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Human, lotharan

Human, lotharan

In ancient Estron, the word ‘lothar’ means ‘to endure’ and during the end of the Age of Wars as humans were preparing their massive armies, the Lotharan hybrid human was bred. Designed to be durable scouts, able to survive and even thrive deployed in difficult situations alone. During the Age of Humanity and the massive human expansion, they proliferated to the corners of the known world among various armies and mercenary companies. Though this genetic engineering ended well over a thousand years in the past, there are still humans who harken back to this original genetic programming. While generally indiscernable from a common human, the Lotharan genetic code lends itself to slightly shorter, lean and wiry build. At the same time they are usually heavier, packing more muscle onto the lean frame with higher than normal cellular density aiding them in retaining nutrients and liquids longer. They are otherwise no different in appearance than a common human

Racial Abilities / Skills

(70cp to spend on the below abilities, the stock Lotharan will have the * abilities at 40cp with 30cp free)