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Limbo, the Planes of Chaos

Limbo, the Planes of Chaos

For the most part, any grotesque, supernatural creature that cannot be obviously classified as undead, is usually pronounced demonic for those who lack the correct set of skills to identify them otherwise. Such is the plight of the Slaad. Indeed, there are hordes of creatures which inhabit the maze of dimensions which encompass the whole of Limbo, many of which cannot even be properly classified. The Slaad, however, are a race of chaos demons who have evolved into a complex society ruled by an ever-shifting balance of warlords

To know the Slaad, one must first understand the complexity of Limbo. There are only five major planes of Chaos, the whole of which is referred to as appropriate reference to the entropic state of being that surrounds them. While this might seem less chaotic than the six hundred and sixty-six layers that compromise the Abyss, these major planes, or dimensions, are merely anchors for countless pocket dimensions, irregular planes and other strange phenomena which create a veritable labyrinth of existences. Learned scholars who have studied the planes contest that, although the “true” planes are few, the true planes shift in dimensional space constantly and the sum total of dimensional areas likely outnumbers that of the infamous Abyss in addition to being unstable in many ways. The true planes of Chaos are as follows:

Uurg-Ghaal, in the common tongue, Uurgol (UR-gaal), the Halls of Limbo, the Halls of Chaos

Uurgol is the innermost, central plane and generally the seat of power for the planes of Chaos. Its predominate physical presence is that of a large sphere of alien stone, riddled through with endless mazes of corridors and chambers. It is a place where lost souls wander endlessly, unable to feel emotion. It is known to be ruled by a demi-god known as Ihyagh-Raiil, in common, Iigrail (EE-og-rawEEL), Highlord of the Slaad, most powerful of the Black Slaad, Eldest of the Line of the Dark Master

Gho-Skha, in the common tongue, Gosska (GAWS-ka), the Cloud City

Gosska is one of four planes which envelop Uurgol (see picture.) Its predominate physical presence is a small group of three free floating masses of rock, each enveloped entirely in urban structure. There are several gates which connect the cities and their strange, often physically impossible feats of architecture. In addition, there is a little-known demi-plane known as the Dream City which can only be reached through a being’s subconscious. It is currently thought to be ruled by Laah-Grahiid, in common, Lagraid (la-gra-HEED), a powerful Chaos Lord, most powerful of the Gray Slaad, Eldest of the Line of the Executioner

Mhar’Rhadu, in the common tongue, Maardu (MAR-doo), the Plains of Mist

Maardu is one of four planes which envelop Uurgol (see picture.) Its predominate physical presence is a dense cloud of misty gasses with varying levels of stability. It is currently thought to be ruled by Yhah-Ghorul, in common, Yagorl (YAH-gorl), a powerful Chaos Lord, most powerful of the White Slaad, Eldest of the Line of the Unholy

Cyith-Rhaag, in the common tongue, Cthrog (SITH-rog), the Cold Mountains, the Endless Peaks

Cthrog is one of four planes which envelop Uurgol (see picture.) Its predominate physical presence is a barren, rocky expanse of peaks and valleys, devoid of vegetation, cold and icy. Cthrog is currently thought to be ruled by Ssehth-Sehndaam, in common, Ssendam (sess-SEN-dam), a powerful Chaos Lord of an unknown lineage and the Lord of Madness

Mhiar’Rhaak, in the common tongue, Maarak (MAR-ok), the Iron Forest

Maarak is one of four planes which envelop Uurgol (see picture.) Its predominate physical presence is that of a seemingly endless forest of metallic substance. Most notable are the iron trees which stand like giants towering an average two hundred feet into the air. Maarak is was the site of the attempted coup by the Chaos Mage Xaivarus, but after his defeat by a group of adventurers and the escape of the forgotten orcish hero, Bad’Rak, the mantle of leadership has been taken over by Ll'Echlhanth, in common Lek’Lanth (LEK-lonth), a powerful Chaos Lord of the Black Slaad line

To the left is a conceptual vision of a cross section cut through the planes of Chaos as they sit in the lower ethers. The central plane of Uurgol is represented by the central gray mass and is, in truth, enveloped entirely by the other four planes (represented by the colors.) Chaos tendrils entwine and permeate all the planes, snaking out into the Ethereal world, opening rifts, causing power fluctuations, altering realities and causing various dimensional phenomena.

Ultimately, the five true planes find themselves under the pressures of a constant shifting of power. While the “rulers” tend to hold the greatest amount of power and can defend their core empires against any assailant, the extent of that reach fluctuates with the rise and fall of various demon lords. These brazen warlords that come and go constantly divide, conquer, assimilate and fracture in an endless paradigm.

The Slaad

Throughout the history of Limbo, the most prominent lineage of demons has been the Slaad. The true origins of the current Slaad bloodlines are lost to eons of time but they are nonetheless rulers of the planes of Chaos. Among the Slaad, there are numerous deviations from the original line, and many unique blends between Slaad and other demonic forces. However, there are a handful of preeminent bloodlines that have remained throughout known history and today. The blood in most Slaad specimens is rarely if ever 100% pure, yet invariably a dominant line emerges

It is of interest that through the ages, the various lineages have held certain basic colorations as their primary distinguishing feature. A social caste generally believed to be based on the color of a slaad's scales has evolved from this, though other sources seem to indicate stones lodged in their foreheads as potential caste factors within a particular bloodline as well. From the bottom of the hierarchy to the top the major bloodlines are mud (brown) slaadi, red slaadi, blue slaadi, green slaadi, grey slaadi, white slaadi, black (death) slaadi and finally the slaad lords themselves (though slaad lords generally hail from one of the lines as well)

The Spawning Stone is a massive, hundred-yard diameter mystic rock tied to the primordial source of the slaadi. It is currently “possessed” by the Highlord (Iigrail) and exists in a large sub-dimensional space within the plane of Uurgol. Once per decade, the normal reproduction cycle takes place and each race of slaad converges on the Spawning Stone for mating. The hermaphroditic slaadi do not physically mate, but rather rush to the stone en masse and each has its own previously dormant egg sacs fertilized by the stone itself. Slaad literally press themselves to the stone with all their might until they are pulled away by other Slaad in a strange mating frenzy that is terrible to behold. Lesser Slaadi can reproduce outside the norm by implanting eggs beneath a victim's skin. Their claw attacks can implant an egg (DM) into a host’s body (victim must save vs Fort DC 15,) which hatches and consumes the host from the inside

Currents of chaos energy persistently flow out of the stone. Upon the reproduction period’s arrival, such chaos energy draws the Slaad from all corners of Limbo drawing them via powerful instinct. Slaad sense these currents and follow them “upstream” much like salmon find their way from the ocean, to river, to stream. Only the Slaad Lords are immune to the call and even the supremely intelligent and powerful greater Slaadi give into the power of the stone to come and be impregnated. Within days of leaving the egg sacs will drop off the slaad unceremoniously and will hatch unattended. The tiny slaad are eating machines and a survival of the fittest competition ensues with generally only the strongest of each slaadi egg cache surviving to become an adult. Note the chaos energy currents of the Spawning Stone have been known to grow and give birth to chaos storms (a small version of what the Chaos Mage hoped to unleash upon the Prime)

Other than the coloration, no two slaadi are born exactly the same; due to their inherent chaos each slaad may appear different from its predecessors. Indeed, there was once a time when slaadi of different colors and different powers were common, however it is speculated that the current Slaad Lords or at least the current Highlord have somehow affected the 'Spawning Stone' to prevent the evolution of any new slaad race which might become more powerful than them. Thus far this seems to have generally kept the slaadi within the specified groups. Although through the nature of chaos itself, anomalies often slip through, they have less variety and less chance of becoming more powerful than the Slaad Lords

Innate Powers of All True Slaad

Slaad of all lineages react with supernatural speed and accuracy, allowing them to strike at separate opponents in the same melee round without penalty; they may also use all of their attacks plus a single special ability each melee {.indent}

Slaad of all lineages possess a supernatural invulnerability and cannot be hit by normal weapons. Only weapons prepared in special fashions (DM) or which have been blessed or otherwise enchanted will penetrate their flesh {.indent}

Slaad of all lineages have exceptional senses of vision with both wide peripheral vision and nightvision {.indent}

Slaad of all lineages have regeneration of some kind, see each line for details

The Lesser Slaad

Pkaan-Kahja (pon-KA-ha) the Mud Slaad/Brown Slaad

Mud Slaadi appear as massive, grotesque, brown skinned, frog-like beings. Their skin is smooth and usually is adorned with interesting stripe and spot patterns in deep browns and burnt oranges. Their maws are toothed with multiple rows of teeth and they possess claws on both hands and feet

Attack Hit Die – 3+Average Hit Points – 65
Base Defense – 16Average Size – Large/10 feet tall/750lbs average
Base Combat Move – 12 hex/20 (leap)Average Strength – 18 (+4/+4)

Number of Attacks – 3 (d8/d8 {claws} 2d8 {bite} all damage is +4; +7 to hit/parry
Base Magic Resistance – 20% (see chart vs magic level)

     Common Innate Abilities – Regenerate 1hp/round

Tchall-Krus (ta-KOL-kroos) the Red Slaad

Red Slaadi appear as huge, thick, grotesque, red skinned, frog-like beings. Their skin is smooth and usually are adorned with interesting stripe and spot patterns in yellows, browns and oranges. Their maws are toothed with multiple rows of teeth and they possess claws on both hands and feet. Red slaad generally hate blue slaad and they will only work together when forced

Attack Hit Die – 4+Average Hit Points – 90
Base Defense – 18Average Size – Large/8½ feet tall/500lbs average
Base Combat Move – 15 hex/25 (leap)Average Strength – 18 (+4/+4)

Number of Attacks – 3 (d6/d6 {claws} 2d8 {bite} all damage is +4; +8 to hit/parry
Base Magic Resistance – 25% (see chart vs magic level)

     Common Innate Abilities – Regenerate 3hp/round, Shocking Grasp at will (d8+4)

Vhor-Hllaas (vor-hall-AHS) the Blue Slaad

Blue Slaadi appear as massive grotesque frog-like beings and there are arguments that they are from the same origin as the Tchall-Krus. Certainly their appearance is similar although they are much larger and a bright blue in color. Often there are streak-like patterns in their coloring in gray, black and brownish tones. Like their cousins, their maws are toothed in rows and they possess claws on both hands and feet. Physically, they are somewhat stronger than the Red Slaadi, and a strong rivalry exists between the two, each claiming to be the “parent” line, neither will work together unless forced

Attack Hit Die – 5+Average Hit Points – 110
Base Defense – 18Average Size – Large/11 feet tall/1000lbs average
Base Move – 18 hex/28 (leap)Average Strength – 20 (+5/+5)

Number of Attacks – 5 (2d6 (4) {claws} 2d8 {bite}, all damage is +5; +10 to hit/parry
Base Magic Resistance – 30% (see chart vs magic level)

     Common Innate Abilities – Regenerate 3hp/round, Telekinesis up to 200 lbs at will, Passwall at will, Hold Person at will

Jyain-Urath (yain-ROTH) the Green Slaad

Green Slaadi appear smaller and more toad-like than their larger, more distant cousins. Their skin is bumpy and rough, yet still moist to the touch as all Slaad. Their coloration is a medium green often with streaks or stripes of a black, brown or golden hue. The maw is toothed with smaller, finer teeth, generally three to four rows deep. They possess small claws on both hands and feet

Attack Hit Die – 6+Average Hit Points – 135
Base Defense – 20Average Size – Medium/7 feet tall/300lbs average
Base Move – 15 hex/20 (leap)Average Strength – 20 (+5/+5)

Number of Attacks – 3 (d6+2/d6+2 {claws} 2d8 {bite}, all damage is +8; +12 to hit/parry
Base Magic Resistance – 35% (see chart vs magic level)

     Common Innate Abilities – Regenerate 3hp/round, Telekinesis up to 250 lbs at will, Polymorph Self at will, Cause Fear at will, +1 or better weapon to hit, Continual Darkness 15' at will, ESP at will, Detect Invis at will, Detect Magic at will, Locate Object at will, Burning Hands at will (10 points/burst), Delayed Blast Fireball (12d6) once per day, Passwall at will, Gate in Allies once per day (55% chance of success; 1d4 Mud or Red Slaad)

The Greater Slaad

Ech-Yagloth (EK-yal-oth) the Gray Slaad, House of the Executioner

Gray Slaadi appear smaller, with lanky musculature, and smooth frog-like skin. They are predominately a uniform gray in color, although there are various shades and exceptions. Overall, they’re relatively small in size in comparison to their brothers. Nonetheless, they are one of the most feared races among the Slaadi. It is said that the bloodline can be traced back to an exceptionally powerful warlord, known as the Executioner and that Laah-Grahiid, ruler of Gho’Skha is the most ancient remaining descendant of that line. For the most part, those who retain the markings of the Executioner (the gray skin) are those whose blood has remained dominant and pure. Below are base stats for a gray slaad, but keep in mind they can also be spellcasters, warriors, rogues and have unique class-like abilities beyond the below

Attack Hit Dice – 12Average Hit Points – 180
Base Defense – 22Average Size – Medium/6 feet tall/200lbs average
Base Move – 30 hexesAverage Strength – 20 (+5/+5)

Number of Attacks – 3 (2d4+2/2d4+2 {claws or weapon} 2d8 {bite}, all damage is +10; +17 to hit/parry
Base Magic Resistance Level – 60% (see chart vs magic level)

     Common Innate Abilities – Regenerate 5hp/round, Polymorph Self at will, Cause Fear at will, +1 or better weapon to hit, Telekinesis up to 300lbs at will, Continual Darkness 15' at will, Sense Deviation at will, Infravision at will, Detect Magic at will, Detect Invis at will, Spectral Force at will, Locate Object at will, Flame Strike at will, Wind Walk at will, Invisibility at will, Lightning Ball (8d6+6) at will, Symbol of Pain or Fear once per day, Power Word Blind once per day, Power Word Stun once per day, Gate in Allies once per day (60% chance of success; 2d6 any mud, red or blue slaad)

Zvck-Manaau (za-VEK-mo-now) the White Slaad, House of the Unholy

White Slaadi appear much as their close relatives, the Grey. In fact, the only truly distinguishing difference is their near uniform white coloration. It is conjecture that perhaps the White are actually a line that cross bred and lost some of the hierarchal coloring. The Whites and Grays both, of course, contest this profusely. It is said that the bloodline can be traced back to an exceptionally powerful warlord, known simply as “the Unholy” and that Yhah-Ghorul, ruler of Mhar’Rhadu is the most ancient remaining descendant of that line. Below are base stats for a white slaad, but keep in mind they can also be spellcasters, warriors, rogues and have unique class-like abilities in addition to the below

Attack Hit Dice – 13Average Hit Points – 200
Base Defense – 23Average Size – Medium/6 feet tall/200lbs average
Base Move – 30 hexesAverage Strength – 20 (+5/+5)

Number of Attacks – 3 (2d4+2/2d4+2 {claws or weapon} 2d8 {bite}, all damage is +10; +18 to hit/parry
Base Magic Resistance Level – 65% (see chart vs magic level)

     Common Innate Abilities – Regenerate 5hp/round, Polymorph Self at will, Cause Fear at will, +1 or better weapon to hit, Telekinesis up to 300lbs at will, Detect Invis at will, Continual Darkness 15' at will, Infravision at will, Detect Magic at will, Locate Object at will, Invisibility at will, Energy Explosion (8d6+6) at will, Forget at will, Knock at will, Hold Person at will, Phantasmal Killer once per day, Power Word Blind once per day, Power Word Stun once per day, Gate in Allies once per day (70% chance of success; 2d6 any mud, red or blue slaad)

Drha-Cklau (dray-clow) the Death Slaad/Black Slaad, House of the Dark Master

Black Slaadi, also known as Death Slaadi, appear much as their close relatives, the Grey. In fact, the only truly distinguishing difference is their near uniform black coloration. It is conjecture that perhaps the Grey are actually a line that cross bred and lost some of the hierarchal coloring. The Grays and Blacks, of course, contest this profusely. The true bloodline is shrouded in mystery beyond the current Lord of Limbo, Ihyagh-Raiil, who hails from this line. Below are base stats for a black slaad, but keep in mind they can also be spellcasters, warriors, rogues and have unique class-like abilities in addition to the below

Attack Hit Dice – 14Average Hit Points – 215
Base Defense – 24Average Size – Medium/6 feet tall/200lbs average
Base Move – 30 hexesAverage Strength – 20 (+5/+5)

Number of Attacks – 3 (2d4+2/2d4+2 {claws or weapon} 2d8 {bite}, all damage is +8; +20 to hit/parry Base
Magic Resistance Level 75% (see chart vs magic level)

     Common Innate Abilities – Regenerate 5hp/round, Telekinesis up to 300lbs at will, Project Self at will, ESP at will, Polymorph Self at will, Cause Fear at will, Detect Invis at will, +2 or better weapon to hit, Continual Darkness 15' at will, Cloudkill at will, Infravision at will, Detect Magic at will, Advanced Illusion at will, Flame Strike at will, Wind Walk at will, Invisibility at will, Weakness at will, any Symbol once per day, Locate Object at will, Power Word Stun once per day, Power Word Blind once per day, Power Word Kill once per day, Unholy Word once per day, Fireball (8d6) at will, Phantasmal Killer once per day, Gate in lesser Allies at will (90% chance of success; 3d6 any mud, red or blue slaad), Gate in powerful Allies once per day (35% chance of success; 1d4 green slaad)

Lords of Chaos

While the five rulers of the primary planes of chaos vie for “demi-god” status, there are innumerable lords of chaos. Many hail from Slaad bloodlines yet many do not. Keep in mind that the power level for chaos creatures, chaos “demons” and all other creatures of such magnitude are similar in fashion to all other great powers of the inner planes. There are petty lords who hold sway over only a small bit, an unwanted bit or a backwater bit of the dimension. There are more powerful “governor” type lords who swear fealty to a greater lord or perhaps even one of the primary rulers. There are extremely powerful chaos lords who might rival one of the primary ruler’s power and there are hidden anomalies throughout For game balance purposes keep in mind that for each powerful demon prince in the Abyss there is a chaos demon counterpart in Limbo. For each greater vampire lord in the Negative Material Plane, there is a greater slaad counterpart in Limbo. For each master efreet in the Elemental Plane of Fire, there is a slaad master in Limbo, etc

Below are merely a list of famous/infamous Slaad Lords who have appeared or been mentioned in games thus far

Lek'Lanth - Chaos Lord of the Plane of Maraak, primary adversary in the Chaos Storm campaign
Ig'Rail - High Lord of the Slaad, currently considered the most powerful and in control of the spawning stone
Ssendam - Chaos Lord of Insanity, actually a female slaad