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Godly Power Outline

Godly Power Outline

God Power Ratings

Supreme - Gods and goddesses of the Supreme level are beings of both extreme personal power and extremely broad worshiper bases. The combination of these two aspects provides supreme deities with far reaching and encompassing power. Supreme deities have been given such a title because no weak points have ever been found in them and as such, no other gods will normally seek to cross them directly. Such deities are almost always in control of a consortium of related gods generally referred to as a house or pantheon

Greater - Gods and goddesses of the Greater level are beings very near the power of Supreme, yet some small gap remains. Perhaps their personal strength is slightly less, their worship power base is smaller or perhaps they possess some minor weak point that can be exploited from time to time. Each is near capable of supporting their own pantheon, however, the Supreme deities value their strength greatly and will often supplicate them with offers they can hardly refuse

Median - Gods and goddesses of the Median level are beings of great power indeed, but the disparity lies in a particular area. Sometimes a Median deity has the personal strength of a Supreme god, but has such a small worship power base that they cannot wield that power effectively or broadly. Sometimes their worship base is far reaching, but they are weaker in their personal power. In each case, the area which is lacking is obvious on the divine level and these beings have predominately sought allegiance with a house to offset this

Lesser - Gods and goddesses of the Lesser level are beings of varying power levels. Here the disparity grows wider as the weak points of the god become more glaring and exploitable. As with Median power deities, Lesser powers often have great personal strength but lack a sufficient worship base or perhaps rule over a limited aspect. Perhaps they have a powerful worshiper base but are weak in power. In each case, the area of lacking is both obvious and exploitable at times and has thus prompted such gods to take shelter among the strength of unite

Demi - The anomaly of demi-gods and goddesses is not as easy to explain. Their power level lies very near that of Lesser deities and their weaknesses are as broadly varied, yet even more so. In general, demi powers who have weaker personal strength have sought refuge among the houses. Those with greater personal power are more equally divided among those who seek allegiance and those who avoid it at all costs. These “solo” gods are often called rogues by other divine powers

House Creation

After the Holocaust and the influx of divine power, the Supreme gods made their deals with various gods, eventually balancing themselves with the creation of the ‘houses,’ a mortal term for the various alliances. In meta game terms this breaks down to the following formula. Note that since the Age of Darkness, there are now many “broken” houses:

1 Supreme God, 1 Greater God, 1-2 Median Gods, 1-2 Lesser Gods, 1-2 Demi-gods
Maximum number of deities per house: max 8, min 4 (average is 6)

Number of Domains, Aspects and Priest Orders

Including the “All” sphere there are a total of 31 Domains (30 + All) Every deity provides access to the All sphere to their priests and a number of additional domains based on the order they follow. Aspects are ways that gods appear to beings that worship them (thus a god may have a racially based aspect or a regionally based aspect; i.e.

  • though D’Spayre is a god based in the Eastern Empire he appears to orcs as No’Ruka, the Warmonger...orcs worshipping No’Ruka have no knowledge that their god and D’Spayre are one in the same. Only priests attaining certain insight via games will discover such things) Priest orders are groups of like minded individuals following a deity or aspect and are related to each other (i.e. – a priest order of Avoreen associated with healing may be one order while one with undead slayers may be another. Priests of such orders will be fully aware of each other and generally cooperative) With the current exception of D’Spayre, gods should follow roughly the same formula as below for assigning domains, allowing numbers of aspects and numbers of orders to each deity:

Supreme – such deities have power over no more than 20 domains; should have no more than 10 aspects; no aspect should have more than 5 primary orders; 4 major orders and 2 supreme orders

Greater – such deities have power over no more than 18 domains; should have no more than 6 aspects; no aspect should have more than 5 primary orders; 4 major orders and can only have one supreme order

Median – such deities have power over no more than 16 domains; should have no more than 4 aspects; no aspect should have more than 4 primary orders; 3 major orders and cannot have a supreme order

Lesser – such deities have power over no more than 14 domains; should have no more than 2 aspects; no aspect should have more than 3 primary orders and 2 major orders

Demi – Demi powers have power over no more than 10 domains; should have no aspects other than themselves; the deity should have no more than 3 primary orders and may have only one major order

Access to Domains by Order

Priestly orders do not necessarily have access to all spheres of control available to a particular god. Most orders follow their own subset of restrictions. Nevertheless there is a minimum and maximum each priestly order should have:

Primary Orders – should have access to 7 or 8 domains, plus the All domain. Each order should also contain three featured domains, from which three unique order based spells come from for minor sphere magic (one from each) two from median sphere and one from major sphere (select most appropriate domains for each)

Major Orders – should have access to 4 or 5 domains and contain at least one unique order based median style magic spell from each order plus access to a number of spells from those domains under the major order spell section. The number of spells a priest may learn for major order spell levels is half that of normal (i.e. – a priest with an 18 Intuition may learn 9 major order spells)

Supreme Orders – should have access to 3 domains and contain at least one unique order based major style magic spell plus access to a number of spells from those domains under the supreme order spell section. The number of spells a preist may learn for supreme order spell levels is one quarter that of normal (i.e. – a priest with a 20 Intuition may learn 5 supreme order spells)

Description of the Priest Domains (30 + All domain)

  • All – represents very generic magic that is available to virtually all priests
  • Air – represents magic regarding air elemental powers, sky and wind magic
  • Animal – represents magic that governs the animal kingdom, including insects, fish, birds, etc
  • Arcane – represents magic that governs wizard style magic aspects
  • Chaos – represents magic that governs the uncontrollable and unpredictable powers of chaos
  • Charm represents magic that governs powers that influence beings actions and behavior
  • Construct – represents magic that governs non-undead constructs, golems, puppets, etc.
  • Creation – represents magic that governs the creation of things from nothing
  • Death – represents magic that governs undead, and dark necromantic aspects
  • Destruction – represents magic that governs the utter destruction of matter and life
  • Dimensional – represents magic that governs planes, gates and dimensional movement
  • Distraction – represents magic that governs minor charm related, illusion and phantasm aspects
  • Domination – represents magic that governs mind control and mental combat aspects
  • Earth – represents magic that governs earth elemental powers, land and planet apects
  • Evil – represents magic that governs evil, hate and ruthlessness
  • Fire – represents magic that governs fire elemental powers, heat and flame aspects
  • Good – represents magic that governs the forces of good and righteousness
  • Healing – represents magic that governs physical healing and restoration
  • Knowledge – represents magic that governs divination, knowledge and understanding
  • Law – represents magic that governs order, strictures and other related items
  • Luck – represents magic that governs luck, numbers and probability
  • Plant – represents magic that governs all living aspects of nature not covered by the animal domain
  • Protection – represents magic that is protective or warding in nature
  • Shadow – represents magic that governs shadows, darkness and stealth
  • Strength – represents magic that governs strength and raw power aspects
  • Sun – represents magic that deals with light, the sun and anti-undead
  • Time – represents magic that deals with time, past, present and future
  • Travel – represents magic that deals with travel, locomotion and creature comforts
  • Vengeance – represents magic that governs revenge and balance aspects
  • War – represents magic that deals with combat, battle and war aspects
  • Water – represents magic that governs water elemental, liquid and acid aspects

  • Astral – replaced by dimensional
  • Combat – replaced by war
  • Divination – replaced with knowledge
  • Elemental – replaced with air, earth, fire and water domains
  • Guardian – replaced by good
  • Necromantic – replaced by undead and evil
  • Numbers – replaced with luck
  • Summoning – replaced by various
  • Thought – replaced by knowledge and domination
  • Wards – replaced by various
  • Weather – replaced by various elemental and sun