The traditional definition of the word plane identifies it as a two dimensional area, having some span of width and length, yet no depth. Architecturally speaking a plane is a longitudinal section through an axis of some type. Though this is perhaps the most apt explanation using the word plane, it is not entirely accurate. Planes are near parallel dimensions, border existences and alternate realities each generally lacking in one fashion or another. Some of these dimensions interact with each other while others remain basically untouched. This sort of dimensional theory is very difficult for the mortal mind to grasp, thus the ancient mages who collaborated on this subject decided to use the architectural definition of plane as a frame of reference for their discussions
To take our cue then from the scholars of old, imagine planes of existence as sheets of paper.
Imagine several of these sheets of paper intersecting along a single axis. At the axis where they join, each sheet of paper touches the others along that edge, yet leaves relatively huge expanses of each paper as its own entity. Imagine additionally a few sheets of paper lying off to the side, touching nothing else. Though inaccurate on many counts, this visual representation helps one attempting to understand planar/dimensional theories to grasp them. Keep this image of papers in mind as you read this manual of the planes
Prime Material Plane and the Inner and Outer Dimensions
The Prime Material plane is in many senses, the center of the dimensions and what mortals generally understand as the world they live in. It is actually an amalgam of all of the major inner planes and is affected by powers and influence from the outer planes. In the paper analogy the prime material plane is the primary axis spoken of when discussing planar theory and is considered by many to be the perfect balance of all things. Again it is the world we all live in and is often referred to by scholars simply as the Prime
The inner planes or inner dimensions, also referred to as the sub-planes, lower dimensions or various combinations of similar terms, are masses of energy and/or material suspended in the "inner space." The "space" in which these planes float is generally referred to as the Ethereal Plane and sometimes the Nether Void. The Ethereal Plane itself is not truly a plane, but rather a permeating ether which not only connects with the planes but also penetrates and flows through them, ultimately tying them to the Prime Material Plane and creating a method of inter-planar travel. The composition of the inner planes varies greatly, from the prime elemental forces such as fire, water and air to less quantifiable energies such as positive and chaos. The planes have no standard size, ranging from a few square miles to effectively thousands upon thousands of square miles. Some planes are connected to each other directly (bypassing the Ethereal barrier as with the two intersecting sheets of paper analogy) by permanent gates and/or permeable borders. In these cases, the conglomeration of planes is usually named (as is the Abyss,) the largest group of major inter-connected planes known
The Umbra or Border Ethereal is a fringe of the Nether Void. Dimensionally speaking, it is considered the area of the ethereal shadow that touches a major plane. Though technically such a fringe exists on all major planes, the name Umbra is specifically tied to the ethereal border connected to the Prime. To best imagine this, think of a golf green for an analogy. Consider the Prime the green proper and the Umbra the putting fringe while the fairway, sand traps, water hazards, trees, etc. are the rest of the Ethereal Plane
The outer planes or outer dimensions, also referred to as the God-planes, higher dimensions or the upper planes, are deity created masses of material suspended in "outer space". The "space" in which the outer planes float are generally referred to as the Astral Plane or the Heavens or Hells depending on one’s perspective and the discussion being had. It is also often described as the Cosmic Void, or THE Void. The Astral plane, like the Ethereal plane, is not truly a plane but rather a permeating space which touches all the outer planes and fully permeates and flows through the Prime Material Plane. The composition of planes within this "outer space" is completely dictated by the will of deities and extreme extra-dimensional powers, each having been crafted at some point by the will of a god, goddess or god-like being. Unlike the inner planes, some of these outer planes have simply been willed out of existence (such as some created by a deity which has left the universe or was otherwise destroyed.)
There are, of course, other remnants of ancient powerful gods, which have resisted the attempted destruction by current gods, while still other planes float lost in the Cosmic Void/Astral Plane. Just like inner planes, there are no standard sizes, ranging from a few square miles to thousands of square miles or more. Additionally, the will of the god controlling such a plane can simply expand it further at will. The current primary planes were constructed by the supreme gods which head up each of the respective "houses" with a few exceptions (i.e. – Chak’Dor the Orc god simply retooled the ancient orc realms after receiving his enlightenment.) Demi-planes are constructed by various gods, demi-gods and other Astral powers to suit their personal taste and beyond this, there are “secret” planes stashed throughout the endless bounds of the Astra for various purposes, reasons or elements of chance
The Astra or Border Astral is a fringe of the Heavens, Hells and the Cosmic Void in general. Dimensionally speaking, like the Umbra it is considered the area of shadow that touches the prime material plane. However, unlike the Umbra, which has such a fringe that touches all of the major inner planes, the Astra does not penetrate the realms of the gods themselves with such a fringe (except for some exceptions where deities have intentionally willed it to be so.) Beyond that, however, the golf green analogy used for the Umbra does indeed apply to the Astra
Primal Forces
Positive Material Plane The positive material plane is made up of pure positive energy. No material exists here, nor does any negative or neutral energy. Such unfiltered energy is a massive overload to almost any being and would cause a normal person to die instantly. However a tiny drop of this energy is in all living creatures on the Prime and is what brings life to all things
Negative Material Plane The negative material plane is made up of a strange anti-life energy which is generally associated with undead as they feed on positive energy. However the feeding is in a very slow fashion and thus the plane is not instantaneously deadly to most, but rather slowly leeches life energy from any living being that arrives
The Mana Plane The mana plane is the neutral energy, pure neutral magic energy to be exact. Basically mana is simply an inert energy simply waiting to be affected by some external force. All living creatures on the Prime have a balance of positive, negative and mana energy within them. Wizards have figured out how to tap this energy for various uses and to grow their pool, exerting their will upon the energy to change it into something no longer neutral
Elemental Planes
True Elemental Planes
Elemental Air – the elemental plane of air is a universe of glorious blue sky and pure air with an undetermined light source that makes it feel like a beautiful summer day. 90% of the inhabitants of the plane are naturally invisible and humanoid visitors will not immediately have any problems as they can breathe easily and can choose to free fall in any direction (DC 10 Will save to control.) 90% of the plane is made up of element as described above while the other 10% is made up of pockets of other elements, 90% of those being the other true elements (earth, fire and water) and the remaining mixes of the primal forces and demi-planes (most being those fused with elemental air.) There are many natural gates connecting the elemental plane of air to the planes of lightning, dust, smoke and ice. Additionally the elemental plane of air is home to the Court of Ice and Steel, strange in a universe of air, but literally a flying city and t he home to the King of the Djinn
Elemental Earth – the elemental plane of earth is a universe of solid rock and firm soil and no natural light. Without some manner of protection, humanoid visitors will be immediately crushed flat (unless they happen to appear in an alternate element pocket) and both breathing and movement require additional magic. 90% of the natural inhabitants of the plane can move through earth at will and 90% of the plane is made up of earth and stone as outlined above. The other 10% is made up of pockets of other elements, 90% of those being the other true elements (fire, water and air) and the remaining bits are mixes of primal forces and demi-planes (most being those fused with elemental earth.) There are many natural gates connecting the elemental planes of earth to the plane of ash, ooze, magma and dust. Additionally the elemental plane of earth is home to the Great Dismal Delve, the capital of the Dao
Elemental Fire – the elemental plane of fire is a universe of eternal flame in all its varied beauty, all burning without consuming fuel. All natural inhabitants of the plane are immune to fire and heat and most of them can will themselves to move in a similar fashion to moving in the plane of air (DC 10 Will save to control.) Humanoids visiting the plane need protection or will be burnt to ash in a matter of moments and will also need some manner of providing a way to breathe, but if so protected, will be able to attempt to move through force of will. 90% of the plane is made up of the element of fire itself, while the other 10% is made up of pockets of other elements, 90% of those being the other true elements (water, air and earth) while the remaining bits are mixes of the primal forces and demi-planes (most being those fused with elemental fire.) There are many natural gates connecting the elemental plane of fire to the planes of smoke, magma and steam. Additionally the elemental plane of fire is home to the City of Brass, the capital of the Efreet
Elemental Water – the elemental plane of water is a universe filled with every manner of liquid water, there are areas of fresh water, salt water, mineral water, etc. All natural inhabitants are able to breathe via water and swim quite effectively through various manners. Due to the lack of gravity, the weight of the water will not crush visiting humanoids, but they will need some manner of providing breathing or they will drown in a number of minutes equal to their CON score. 90% of the plane is made up of the element of water in one fashion or another while the other 10% is made up of pockets of other elements, 90% of those being the other true elements (earth, air and fire) while the remaining bits are mixes of the primal forces and demi-planes (most being those fused with elemental water.) There are many natural gates connecting the elemental plane of water to the planes of ooze, ice and steam. Additionally the elemental plane of water is home to the Citadel of Ten Thousand Pearls, the capital of the Marid
Demi-elemental Planes
Para-elemental Lightning – fusion of positive material energy and elemental air
Para-elemental Dust – fusion of elemental earth and elemental air
Para-elemental Smoke – fusion of elemental fire and elemental air
Para-elemental Ice – fusion of elemental water and elemental air
Para-elemental Ash – fusion of negative material energy and elemental earth
Para-elemental Magma – fusion of elemental fire and elemental earth
Para-elemental Ooze – fusion of elemental water and elemental earth
Para-elemental Primal Ooze – fusion of para-elemental ooze and pure magic
Para-elemental Steam – fusion of elemental fire and elemental water
Chaos – the Planes of True Chaos (5 True Planes,? Demi/Pseudo Planes) Uurgol, Halls of Limbo Gosska, The Misty Plains Maardu, The Cold Mountains Cthrog, The Cloud City Maarak, The Iron Forest
Evil – the Abyss – the Planes of True Evil (666 True Planes,? Demi-planes)
It is unknown how many detached Demi-planes there are floating in the Ethereal Plane. There are certainly too many to list here, but it is guesstimated in the thousands, many of which are uninhabited
Outer Planes
The Palace of Stars – House of Stars – Janus The Palace of Stars is simply the core of Janus’ cluster of planes. The palace itself is actually a fortress protecting the stargate which leads into another “ether” which contains an unknown number of parallel universes. It is thought many of the lost gods from previous eras have taken up residence in one or more of these parallel dimensions. Additionally it was discovered by Janus that there were a few alternate realities in which different versions of the gods known on Al’Akwannon existed. After the Holocaust, Janus returned to stabilize, the Astral plane, Al’Akwannon and subsequently protect the inner universe from other powers. He has used his power to hide the stargate from external forces, though all of the Al’Akwannese gods know his fortress protects it, including D’Spayre The Scintillating Court – Ishattar The Fortress of Blades – Laurana The Peak of Enlightenment – Kishar The Temple of the Rising Sun – Lokoran
The Dread Plain – the Dark Alliance – D’Spayre Asmodeus’ Planes Saturnine’s Planes the Realm of Chasthakroun – Incanus the Endless Darkness – Null Azagon’s Planes
The Fortress of Thandir – The Destroyers – Vishnu The Vortex – Caligo The Pools – Kesh The Maze – Ghasmari The White Tower – Nekra
Olympus – Lords of Olympus – formerly the plane of Zeus, still in existence and populated with Zeus’ fallen Elysian Fields – Ares – formerly simply Ares’ plane and an Olympian styled Valhalla, Elysium has become the center of the Olympian universe as a crucible for planning their struggle against the growing power of D’Spayre. Additionally there is currently a place within Ares’ palace with a portal to Vorondil’s fortress, both equally well guarded, but the first step in creating an alliance between the Olympians and the Lords of the North The Golden Court – Nemesis The Great Forge – Vulcan The Knolls – Avoreen
The Great Glacier – Gods of the Northern Wastes – Vorondil Norg’Sria’Zhen’s Planes The Frigid Wild – Aeryamoinyen Fjoroth’s Planes Sanya Freya’s Planes
The Endless Forest – The Elven Lords – Sahalei Morningsun The Storm Glade – Saurian Thunderwind The Black Forest – Lorac Darkweaver The Grove – Haseisi Greeneyes (the Greeneyes) The Demonweb Pits – Lolth
The Iron Keep – The Morgul Lords – Chak’Dor Land of the Giants – Goraknath Li Ssu’s Plane (he is rarely there, as he is a wanderer of the Astral Plane)
The Fire Peaks – Kings of the Fire Mountain – Ogon Firehammer Kauthar Wonderhand’s Planes Agathos Fatesender’s Planes Ergane’s Plane
The Black Tower – The Dark Sages – Assara Mazan Aija’s Planes Hecate’s Planes Titanis’ Planes
The Halls of Righteousness – Lords of Justice – Din El Makkari’s Planes Faskir’s Planes Ikaris’ Planes
The Dragon Kingdoms – The Dragon Lords – Soutan Takshaka’s Planes Hsaio Kung’s Planes Ling Kuan’s Planes
The Pyramid – The Serpent Lords – Noxicuss Thlen’s Planes