Deities & Cosmology
Deities & Cosmology
This section deals with the gods and goddesses of the Al'Akwannonian cosmology. As well as information on the Astral (also known as the "outer" planes) and Ethereal (also known as the "inner" planes) dimensions. The deities of Al'Akwannon have waxed and waned over the milennia with some gods being destroyed, others diminishing in strength, while others gain in power. Singularly, all deities are exceptionally powerful entities, but their heirarchy (roughly divided into Supreme, Greater, Median, Lesser and Demi levels of power) does reflect the amount of worshippers and recognition they have. This does not indicate, however, that a greater god might waltz into a demi-goddess' realm and destroy her, it might very well result in the exact opposite an outcome than one might expect. Additionally, many deities have developed multiple personas to make themselves more acceptable to different mortal races and belief systems. This is not by necessity a lie, as these beings are generally multi-faceted and with many outward facing interpretations.
As such, priestly orders cover a wide variety of scopes to reflect these varied personas and aspects. From a meta game perspective, this often results in orders created to fit a player's concept for their priest character's desired development path. This usually results in new orders being created for each campaign. However, information on pre-existing orders which have been created, played and mostly fleshed out, are catalogued in the "orders" section below for those who would like to play an existing order OR use the framework as help to guide the development of a new order they wish to develop with the DM.
The Astral Plane and Outer Planes are generally seen as a vast "outer space" that has various pockets of control completely under the control of each deity as well as a variety of deity-like beings without any worship base on the prime material dimension of Al'Akwannon. Each one of these "powers" with the capability to fashion their planes of existence to their liking, deities often creating afterlife existences for the spirits of the mortal beings they protect and hellscapes for those without protection that go against their will. With such a vast outer space encompassed within the Astral realm, there are many unknowns lost or hidden from many beings including most of the gods and goddesses themselves. These include "forgotten" planes of existence, fragments of destroyed gods' planescapes, unique entities that wander the vast expanse and myriad other unknown phenomena.
The Ethereal Plane and Inner Planes are similarly a vast "inner space" made up of focused planes that represent material, psychological and magcial components that exist within the prime material dimension. All of the elemental planes, limbo, the abyss, the positive and negative material planes and other focal points of existence lay here as well as a veritable host of unknowns just like the Astral environment. The primary difference being that these planes "naturally" became areas of focus within the vast expanse of inner space and the entities that control them and call them home tend to be bound to their plane naturally. That said, there are many entities of the inner space that also command the power of the deities of the Astral dimension. Below you will find links to more information you seek as it relates to the world, the inner and outer dimensions or your generation of a priest in the world of Al'Akwannon.
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