquette subtleties which is spoken mostly by nobility but is easy to understand for any common speaker of Daeron. Several other dialects have been spawned from this aged language most notably the following: Daeron Norca, the dialect of the Northern Kingdom; Daeron Argintat, the dialect of the Kingdom of Silverlode; Gaeron, the dialect of most surface gnomes (which is quite difficult to understand) and Gaeron Adânc, the dialect of most svirfneblin (even more difficult than Gaeron.) Daeron sounds very much like Russian or Romanian and translated to Common, it looks much like this (these languages mimic the Balto-Slavic language tree):
vechi stapan voce, piatra incuiat (meaning the voice of the Dwarven Lord is locked in stone)
Phonetics (VEK-ee•stah-PAWN•vo-KAY, pee-AH-trah•ING-kwee-aht)
Its written form appears like this:
vehi stapn oc pr ubu
Eldarin also known as Ancient Elven or Oelvei Gearimaas, Eldarin was the first language developed by the Elves or Oelvei. It is the most ancient of all written languages and is additionally, perhaps, the most well documented ancient language, primarily because of racial longevity. Eldarin is still spoken regularly by courtly elves and it’s influence is felt strongly in proper naming even though most modern Oelvei speak Sindarin as their primary language. There are very few dialects of Eldarin, though the Avariel speak a major sub-dialect known as Eldros. Eldarin sounds very airy and translated to Common, it looks much like this (both Elvish languages follow the Italic language tree, with Eldarin being mostly tied to the Oscan language, while Sindarin is similar to Catalan):
boselas koninel eulieh oelseain as (meaning the forest kingdom will forever rise from it’s ashes)
Phonetics (bow-SELL-us•KO-nin-nel•oo-LEE-uh•ol-SAY-in•AHS)
Its written form appears like this:
Sindarin also known as simply Elvish or Oelveias, it is the common speech of the present day elves. There are a wide variety of dialects in various communities and among the Elvish subraces. Notably, Centaurs speak a sub-dialect of Sindarin known as Cinidar. Other well known dialects are Oelveias Vies (the Western Dialect), Oelveias Oues (the Eastern Dialect), Sindarin sounds very much like Danish or Dutch and although word formations can be easily traced back to Eldarin, it sounds far less mystic. Translated to Common it looks much like this:
om skov gennemga I allesjaelesdag (meaning the soul of the forest lives in everything)
Phonetics (OHM•SKOH•zyuh-NAY-muh•EE•awl-ess-YAWL-iss-duh)
Its written form appears like this:
om skv gnea ljd d ftyq
Drusunge Emakiel also known as Black Tongue or Undercommon, Drusunge Emakiel is the equivalent of the common language for creatures who live below the surface world in the Underdark or Drallamaail. The language was largely developed and propagated by the Drow, who were the first race to truly flourish in the underworld. Ironically, much of the languages’ roots are based on Ancient Orcish, which was the most prevalent language spoken in the Underdark before the advent of drow ancestors. There are a great many dialects of Black Tongue and some can be quite confusing to the average listener. The most notable dialects are as follows: Drosirin, the dialect of the Drow; Fasaal, a Svirfneblin dialect (though it is rarely their native language) and Aamasil, the dialect of the Barkah. Drusunge Emakiel sounds much like Estonian or Russian and translated to Common, it looks much like this:
drulatisek o tumedu, dragu meya drutamaas (meaning forever in darkness, yet we see)
Phonetics (dru-LA-te-sek•OH•too-MAY-doo, DRAW-goo•may-YAH•dru-TAH-mas)
Its written form appears like this:
ltisk ume ag mya tnp
Torog also known as Ancient Orcish or Urûk Antika, Torog was the first language developed by the Orcs or Urûkai. It is the most ancient of all spoken languages but has all but faded into obscurity with the exception of it’s nigh unknown impact on several other languages and sub-dialects. Torog was spoken by the orcish ancestors before the time of the Great Wars, yet now it is rarely known to any but the most educated and scholarly of the Urûkai. Spoken, Torog sounds much like a very stately and distinguished version of Slovak, though it is fading because of disuse. Translated to Common, it looks much like this:
ruca don ohromne kresat siroko vecny (meaning the fist of the mighty will eternally strike against the wicked)
Phonetics (roo-KAH•DON•oh-ROM-nee•kray-SAT•SA-row-koh•VEK-nee)
Its written form appears like this:
ruc ohmne krst iok vc
Urûk also known simply as Orcish, it is the common speech of the present day orcs, quite gruff and extremely different from their original language. There are a great many dialects and sub-dialects of Urûk, though the language does remain fairly consistent throughout the orcish nation. Of the many offshoots the most notable is Ushak a major sub-dialect spoken by Goblins and it is relatively easy for a common speaker of Urûk to understand. Urûk sounds much like the pseudo language of Klingon and translated to Common, it looks much like this:
bo-rak ku machak, kay pa razaan
Phonetics (BO-rok•KOO•MA-chok, KAY•PAH•rah-ZON)
Its written form appears like this:
In addition to the Common language and various dialects, there are ancient, racial and supernatural languages. As with Common, there are various dialects to all the modern versions, some more than others. Many ancient languages also have dialects and sub-dialects associated with them, but because of their obscurity, much of this knowledge has vanished or become extremely enigmatic
Bagoth also known as Scorpion Tongue, Bagoth is a minor language and the primary language of the Scorpion people. It is a relatively new language to the people of the prime material plane and few individuals outside of the Sea of Dust even know of it’s existence. There is only one known dialect. It sounds much like our Arabic and it is said that a Scorpion man speaking the common tongue sounds similar to the dialect of Inculaj Dihat. Translated to Common, it looks much like this:
akrep sevgili talimat derya toprak (meaning the scorpion queen rules in the Sea of Dust)
Phonetics (AK-rep•sev-GIL-ee•tuh-LEE-mot•DAY-rah•TO-prahk)
Its written form appears something like this:
Draglossa also known as Draconian, the language of Dragons, Draglossa is rarely spoken outside the Dragon Cults and lands where the Dragon Lords are worshiped. It is an ancient language, developed by dragons during the early ages of Al’Akwannon, and predates all of the humanoid languages. There are several dialects associated with different cults and dragon types, but all are generally understandable to the speaker of any main stream Draglossa dialect. It sounds very demonstrative, elaborate and similar in sound to our Greek. Translated to Common, it looks much like this:
drakon o arxomai chronos o archaios (meaning dragons have ruled since the ancient times)
Phonetics (drah-KON•O•ar-ZOH-my•KRO-nohs•O•ar-KAY-ohs)
Its written form appears like this:
Drakh-Nhagi also known as Chaos Tongue or Pratuseh, Drakh-Nhagi (drok-nag-e) is the root language of the Slaad and various demons of Limbo. As it’s Abyssal counterpart, it shares thousands of dialects and sub-dialects and is rarely heard beyond the Outer Planes. Also like it’s cousin language, most of the more ancient dialects are nigh unintelligible, as are some of the modern variations. Overall, Drakh-Nhagi is difficult to interpret and understand outside of one’s own habitat. Chaos Tongue sounds very guttural and gravelly, translated to Common, it looks much like this:
abhinizcita khalila yati loh vizvayoni (meaning it is certain that chaos is the beginning and end of the universe)
Phonetics (ah-BIN-hez-E-tuh•KA-lee-luh•ya-TEE•LO•YIZ-ya-yo-nee)
Its written form appears like this:
Estron also known as Ancient Al’Akwannese, Estron was the first language developed by Humans. At one time, there were several dialects which have now become all but extinct since that ancient era. The remaining dialect is thought to originate from the peoples of the great city of Isengaard, center of the ancient world and early magic development. Estron was the primary language during this formulaic development of magic and remains the phonetic origin of words of power, finding continued use in magic texts even to this day. As such, it has remained copious among wizards and sages, although primarily used for it’s power of invocation rather than common conversation. It sounds very much like our Latin language and translated to Common, it looks much like this:
ast ineo articulus, existo magus (meaning in the beginning only magic existed)
Phonetics (AHST•IN-ay-oh•ar-TIK-yoo-luhs, ex-ISS-tow•MAY-goos)
Its written form appears like this:
ast ineo rcul xmg hk
Ikrademaas also known as the Hand of the Gith, Ikrademaas (ay-krod-ay-moss) is the root language of the Githyanki and is also the root language of most of the intelligent Ethereal beings. As many other dimensional language forms, it shares thousands of dialects and is rarely heard beyond the Outer Planes. Also like most other dimensional tongues, most of the more ancient dialects are nigh unintelligible, as are some of the modern variations. In it’s purest form it sounds very quickly metered and perhaps a distant relative to Eldarin. Translated to Common, it looks much like this:
laadremos ag verbinaa suel (meaning )
Phonetics (LA-dray-mohs•AHG•yur-BEE-nah•su-EL)
Its written form appears like this:
ldrmo a vein sue
La’Shon Ru’Ach the Spirit Tongue, also known as Word of the Dead, the language of the Undead is rarely spoken outside the Eastern Empire or the Negative Material Plane. When the words are invoked outside the confines of these places it is used primarily as a secret language or in spiritual rites. It sounds very airy and is easily whispered to the ears of the dead. Translated to Common, it looks much like this:
b’chor ye’led shel a’fel (meaning first born child of darkness)
Phonetics (BA-chor•ya-LAHD•SHAL•OFF-el)
Its written form appears like this:
Riesig Zunge also known as Levathos or Giant Tongue, Riesig Zunge is the language of the Jotans (giants and giant kind.) It is roots have been traced back to early Torog but diverged long before the development of an alphabet. It is spoken by most giants and many of their ilk such as ogres, gnolls and the like. Each giant subrace and each of the lesser races have their own dialects and sub-dialects, some are fairly consistent, some are not. The written form is unknown to most giant kind but does exist. Levathos sounds similar to Orcish and translated to Common, it looks much like this:
wurf aus die bergauf (meaning thrown from the mountain)
Phonetics (WOR·foss•DAH•bor-GOFF)
Its little known written form appears like this:
wur as die bgchy
Scah’Tzzar’Ndreth the Blood Tongue also known as Demonspeak, Scah’Tzzar’Ndreth (ska-zar-N-dreth) is the language of demons of the Abyss is rarely spoken beyond the Outer Planes. There are thousands of dialects that have proliferated throughout the millennia of their existence and many which have become extinct. Some of the more ancient dialects are nigh unintelligible to any but the most learned of linguists. When the words are invoked outside the confines of the Abyss and common speech, they are used primarily in secret or in summoning rites. It sounds very hissy and is spoken in what seems a loud whisper. Translated to Common, it looks much like this:
sss ka rho, maah yahsss keh
Phonetics (sss•KAAA•ro-maaa-YA•sss-KAY)
Its written form appears like this:
Probable Native Languages by Race
Arachnahdi most arachnahdi will speak either Urûk or Drusunge Emakiel as their primary language, depending on whether they or their guardians are originally from the Imlad Morgul or the Underdark. Unless a child is brought up without Arachnahdi influence, it is extremely rare for any other language to be primary. There is no official dialect associated with the arachnahdi, though some scholars insist there are some accentual differences Avariel invariably, avariel speak their own sub-dialect of Eldarin known as Eldros as their primary language. Since no case has ever been documented of an avariel surviving childhood outside the confines of their racial homeland, the Qu’Ciel, it is highly unlikely any other language will qualify as the native tongue Barkah most barkah will speak their own dialect of Drusunge Emakiel known as Aamasil as their primary language. However, as solitary creatures, the barkah find more use for written language than that of the spoken word. As such, often an ancient or common writing language may end up as an alternate primary, depending on the child’s guardian and upbringing Centaurs almost invariably, centaurs speak their own sub-dialect of Sindarin known as Cinidar as their primary language. Similar to the avariel, it is rare to find a centaur youth who survives outside the confines of Centaur society. There are, however, several minor dialect variants of Cinidar spread throughout Western Al’Akwannon Deadeyes as a symbiotic race, deadeyes will speak a language prevalent in the region of their origin. Since deadeyes host in all the ‘elder’ races, this can be quite varied. See the appropriate host race for a logical choice Dwarves most dwarves, including all sub races speak one of the dialects of Daeron as their primary language, depending on their kingdom of origin. Occasionally, dwarves growing up in major metropolitan areas pick up a common tongue as their primary speech, but this is fairly rare, since most dwarves are staunch nationalists and are proud of the fact that Daeron has withstood the test of time Elves most surface dwelling elves speak Sindarin as their primary language, though a higher percentage of gray elves speak Eldarin primarily. Occasionally, elves growing up in a major metropolitan area will pick up a common tongue as their primary speech, but this is fairly rare due to the prevalent elitist attitude held by many elves. Drow elves are almost certain to speak their own dialect of Drusunge Emakiel (Drosirin) as their primary language since it is extremely rare for juvenile drow to survive outside the influence of their brethren Half-Elves as a half breed race, half-elves will speak a language prevalent in the region of their origin. For the most part halfelves find themselves as outcasts and, as such, are generally found speaking a common dialect as their primary tongue Gnomes most surface gnomes speak their own dialect of Daeron, known as Gaeron, as their primary language. Surface gnomes do have a great deal of interaction with both Dwarven and Human societies, however, and it is not unlikely that children growing up in trade or metropolitan environments will pick up a common tongue or Daeron itself as their primary tongue. Svirfneblin primarily speak a sub-dialect of Gaeron called Gaeron Adânc (French base, Romanianized) as their primary tongue. However, there are many who speak their own dialect of Drusunge Emakiel, Fassil (Portuguese base, Slavic tones) as their root language. The split is primarily determined by a child’s proximity to Dwarven culture or the mix of Underdark cultures Goblins most goblins speak their own dialect of Urûk known as Ushak (Croatian base, Uruk-ized) as their primary language. Overall, it is fairly rare to find goblins who have survived outside the protection of the clans in their younger years and thus there is little variation to this rule Halflings most halflings, including all sub races, speak the common dialect associated with their region of origin as their primary language. For the most part, halflings have been absorbed into Human society as simply ‘little people’ Humans most humans, including all sub races, speak the common dialect associated with their region of origin. In general, humans are an extremely prolific race and there are numerous accounts of humans living among other societies. As such, it is not unlikely for a human to find themselves with another racial language as their primary tongue
Kobolds almost invariably kobolds speak their own dialect of Urûk known as Kusk (Polish base, slightly Uruk-ized) as their primary language. With their odd appearance and small stature, there are very few cases of kobold youths surviving outside the shelter of either Kobold or Orcish society. As such the only likely alternates for root language would be Ushak or the parent Urûk language Lionmen nearly all lionmen speak their own dialect of Common known as La’Ko Ska as their primary language. It is unlikely to find lionmen with other primary languages, simply because of the innate family bonds and heritage that are a part of Lionman culture. If there is an exception it is usually another common dialect in it’s place Half-Ogres as a half breed race, half-ogres will speak a language prevalent in their region of origin. Generally, since they are outcasts elsewhere, this is either Levathos or the common dialect of Aglid Lingra depending on where they grow up Orcs speak Orcish Half-Orcs -speak the language of their area of origin Picis communicate with each other empathically but usually speak one of the southern dialect of Common depending on their origin point Scaloids -speak the language of their area of origin
*Note although most will fall into the above major classifications, there are often sub-dialects and other factors which will alter the languages somewhat. The DM will ultimately handle character languages on a case by case basis
Al’Akwannon Language and Font Bases
Al’Akwannese (Curi’a and Medius) based on the English language, using Arial TTF Aglid Lingra based on a Swedish/Norwegian/English hybrid, using Arial TTF Aquila Loqua based on a Swahili/English hybrid, using Arial TTF Inculaj Dihat based on an Arabic/English hybrid, using Arial TTF Olon Di’Akat based on Mongolian, using Arial TTF Inferan’Sermat based on a Tagalog/English hybrid, using Arial TTF La’ko Ska based on a Lakota/Tsalagi/English hybrid, using Arial TTF Ocaesyn Laenga based on a Gaelic/English hybrid, using Arial TTF Pristinu Al'Akwannu based on Old English, using Arial TTF Bagoth (Scorpion Tongue) based on the Turkish language, using WP Arabic Sihafa TTF Daeron (Dwarven) based on the Romanian language, using Elder Futhark TTF Gaeron – Gnomish, Daeron-esque pronounciation, but Portugese wording Gaeron Adanc – Svirfneblin Gnome sub-language based on French, using Elder Futhark TTF Draglossa (Draconian) based on the Greek language, using Runes of the Dragon TTF Drakh-Nhagi (Pratuseh/Chaos Tongue) based on the Sanskrit language, using Meroitic Demotic TTF Drusunge Emakiel (Black Tongue/Drow/Undercommon) based roughly on the Bulgarian language; Shadow TTF Aamasil – Barkah sub-language based on Dutch, same font as Black Tongue Fassil – Svirfneblin Gnome sub-language based on Portuguese, same font as Black Tongue Eldarin (Ancient Elven) based loosely on the Catalan language, using Angerthas TTF Estron (Ancient Al’Akwannese/Human) based on the Latin language, using Alphabet of the Magi TTF Ikrademaas (Ethereal/Githyanki) based on the ??? language, using Aurabesh TTF La’Shon Ru’Ach (Spirit Tongue) based on the Hebrew language, using EVA Hand 1 TTF Lau-Mara (Ancient Picis Magic) no written language, vocalizations based on Esperanto Riesig Zunge (Giant Tongue) based on the Germanic language, using Ugarit TTF Sindarin (Modern Elven) based on the Danish language, using Brakiri TTF Torog (Ancient Orcish) based on the Slovok language, using Gabrial Ator TTF Urûk (Modern Orcish) based on the Klingon language, using Skaven TTF (use ultra simplified Croatian for words) Kusk – Kobold sub-language based on Polish, same font as Uruk Ushak – Goblin sub-language based on Croatian, same font as Uruk, southern Goblins use Serbian Selja (Western Great North Trade) based on the Norwegian language, using English font Thiar (Western/Fey Kindoms Trade) based on the Celtic? language, using English font Tregti (Southwestern Trade) based loosely on the Spanish language, using English font