Global Populations and Racial Kingdoms
Global Populations and Racial Kingdoms
The document labeled ‘Character Level Explanation’ estimates the global population at approximately 6 billion humanoids (roughly 4 billion occidentals and 2 billion orientals.) This includes all of the PC races listed below and a few non-PC races (like ogres, merfolk and others related to the below races.) There are some exceptions to these population numbers (gnolls, trolls, giants and extraplanar humanoids such as githyanki are not considered) though in general the populations of these types of beings on the prime material plane is not large enough to be considered (though certainly some of the PC races fit within this same context.) Additionally, throughout Al’Akwannon, there are various kingdoms dominated by a race other than humans. The below information identifies rough population breakdowns, major, well-known non-human kingdoms and related information. Such surface kingdoms are also identified on general maps, while Underdark elements are not
The Elder Races - Humans, Orcs, Elves and Dwarves are the four most elder races. Each is outlined further below:
Humans are the most numerous beings on the planet other than animals, birds, fish and insects, of course. This equates to about 55% of the entire population
Global Numbers – on global terms this mathematically maps out to approximately 3 billion, 300 million humans, however the Eastern Continent is even more humanocentric than Western Al’Akwannon. Of the 2 billion total population on the Eastern Continent, roughly 1 billion, 380 million of those are human, leaving only 620 million non-humans. On the Western Continent, there are roughly 1 billion, 920 million humans leaving 2 billion, 80 million non-humans
Human Sub-races – the genetically engineered human races from the Age of Wars make up a sub-set of the above populations, but are quite small, numbering less than 5 million between all of the sub-races combined and it is thought they are slowly diluting themselves out of the system as those racial characteristics become less and less prevalent. The overwhelming percentage of these are on the Western Continent
Human Kingdoms - of the currently documented 105 countries shown on the maps, only 16 are ruled by those of a non-human race, thus 85% of all governments are human driven
Orcs and half-orcs make up the second largest group of humanoids on the planet, but they are very rare on the Eastern Continent. Full orcs make up roughly 11% of the population while half-orcs make up roughly 13%. Half-orcs do sometimes tend to get lost in such estimations as orcs with trace human blood tend to be considered full orcs while those with trace orc blood tend to be simply called humans (though sometimes ugly humans!)
Global Numbers – on global terms this maps out to approximately 660 million orcs and 780 million half-orcs and well over 90% of orcs can be found on the Western Continent. That said, there is a reasonably large half-orc representation on the Eastern Continent, but they are slowly diluting themselves towards humanity via interbreeding with humans
Orcish Kingdoms – Chan Gom – East Wood – the remains of the former Morgul Empire, East Wood is the only place where orcs can be considered part of an area of the world truly ruled by them. In the Giantlands and other various parts of the northern climes, there are other areas where orcs rule themselves, but none are large enough to be cited here as a country, kingdom or the like. Surprisingly, on the Eastern Continent, the kingdom of Kho Xiong (the mountain people) are technically predominately half-orcs and ruled by those with strong half-orc blood lines
Elves and half-elves make up the third largest group of humanoids, thanks mostly in part to half-elves. Elven traits seem to remain dominant for generations causing even half-elves who join with humans to retain genetics that firmly keeps them in the realm of half-elf. Full elves make up roughly 4% of the population while half-elves make up closer to 9%. Further breaking that down, Sylvan Elves make up 65% of the full elf population, Grugach Elves make up 15%, Drow Elves another 15% and Gray Elves merely 5%
Global Numbers – on global terms, this maps out to approximately 240 million elves (156 million Sylvan, 36 million Grugach, 36 million Drow and roughly 12 million Gray elves) and 540 million half-elves. Elves on the Eastern Continent are just as forest centric as their western cousins. They have kept much of their world hidden from humans but are mostly focused on the northern portions of the continent
Elven Kingdoms – Lothlorien – the Primal Forest – the original Eldros Empire, the mystic forest of Lothlorien contains the extent of the most influential elven kingdom of all time Rynd – the Forest of Rynd – during the Age of Wars a huge exodus of elves who did not favor the militaristic stylings of Lothlorien headed far to the west with nearly all the centaur survivors, some forest gnomes and other fey folk Kun Lang – a secret Elven Kingdom hidden in the forests of Goreyo and Xia Xuan among heavily forested hills and mountains that stretch between the two human countries
The least populous of all the elder races, dwarves maintain their deeply family ways and are not only staunchly protective of their own people, but equally protective of their home kingdoms
Global Numbers – on global terms, Dwarves make up roughly 1% of the overall population or approximately 60 million, of those, the bulk are hill dwarf stock at 35 million, mountain dwarves make up 15 million and deep dwarves 10 million
Dwarven Kingdoms – Silverlode – the First Kingdom 40 million Sfera Piatra – the Stone Kingdom – about two hundred thousand Sfera Norca – the Northern Kingdom 20 million Sfera Miaza – the Southern Kingdom – almost one hundred thousand
Larger non-elder racial groups - the below actually have larger populations than the Dwarves, but are not nearly as ancient, though all have multi-millennia existence
Free to live beneath the waves, Picis have surprisingly many underwater communities with only perhaps a single percent of the overall population living on the surface alongside humans. Picis prefer warmer waters and are predominately focused around the Rune Sea zone. They are cousins to merfolk who cannot survive outside the water for long periods of time but do not quite have the range of the mer people
Global Numbers – on global terms, Picis actually make up roughly 2% of the overall population or approximately 120 million
Picis Kingdoms – Tuulmayne – the Picis kingdom at the southern reaches of the Rune Sea is home to nearly 80 million Picis with over ten million living on the undersea mountain and roughly 70 million in undersea communities stretching toward the shores of Torosia and the shores of the Kingdom of Sarad all whom call Tuulmayne their regency
With the ability to survive in terrible environments everywhere, goblins have spread to all corners of the planet
Global Numbers – on global terms, Goblins make up roughly 2% of the overall population or approximately 120 million
Goblin Kingdoms – Agh-Mahad – the oldest and most massive Goblin ‘kingdom’ is based in the Underdark beneath East Wood and eastern Morgana and is home to roughly 40 million goblins in dozens of underground cities Hakh-Zherad – the second oldest and under Isengaard 20 million Vapna-Dzahad – far to the south in the peninsula 10 million Okh-Hazad – third oldest and near Cirdan 35 million Prakh-Khranad – far to the east in the Hordelands 6 million Stada-Bhastad – far to the north in the Deep North 9 million
Approximately 1% of the total population or about 60 million - Halflings have mostly bonded themselves with humans, able to pass as small versions of them (and sometimes being confused for human "little people") and as such have automatically gained protections
All the remaining races together accumulate to about 2% of the overall population, the roughly 120 million that 2% accounts for map out their approximations below:
Half-Ogre – 20 million
Gnome – 20 million Subraces are broken down further as follows
Surface Gnomes – appx 16 million; Svirfneblin Gnomes – appx 4 million
Arachnahd – 15 million Arachnahdi have no known racially organized political structure
Kobold – 15 million Kobolds are generally found dwelling on the edge of goblin and orcish societies in hybrid Underdark and hill country
Lionman – 13 million Peji Makoce – the Veldt (PAY zhee ma KO chay)
Barkah – 12 million Barkah – Over time the Barkah have ensconced themselves with various Goblin empires
Centaur – 10 million Generally on good relations with fey kind and a large percentage of the population concentrated in the Far West/Fey Kingdoms
Avariel – 8 million Qu’Ciel – Valley of the Sky
Deadeye – 4 million Deadeyes have no racially organized political structure as they are raised within a host parental region
Scaloid – 3 million A unique race with a special correlation with the god Noxicuss, far flung with few collections of many scaloids outside of the great city of Lor'Aserion