Central Al'Akwannon
Central Al'Akwannon
Also known as the Sunken Sea region, the Central area surrounds the sea, is the cradle of civilization and predominately has a sort of "romance language" feel to the areas, with a French/Gaulish vibe in the east (Isengrim and Cirdan) and a Spain/Italy vibe in the west. Additionally, the central area is where six of the seven "mega-cities" are located, cities with "insanely" large populations of several hundred thousand to a million residents.the Great Cities and City States
- Isengrim & Cirdan - The first of the great cities began as mining towns for the great metropolis of Isengaard, the first and greatest of the human cities. At the height of the Age of Enlightenment, these two cities both boasted populations well over a million strong and were the largest cities on the planet. Additionally they were the first boosted during the Age of Magic by the magic council with enchanted walls, despite having city circumferences near a hundred miles in total. Both have a feel similar to a fantasy version of France or Gaul and have relatable pseudo naming conventions. They each have significant ports on the Sunken Sea and each city state has numerous towns and villages to support the mega cities. The city state of Isengrim is #1 on the western continent of the global map; Cirdan is #2.
- Lor'Aserion - In the ancient past, a city on the border of a great desert which is now the Sunken Sea. Simply a trading hub in the middle of the desert managed expertly by seven merchant families, the city grew into a major hub between the great city of Isengaard and the growing great cities. After the Holocaust, the desert plate collapsed and filled with water, becoming the Sunken Sea and providing Lor'Aserion with a port. Before the Age of Darkness, Lor'Aserion grew to be the largest city by population, sprawling into the desert in every direction from the sea. A melting pot type of city, neither the France, Spain or Italian vibe is overwhelming, in fact the city sort of has a vibe of north african Spain with naming conventions that seem to fall like those with a Spanish/Arabic feel. The ruins of the great city of Isengaard also resides within the city state, roughly 250 miles north of the capital. The city state of Lor'Aserion is #3 on the global map.
- Tynderius - Also known as the Exalted Theonomy of Tynderius, this city has always been known for its military might. Initially built as a southern fortress on the edge of the Gran Khalari desert, it became a center for military training and truly took off after the fall of Isengaard. The city also boasts a circumference of nearly 100 miles and a massive city wall fifty feet high, eighty feet thick and with a fifty foot wide causeway on the top. Since the Age of Darkness, the power of god Ares has grown and the church of Ares runs Tynderius and is very serious about stemming the flow of undead. The capital city of Tynderius has a bit of a Greek/Roman vibe, but naming is in the fantasy Italian/Spanish/Roman sort of flavor for the most part. Additionally, the Veldt is located within the city state as a self governed dominion of the Lionmen in the NE of the state. The Theonomy of Tynderius is #4 on the global map.
- Morgana - Initially a center for timber, Morgana came into its own after the elves forcibly ejected the humans from their sacred forest. This brought the Great Army from Isengaard which crushed the elves and became a launching point for multiple offensives against the elves and orcs. The human state became a buffer zone as well as providing many opportunities for peace talks in the great city. Though any agreements always seem to eventually break. Additionally, Morgana is well known for its elite force of the Rangers of Morgana. The city state of Morgana is located at #5 on the global map.
- Hippocrane - The shipping capital of the world and at multiple times, the richest city on the planet. The largest ports in the world and the lynchpin of the Golden Triangle, a shipping consortium with Tanis and Mandino on the continent of Torosia, and Ungor and other cities on the Southwest Peninsula coast. Hippocrane is also the home to the Amethyst Eye, the magic school of oracles, diviners and seers. The city state of Hippocrane is located at #6 on the global map.
the non-Human Countries
- East Wood - The traditional home of the orcs, which has been a peninsula since the Holocaust, is a mostly forested area known simply as East Wood. Populated predominately by orcs with the most ancient clan ties and historical information that roots many age old hatreds for the elves and to a lesser extent, the dwarves. Within East Wood are various clan holdings that have remained for milennia as well as the Sinti (similar to the Roma), a nomadic group of humans who trade throughout East Wood and Morgana. East Wood is #8 on the global map.
- Silverlode - The original home of the dwarves is subterranean within the great mountain called Silverlode, the borders of their lands are predominately meant to be hundreds of miles of buffer between other races. Hill dwarves do populate various hill country, but the land is predominately undesireable, being salt flats, badlands and rocky desert areas. To this day, dwarves are highly resistant to assimilation as a society, with only those who seek such things leaving their homeland to experience other places and things. The original dwarven kingdom is #9 on the global map.
- Lothlorien - The great forest of the elves is effectively a massive living entity and home to what was once the greatest non-human empire. Lothlorien is #10 on the global map.
Other Central Al'Akwannon Countries
- Krystallia - the site of the seventh and smallest of the great cities and the "capital" of what was formerly known as the "barbarian north". Originally started by predominately Norlan (Scandinavian type) humans, the city is surrounded by a massive, magically enchanted ice wall. Ruled by the Jarl triad and unified with the city states that surround the Sunken Sea. The city state of Krystallia is located at #7 on the global map.
- the Icelands, Valley of the Horsemen and Hold of the Ice Barons - Norlan/Seynorian states of the north, each founder was a Norlan field marshall under Hernan in the Great Army and founded these early "barbarian" states. The Icelands is #27 on the global map, the Valley of the Horsemen has a very Rohan (Tolkein) style vibe and is #50 on the global map, while the Hold of the Ice Barons is #30 on the global map.
- the Fang Lands - State of the the Occitani slaves of the ancient area of Cirdan and Isengrim "gifted" a fairly shitty landscape of their own governable land by the kings of Cirdan and Isengrim. Predominately an area of badlands and the southern hill slopes of the Ashwind Mountains, the Fang Lands have simply become a realm of survivors. The Fang Lands is #15 on the global map.
- the Al'Makkar and the Southern Empire - In the ancient past thought to be the boundaries of the south, these two countries were predominately populated by the Quandin sub-race and created two strong political states. The Al'Makkar also has the Great Rift, a massive canyon with sheer, two mile deep walls locking it off fromt the rest of the world and also a location of dinosaurs and primitive man. The Al'Makkar's government has been secretly overthrown by a powerful Death Master, the Southern Empire still going strong as part of the Golden Triangle. The Al'Makkar is #16 on the global map and the Southern Empire is #18.
- Kingdom of Sarad - Owners of the western half of the Plantina mountain range and and the larger quantity of platinum veins able to be mined, they are a good trading partner with both Hippocrane and southern Morgana. Predominately populated with a Quandin/Ebonite mix of human peoples and some half elves nearer to Lothlorien, the area has a bit of a Guyana feel to it. Sarad is #34 on the global map.
Selection of images to help visualize the locations in the Central/Sunken Sea region
- Area visuals image repository - below are a variety of images representing various Central Al'Akwannon areas

Cirdan Foothills
/territory visuals/central/Cirdan Foothills.jpg
490px x 310px
/territory visuals/central/Cirdan Foothills.jpg
490px x 310px

City of Tynderius Rough
/territory visuals/central/City of Tynderius Rough.jpg
1355px x 1435px
/territory visuals/central/City of Tynderius Rough.jpg
1355px x 1435px

East Wood Draft
/territory visuals/central/East Wood Draft.jpg
551px x 321px
/territory visuals/central/East Wood Draft.jpg
551px x 321px

East Wood Trail
/territory visuals/central/East Wood Trail.jpg
500px x 295px
/territory visuals/central/East Wood Trail.jpg
500px x 295px

NE Tynderius
/territory visuals/central/NE Tynderius.jpg
463px x 404px
/territory visuals/central/NE Tynderius.jpg
463px x 404px

Sunken Sea
/territory visuals/central/Sunken Sea.jpg
624px x 481px
/territory visuals/central/Sunken Sea.jpg
624px x 481px

Tynderius Chasm Bridge
/territory visuals/central/Tynderius Chasm Bridge.jpg
300px x 443px
/territory visuals/central/Tynderius Chasm Bridge.jpg
300px x 443px

Tynderius Farm Land
/territory visuals/central/Tynderius Farm Land.jpg
400px x 300px
/territory visuals/central/Tynderius Farm Land.jpg
400px x 300px

Tynderius Rune Sea
/territory visuals/central/Tynderius Rune Sea.jpg
400px x 300px
/territory visuals/central/Tynderius Rune Sea.jpg
400px x 300px

Tynderius SW
/territory visuals/central/Tynderius SW.jpg
335px x 448px
/territory visuals/central/Tynderius SW.jpg
335px x 448px

Tynderius Sunken Coast
/territory visuals/central/Tynderius Sunken Coast.jpg
468px x 311px
/territory visuals/central/Tynderius Sunken Coast.jpg
468px x 311px

Tynderius Veldt
/territory visuals/central/Tynderius Veldt.jpg
640px x 480px
/territory visuals/central/Tynderius Veldt.jpg
640px x 480px

Hippocrane Beach
/territory visuals/central/hippocrane/Hippocrane Beach.jpg
1024px x 768px
/territory visuals/central/hippocrane/Hippocrane Beach.jpg
1024px x 768px

Hippocrane Highlands
/territory visuals/central/hippocrane/Hippocrane Highlands.jpg
3008px x 2000px
/territory visuals/central/hippocrane/Hippocrane Highlands.jpg
3008px x 2000px

Hippocrane Mangrove
/territory visuals/central/hippocrane/Hippocrane Mangrove.jpg
400px x 263px
/territory visuals/central/hippocrane/Hippocrane Mangrove.jpg
400px x 263px

Lor'Aserion City View 2
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/Lor'Aserion City View 2.jpg
720px x 540px
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/Lor'Aserion City View 2.jpg
720px x 540px

Lor'Aserion City View
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/Lor'Aserion City View.jpg
2592px x 1936px
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/Lor'Aserion City View.jpg
2592px x 1936px

Lor'Aserion Coast
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/Lor'Aserion Coast.jpg
800px x 600px
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/Lor'Aserion Coast.jpg
800px x 600px

Lor'Aserion Desert
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/Lor'Aserion Desert.jpg
400px x 300px
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/Lor'Aserion Desert.jpg
400px x 300px

Lor'Aserion Hills
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/Lor'Aserion Hills.jpg
448px x 299px
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/Lor'Aserion Hills.jpg
448px x 299px

Lor'Aserion Isengaard Ruins
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/Lor'Aserion Isengaard Ruins.jpg
474px x 356px
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/Lor'Aserion Isengaard Ruins.jpg
474px x 356px

Lor'Aserion Oasis
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/Lor'Aserion Oasis.jpg
1600px x 1200px
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/Lor'Aserion Oasis.jpg
1600px x 1200px

Lor'Aserion Salt Mine
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/Lor'Aserion Salt Mine.jpg
709px x 473px
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/Lor'Aserion Salt Mine.jpg
709px x 473px

Lor'Aserion White Mtns
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/Lor'Aserion White Mtns.jpg
551px x 364px
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/Lor'Aserion White Mtns.jpg
551px x 364px

aserion market 1
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/aserion market 1.jpg
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/aserion market 1.jpg
512px x 640px

/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/aserionimarket.jpg
854px x 404px
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/aserionimarket.jpg
854px x 404px

/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/asmar2.jpg
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/asmar2.jpg
512px x 640px

/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/desrain.jpg
1280px x 720px
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/desrain.jpg
1280px x 720px

/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/loras1.png
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/loras1.png
512px x 640px

/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/loras2.png
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/loras2.png
512px x 640px

/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/loras3.png
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/loras3.png
512px x 640px

vLor'Aserion Seven v4
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/vLor'Aserion Seven v4.jpg
819px x 740px
/territory visuals/central/lor'aserion/vLor'Aserion Seven v4.jpg
819px x 740px

Morgana 1
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana 1.png
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana 1.png
512px x 640px

Morgana 7
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana 7.png
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana 7.png
512px x 640px

Morgana 8
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana 8.png
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana 8.png
512px x 640px

Morgana 9
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana 9.png
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana 9.png
512px x 640px

Morgana Central Forest
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana Central Forest.jpg
390px x 259px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana Central Forest.jpg
390px x 259px

Morgana Environs
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana Environs.jpg
1024px x 768px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana Environs.jpg
1024px x 768px

Morgana Northern Reach
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana Northern Reach.jpg
500px x 334px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana Northern Reach.jpg
500px x 334px

Morgana Southern Farm
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana Southern Farm.jpg
400px x 300px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana Southern Farm.jpg
400px x 300px

Morgana Waterfalls
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana Waterfalls.jpg
420px x 319px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana Waterfalls.jpg
420px x 319px

Morgana Zaron View
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana Zaron View.jpg
572px x 414px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Morgana Zaron View.jpg
572px x 414px

Rainy Morgana
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Rainy Morgana.png
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/Rainy Morgana.png
512px x 640px

/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgalley.png
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgalley.png
512px x 640px

morgana 4
/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgana 4.png
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgana 4.png
512px x 640px

morgana 5
/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgana 5.png
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgana 5.png
512px x 640px

morgana 6
/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgana 6.png
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgana 6.png
512px x 640px

/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgcity.png
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgcity.png
512px x 640px

/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgday1.png
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgday1.png
512px x 640px

/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgedist.png
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgedist.png
512px x 640px

/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgstreets.png
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgstreets.png
512px x 640px

/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgstreets2.png
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgstreets2.png
512px x 640px

/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgwall.png
512px x 640px
/territory visuals/central/morgana/morgwall.png
512px x 640px
- Images repository (specifically for almanac connections to regional imagery to help visualize)