Global Time Line
Global Time Line
Wars between gods and other multi-planar entities coupled with extreme abuse of magic causes rips in the universal fabric around the ring world of Eridanus. The chaotic forces create a domino effect culminating in the cataclysmic destruction of the entire planescape. Pure magical energy, a handful of powerful life forces and some elemental matter are pulled through a black hole-like rift in the dimensional element, spewing into a new, unknown dimension. This energy, matter, psychic reflections, etc. begin to spontaneously grow into what will become a new world; the world of Al’Akwannon
Protean Eons
Note - there is very little history about these eons, since most of it was comprised of reawakening of sentient uber-beings and coalescing of matter and energy and certainly there were no mortal historians involved at such a time. It is thought that various forms of magic took their earliest evolutionary forms during this period as well, such as elemental magic, chaos magic and the like. The actual dates of the eons encompassed below are a compilation of estimates from the foremost sages and historians throughout the later ages. With the modern aides of divinatory magic and science however, these are thought to be reasonably accurate broad strokes
1 - 800,000,000 PE
During these first hundreds of millions of years, dispersed magical essences from the alter-dimensional ring world of Eridanus slowly coalesce and form the earliest layer of universal mana. While these intangible forces coalesce, matter also becomes a more dense, compressed quantity in the new universe and two other large masses of matter form into the two moons of Al’Akwannon. Near the end of this era, with the basic mass of the world of Al'Akwannon formed, basic plant life springs into action and the dimensional soup begins to sort itself out as the Astral, Ethereal and inner planes begin forming
800,000,001 - 2,200,000,000 PE
The first of the most powerful sentient energies which survived the destruction of Eridanus and were transported into the new universe have been lying dormant for nearly a billion years; the greatest of these stir and begin to recover their consciousness. The very presence of these being’s thoughts shape the various planes of the inner and outer dimensions as they mature. These entities are a handful of deities and elemental forces. As photosynthesis begins in the new plant life, plants begin to take over on the surface of Al’Akwannon and the atmosphere stabilizes. Near the end of this eon, the atmosphere of Al’Akwannon becomes oxygen rich while the other dimensions stabilize in their various forms, the Astral realms formed primarily by the father gods; Zeus, Vishnu, Candalaas, Asmodeus and Makkari and the Ethereal realms primarily by the forces of the prime elements
2,200,000,001 - 4,000,000,000 PE
Multi-cellular life proliferates on Al’Akwannon while the father gods begin slow labors of power to fashion their own personalized dimensions within the Astral plane. Other sentient Eridanian energies awaken, including demonic forces, other elemental intelligences, the vampire king Malchoss and other unique, elder consciences. While these forces begin to claim tiny portions of the various dimensions or go about their own personal evolution, the father gods begin more concentrated efforts to mold the “prime” world (Al’Akwannon's "Prime Material Plane") as they see fit
Metan Era
Note – the first portions of the Metan Era are no different than the eons preceding it as far as historical documentation is considered. All such historical information is comprised of scientific and magical information.
1 - 250,000,000 ME (Paleozoic Equivalent)
Battles rage within the Ethereal Plane as demonic forces proliferate and spread and the planar conglomerates of Limbo and the Abyss forge endless nests of chaos and evil. Elemental beings solidify the elemental planes and their ties with the “prime” universe become stronger and more vital. The mana plane forms naturally and functions similarly to a “heart” for the universal flow of mana, pumping the energy throughout the multiverse. Malchoss defines negative material energy while a natural opposite springs into being via the balancing positive material plane of energy. The five father gods focus their energy on crafting the “prime material” world further, adjusting the land masses, forcing up some newer mountain ranges, flora evolves to more advanced stages with proper seed based plants, mature trees and other evolved flora life. Fauna begins and evolves from microbial life through various stages and to amphibian and reptile levels near the end of the period
250,000,001 - 400,000,000 ME (Mesozoic Equivalent)
Primitive mammals and birds appear on Al’Akwannon while less radical adjustments of land masses continue forming a variety of eco-systems. Flowering plants proliferate and along with it evolve countless varieties of insects. Fish evolve and at the mid-point of this epoch, dinosaurs rule the planet. Within the Ethereal Plane, battles rage on with demonic forces while elemental bonds with the “prime” solidify with their various presences there (natural fires, water, air, earth, dust, smoke, ash, magma, ice, ooze, etc.) This period ends with an ice age which for all intents and purposes wipes out the dinosaurs (with a few exceptions)
400,000,001 - 465,000,000 ME (Initial Cenozoic Equivalent – effectively touching the modern age)
Mammals, birds and all modern forms of new life begin to evolve, diversify and proliferate. Mammals evolve to occupy space in every ecological niche (both marine and terrestrial) and near the very end of this epoch, the father gods find it time to introduce humanoids to the mix...truly "intelligent" (though sometimes debatable) life. The Elder races are born
Note – known as the Elder races, the first highly intelligent inhabitants of Al’Akwannon were; the Elves, as fashioned by Zeus; the Orcs, as fashioned by Asmodeus; the Dwarves, as fashioned by Makkari; and the Humans, as fashioned by Vishnu. All of these races developed in the very latter portion of the era within the final two thousand years
465,000,001 – 465,000,500 ME
At various times through the first large portion of this age, the father gods begin to raise some of these exceptional early mortals to the level of godhood, furthering their own causes, bestowing the capacity to gather large masses of mana and transmit it to followers of their own as they endeavored to enrich the span of their own creations. The earliest deific alliances begin to develop unbeknownst to the general populace and early demonic and elemental hierarchies begin to reach their more modern forms through the culmination of many of the era long supernatural wars, unknown to the burgeoning populace of the prime material plane
465,000,501 – 465,001,000 ME
Some of the earliest younger gods and goddesses, now somewhat mature as deities begin developing new races in an attempt to compliment the Elder races. These new creatures include Centaurs, Gnomes, Goblins and Halflings. Some of these newer gods run amok however, creating outlandish and fantastic species often in an effort to compete with their earlier siblings. It is from these lines that many of the legendary, monstrous creatures and unique races evolved; such as giants, trolls, beholders and dragons
Note – as alluded to above, it is some time during this portion of the Metan Age that Al’Akwannese dragons were created. The true creator of these powerful creatures is unknown, but it is thought that Candalaas may have created them to balance the influx of supernatural creatures and beings. Dragons evolved and took control of huge swaths of the prime aided by their immense personal power, intelligence and ability to wield magic
465,001,001 – 465,001,200 ME
Soon, what has become an all out competition of the younger gods, tests the patience of the father gods toward their limits. These young deities go beyond simply creating mortal species and begin transforming their own creations into godlings, raising mortals to heroic levels with divine gifts of power, subjugating them and bringing them into the pantheons under their own yoke. Angered, the father gods finally put a stop to the frivolity, the pantheons are closed and some of the worst perversions, both mortal and supernatural, are destroyed by divine retribution and a few of the worst offending gods are cast out into the void
465,001,201 – 465,002,000 ME
Throughout this period each of the four nuclei of companion races coexists with minimal problems. Each develops from more nomadic, tribal type existences to their own versions of early civilization. Each develops a written language, and other evolutionary events happen as they migrate in various directions. As of this period, none of the elder races have yet to truly interact, other than chance meetings of fringe nomads & wanderers and each core civilization is predominately unaware of the others’ existence. Within the last two hundred fifty years of the age, the natural migratory routes of the Elvish and Orcish nations cause their borders to intermingle and for the first time the TRUE awareness of other sentient life forms begins. Explorers from both races also discover the far less expansionist race of Dwarves far to the South
Note – A great deal of the legend of these final 2000 years of the time period is pure fiction, yet an equal amount is comprised of no less amazing true facts. In addition, a great deal of the historical information comes in uniquely developed texts and pictographs that follow prealphabetic forms and have been quite difficult to decipher
Age of Wars
Note - Although this age has been well documented, the history varies greatly depending on the origins of the material. Most of the historical documentation and stories passed down are based on accounts from the Elvish and Orcish nations. Each highly biased and providing a varied and often skewed view of the truth. The below is an attempt to balance these views
1 - 40 AW
Within a generation or two of the lesser lifespan orcs, tension between the Elvish and Orcish nations raises to an intolerable height. Minor unsanctioned skirmishes break out on the frontier lands of each race. Near the end of this span, the Elven nation officially declares war on the Orcs initiating a racial hatred that has never truly subsided to this day
41 - 45 AW
The Elves amass troops near the edge of the frontier and begin sweeping through the Orcish pioneers. Soon, the Orcs have amassed a considerable defensive force and they retaliate, pushing the elves back with superior strategy and power. They rebuff the main Elven offensive and push well into the borders of the Elven frontier lands. Elven emissaries bring gifts and plead with the Dwarven Lords for aid, spinning a tale of foul Orcish sorcery and their blight upon the land. In the end, the Dwarven King is persuaded and they form an alliance with the Elves
46 - 50 AW
With the aid of the methodical Dwarven offensive advancing from the south, the Orcish strength is divided to two fronts. This allows the Elves to regroup and retaliate with series upon series of strong offensives, pushing the Orcs back within the original borders of their frontier. The other, smaller racial groups in close proximity feel the effects of the wars and some begin to involve themselves. Notably, the Goblins ally with the Orcs while Centaurs ally with the Elves
51 - 61 AW
Dwarves pound away in the south keeping the Orcs at a virtual stalemate on the southern front but are also able to avoid subjecting themselves to heavy losses. Meanwhile, brutal fighting on the primary front sees the main Elvish and Orcish forces at a near territorial stand still as well; however each side is subjected to heavy losses. In the end the Orc and Goblin forces lose more total numbers. The Centaur nation is nearly wiped out and the few hundred survivors withdraw to the far west leaving the area entirely. They are not heard from again during this age
62 - 67 AW
Slowly Orcish strength dwindles as the Elves and Dwarves push the Orcs and Goblins far within their previously established boundaries and ultimately they resort to underground living situations. The Elves declare unequivocal victory, destroying nearly all remnants of ancient Orcish (Torog/Morgul) culture and sealing off the known Underdark entrances to keep the Orcs and Goblins in the underworld where Elves believe they belong
68 - 204 AW
Unsure of themselves in a hollow feeling victory and unable to understand many of the Elvish ways and perspectives, the Dwarves return to their homelands uncomfortable in their victorious role. Dwarves decline most expansionistic goals refusing to obtain anything more than a buffer zone of salt flats from their “acquired” lands. This does, however, establish the first official Dwarven Kingdom of Silverlode. With the remaining spoils of conquest gobbled up by the Elven nation, the fey victors initiate a hundred and fifty year, multi-generational (in orcish terms) period of martial law in all their border lands with any egress from the Underdark they are not able to seal heavily guarded. Throughout this period, there are often guerrilla wars between Elven military government and the suppressed Orcs. Near the end of this span minor probing by human explorers is heavily rebuffed
Note – It was during this vast time period that early Human explorers wrote of “crazed forest spirits” fiercely protecting the trees and its borders. These initial encounters helped foster the prolific migration of Human population in other directions as they spread outward over many generations, avoiding confrontation. This period also marks the end of the Morgul Age of the Orcs and during this period the Uruk version of Orcish society, one dominated by military might, emerges
205 - 220 AW
Asmodeus, Lord of Darkness, hating to see the creations of his ancient nemesis Zeus prevailing, secretly develops two new races; the Barkah and the Arachnahdi, clouding their presence and development from the other gods. With the aid of Asmodeus’ servitors, these races develop quickly from primordial intelligence to civilized peoples. Under unholy direction, they begin to form secret alliances with the Orcs and Goblins
221 - 250 AW
After nearly 200 years of total dominance, the new Elven generation has been lulled into a false sense of security and become more lax in their martial enforcement. The Orcs and their new allies secretly organize and prepare a military force within the Underdark. The forces coordinate and the Arachnahdi assassinate the Elven Emperor while Orcs launch a major offensive, lashing out from the Underdark with furious passion
251 - 256 AW
Quickly the Orcs recover the core of their once proud empire and establish a tight defense. From there they begin to slowly but surely dominate the Elves eventually expanding to their former borders and continuing to build their military. During this time, various Elven ambassadors plead with the Dwarves to join their cause once again. The new Dwarven King, however, feels that past involvements were mistakes and he (as will his successors) repeatedly decline to involve themselves in such affairs. The Elves are infuriated by the Dwarven ambivalence
257 - 265 AW
Eventually, the Orcs push into the depths of Lothlorien, shattering the Elven Empire, forcing many Elves into underground refuges as they had done to the Orcs as well as enslaving tens of thousands. A large segment of the Elvish populace that is forced into the Underdark retreats much deeper into the underworld via the leadership of Driminaas Thandaleistir, never to be seen again
Note – the origins of the Drow begin here as the Thandaleistir sect of Elves begins to evolve in their adopted environment. It is known that magic and the powers of Lolth help them transform into black skinned, colorless haired creatures
266 - 400 AW
The Elven spirits broken, they find the Orcs’ cruel reigns are tight upon them. The Orcs solidify their dominance of Central Al’Akwannon much as the Elves before them, protecting their borders with ferocity. Remembering the pivotal involvement of their other ancient foes, they organize and launch an offensive on the Dwarven homelands several years later
401 - 441 AW
Discovering the involvement of Asmodeus and his new creations, Zeus creates his own iconic angelic race, the Avariel and, as Asmodeus before him, accelerates their development. Their winged forms aid in rescuing key Elven leaders from captivity and a rebellion begins to brew. Meanwhile, to the south, forty years has seen the Uruk at a veritable stalemate with the Dwarven Kingdom as they are continually repelled by staunch, immovable Dwarven resistance forces
442 - 443 AW
Aided by the Avariel and mystic gifts from Zeus, the Elves break the chains of bondage and a fervent rebellion ensues. With their new allies, the Elves begin to overthrow the Orcs near their own original homelands and soon restore the core Empire. News of the rebellion spreads to the south and the faltering assault upon the Dwarves is abandoned as Orcish legions return home to defend against their antediluvian enemies
444 - 644 AW
The might of the Elven Empire restored the two Empires clash again and again over generations. This ebb and flow of battles in a roughly 200 year long conflict would later be heralded as the ‘Terrible War’. During this time, both sides absorb tremendous losses, but the larger picture reveals the Elves have slowly pushed forward restoring their frontier claims. Near the end of this period, they begin to press back the Orcish tide even further aided by a flow of new magic powers and blessings directly from the Elven aspect of Zeus, Zathrilaas. As the Elves look toward forcing themselves back into the depths of traditional Orc lands, Asmodeus and his protégé D'Spayre intervene directly. Tired of the millennia of veiled godly manipulation, they fold in dimensions of hell upon the prime, bringing forth their devilish servitors and crushing Elven attack forces. Infuriated by this breach of godly protocol, Zeus assaults the home plane of Asmodeus accompanied by his powerful protégés Apollo and Ares
645 AW
A previously unknown entity known only as “the Champion” appears in the midst of the enraged gods, somehow nullifying their powers and enlightening them of their responsibilities and limitations as deities. A new order of self imposed restriction is proliferated through the pantheons, dimensional rifts are repaired and the gods return to their native planes
646 - 655 AW
Spawned by godly influence, the roots of an uneasy peace take hold. Negotiations and renegotiations take place as territories and boundaries are disputed over the next few years, finally culminating in set boundaries for the Orcs, Elves and Dwarves
Age of Humanity
1 - 374 AH
Quelled by the power of the gods, the Orcs, Elves and Dwarves remain in a strained period of peace for generations as each successive generation attempts to fade the anguish and enmity spawned by thousands of years of war. This is especially difficult for the long lived Elves and the fiery blooded Orcs. During this span of time however, the fourth of the Elder races prospers. The Humans, having not been involved in any major conflicts during the previous age, experience a period of great development and evolution. Their civilization proliferates to the corners of Central Al’Akwannon as they make breakthroughs in magic, architecture, commerce and mining (300 AH = 1 CA for SW Peninsula)
375 - 390 AH
The preeminent and virtually unopposed nation of humanity, based in their majestic capital city of Isengaard (circa 400AW) begin discovering new deposits of precious gems, metals and other resources, driving new waves of exploration. Propelled by a penchant for greed, the first major contact of the Humans (not just explorers, but entrepreneurs) with other races occurs
391 - 400 AH
These encounters between the Humans and the empires of the Orcs and Elves are abrasive even more so than the rebuffing the explorers met hundreds of years in the past. This redirects many entrepreneurial explorers far to the East and South where they begin to encounter other human races evolved from centuries old...even millennia old pioneer groups. Some more influential of the entrepreneurs spurned by Orcs and Elves, however, return home infuriated by the impudence of the forest empires and petition to develop a military force and deal with the aggravating creatures. To the East, nestled in the foothills of the Ered Lithui (the Ash Mountains) the boomtowns of Isengrim and Cirdan spring into existence
401 - 404 AH
Discovery of new ores in the Ered Lithui East of Cirdan spurs on military build up. The introduction of masses of steel weapons gives the humans a new confidence breaking down the last resistance among senators in Isengaard. In addition, magic has become a great power to be reckoned with as accomplished sorcerers begin to form secret sects and guilds. The humans assemble one of the most enormous and well equipped armies ever known under the leadership of the general Hernan
405 - 407 AH
The humans launch an offensive on the nearer of the two alien empires, the Orcs. The tactical brilliance of Hernan and the sheer size of the Great Army utterly overwhelm them, forcing them to retreat East from their treatised lands and the Humans develop the outpost of Morgana
408 AH
Elven spies transmit information of the Human attack to their emperor. Pleased to see the Orcs so easily subdued and humiliated, the Elven Court makes overtures of peace and alliance to the Humans. Word from Isengaard of agreement to work with the Elves arrives; Hernan assigns merchants to facilitate interracial trade
409 - 414 AH
Morgana quickly grows and the Humans begin exploiting the great forest Lothlorien, extracting great amounts of lumber to develop not only Morgana, but to ship to Isengaard, Isengrim and Cirdan for construction materials. Soon the Elves develop a severe animosity toward their Human neighbors and their exploitive behaviors and truncate their relationship with them. The Elven empire amasses an army and begins evicting Humans from the borders of the Great Forest
415 - 417 AH
Angered and proud, the Humans declare war on the Elves. Nearly a thousand miles to the south, where Hernan’s army has cut a seamless swath of imperial expansion from Morgana along the Zaron river to the sea, the small port of Hippocrane has come to life. Word arrives from Isengaard of the war declaration and Hernan outfits his army, swinging North and destroying a path through Lothlorien west of the Zaron river. The Elves are distraught as the Humans unleash a seemingly unstoppable and even unswerving force
418 - 420 AH
Reaching Morgana, Hernan swings his efforts toward the heart of Lothlorien and the core of the Elven Empire, destroying the Great Forest in his path to make way for his siege weaponry. Abhorring what he sees, Zeus strikes down the mighty city of Isengaard with a barrage of natural disasters. The Human Senate, under counsel from sages and diviners who interpret the signs of the destruction, instruct Hernan to cease the slaughter and withdraw. The Elves are left within the borders of their sacred forest deeply scarred, but fearful of the might of this forgotten race
Age of Magic
1 - 73 AM
In the wake of the radical expansion and rash decision making, the most powerful magis join forces and form the beginnings of what will become the Magic Council. Dubbing themselves an oversight committee for all mortals and the world in general, they bring order to the military and decide to begin construction of magically protected cities and roads to encourage trade throughout central Al’Akwannon
74 - 87 AM
The new awareness of magic proliferates beyond the structure of the magic council and its control. This results in powerful rogue magi forging their own ideals and magic styles and additionally constructing items and weapons of power. Although the magic council evokes strong sanctions against these rogues, many are powerful and the abuse of magic by some runs amok. Six sites are decided upon for the great cities of the known world as the council begins to develop a "world order”
88 - 106 AM
In series after series of enormous cooperative magic efforts, the most eminent of the council magi construct and protect the six magnificent cities. Magically shielded roads are similarly crafted to create a network of seamless trade routes and a new city springs up in the Great Desert founded by merchants as a hub for interstate trade. The magi create sentinel towers for purposes of keeping tabs on the known world
107 - 121 AM
Diplomatic members of the magic council are able to come to terms with the leaders of the various elder races. The original boundaries of the Orcish and Elvish nations are restored yet separated by a swath of land in the central portion of the city state of Morgana. They establish a council of rulers, including the heads of state from the elves, dwarves and orcs
122 - 204 AM
As true development and diplomacy wanes, politics and fame becomes the focus more and more towards the final decades of the age. The preeminent magi begin dueling for control of the council and factions develop. As the sorcerers seek to gain the upper hand, many minor magic items become displaced throughout the world. Disharmony increases and the ‘mortal’ rulers once again become the true governors of the world
Age of Enlightenment
1 - 62 AE
The magic council recedes into a far more ‘behind the scenes’ role under the steadying hand of Meliazar the Magnificent, an exceedingly wise arch-meta mage. Instead of exacting direct control, the wizards and guildmasters of the realm use their influence as necessary with the visible rulers of the states of humanity. This group of rulers, known as the “Council of Seven” becomes a more truly effective form of governmental management in Central Al’Akwannon. The humans begin to involve the other primal races and that choice becomes the first step on the path toward easing age old hatreds
63 - 69 AE
Through a barren, lowland steppe, a massive army of undead is spotted marching West. As the humans muster their forces, the army of what will become known simply as the Eastern Empire, attacks the city of Isengrim and steadily marches into Al'Akwannon. It is a rude awakening to most that there are yet more lands and races to be discovered. Lead by the impressive martial forces of Tynderius, the armies of Central Al'Akwannon unite and grind the Empire to a standstill. A stalemate rages on for several years until an attack from the Khanate hordes north of the Empire disrupts a massive Eastern Imperial counter strike brewing. The Empire is forced to retreat to the edge of Deadwood just east of the Ered Lithui (now the Ashwind Mountains)
70 - 82 AE
Results of the war in the East are not entirely negative. Knowledge that lands and kingdoms exist in previously unexplored areas brings to light the fact that many trade opportunities exist. Merchants of Central Al'Akwannon build ties with outlying nations such as Toros, the Savage Lands and the Kingdom of Syth. Exploration runs wild with adventurers seeking far off fortunes and experiences. They discover nations that have evolved from explorers and pioneers from centuries and millennia past
83 - 108 AE
New alliances are made with foreign countries and it is a time of high prosperity. Areas further into the West, South and East have developed advanced civilizations completely separate from the goings on of Central Al’Akwannon. Trade routes are established into the Far East and West that avoid the Fey lands in the west and the influence of the Eastern Empire in the east. Towns and cities along these thousands of miles of routes spring up to support the natural evolution of trade
109 - 220 AE
The past century has been truly the height of human temperance, success, wealth and power. Empires, kingdoms, cities, tribes and nomadic humans dot every corner of the known world and humans, the original creations of Vishnu make up over 90% of the world’s population. By the year two hundred twenty, however, priests of various religions feel their powers suddenly wane. Healers cannot perform and prophets can see nothing of the future
221 - 245 AE
A trying two decades of managing religious resources and a general spread of fear and woe places the world in a realm of decay. By the end of the age, all residual power left in godly artifacts seems tapped and a plague of disease rips through Central Al'Akwannon. It is spawned from the great cities whose vermin populace and general unhealthiness has risen to levels beyond comprehension. Without magic which normally kept such things in check, the road looks ruinous. Natural disasters begin occurring to add to the magnitude of what they have now dubbed the Holocaust
Unbeknownst to the mortal populace, the being known as Champion has begun an unknown metamorphosis. He summons all the gods of Al'Akwannon and its primary parallel universe into a strange ether outside their true dimensions. The gods of knowledge diagnose Champion with a mysterious mental disorder or disease. Champion lashes out destroying several median gods, and then while nearly destroying a greater god, Champion goes suddenly comatose, releasing the victim. Candalaas attempts to force open a portal back to Al'Akwannon and triggers a strange phenomenon...several hundred dimensional gates open from the ether and many of the gods begin to escape through them. A few gods remain for various purposes, including a group of evil gods whom attempt to attack the seemingly comatose Champion and draw forth his power. Champion absorbs them with some manner of reflexive attack while remaining in the state of suspended animation. The remaining gods decide it best to leave
Back on Al'Akwannon, the absence of divine power is taking its frightening toll on the planet. Pestilence and plague sweep the lands without healing to check them and great cities become death traps of disease. Elemental forces run amok, unchecked by the gods, demons wander the earth and prey upon mortals of any kind and natural disasters devastate huge areas. Plates shift and buckle causing shocking changes to the surface of the world. Millions die, and people live in constant fear of eternal death without the power of their gods to save them or provide an afterlife
Janus, God of Impulse, finds himself on a strange world in another dimension. Cut off from his worshipers, his power is greatly diminished (as with all the gods.) He begins to set himself up as a god in this new place to begin rebuilding his power and to devise a way to return to Al'Akwannon. Drawn to an ancient place on the planet, Janus discovers the legendary weapon Herugrim, an artifact from the world of Eridanus (actually the sword of power wielded by Daronfoil a demi-god-like hero of that world. The sentient blade was fused with the souls and bodies of both Daronfoil and his arch-enemy Razarok during the implosion of Eridanus. The resulting combination of psyches and power formed the Champion, effectively a universal balancer, in concert with the ultimate artifact Herugrim, of the Al'Akwannonian dimensions.) Herugrim telepathically explains to Janus that an unknown force had torn it from the Champion being and that now the good and evil within the “balancer” were vying for the dominant role
Seeking the gods of the world to discuss with them the plight of the universe, Janus encounters the dimension’s balancing object of power, which Herugrim destroys. The dimension begins to collapse and with the gods of the doomed dimension at his heels, Janus escapes through a rip in the dimensional fabric. Fleeing to another world, Janus and his pursuers are intercepted by Assara Mazan, a powerful god of evil. After they explain all, Mazan agrees to help and somehow scries through the outer dimensions to locate Zeus. Upon meeting, Zeus and Mazan communicate with each other and resolve that all the multiverse dimensions are in trouble if something is not done about the Champion. They agree to work together and the two absorb the power of the lesser gods assembled to make themselves strong enough to combat Champion. Janus and the Al'Akwannese gods present are spared, but they absorb all others
Zeus and Mazan confront Champion and their coordinated attack causes him to divide into two beings, one light and one dark. The two halves of Champion begin to fight each other. As the dark side begins to prevail, the light half extends its arm toward Janus, and Herugrim leaps from his hand. His legendary sword in hand, Daronfoil incarnates and strikes the dark form. Razarok incarnates from the dark form and the two continue to battle. The fight appears stalemated until Herugrim suddenly tears itself from Daronfoil's grasp, flying high into the air. Razarok throws Daronfoil to the ground and straddling him, begins to throttle his neck. Herugrim plummets down toward them, impaling them both and resulting in an explosion of energy. When the brightness clears, Herugrim has vanished and millions of tiny pricks of light have appeared (all the dimensional gates have been opened)
Janus feels himself infused with power and senses the gate home to Al’Akwannon proper and returns through it. Nearly 600 years have passed for mortals on the prime (588 to be exact) since the departure of the gods. Janus exerts his power to quell the volatile elements, close various gates to the Ethereal dimensions and bring a relative calm to the physical world. The world has become radically changed, yet many ancient monuments still remain. Janus takes the moniker of the Star Father and constructs his home plane around the gate through to the area between the outer dimensions he dubs the Star Ether. Janus ventures out into the star ether to retrieve the lost gods he can locate and new alliances are formed changing the structure of divine politics
Age of the New Kingdoms
1 - 130 NK
With the return of the gods, Al'Akwannon begins to rebuild. Though near 70% of the global population has been decimated, survivors in population centers spread far and wide have persevered in one fashion or another. Mortals, spurred by the return of theurgic power and the very need of the gods themselves to have more worshippers, the repopulation effort moves forward. Over this first new century, the cities, both ancient and new, are slowly repopulated and governments begin to resurface. Many legendary figures resurface throughout the period to help mold the new kingdoms and reform old ones
131 - 153 NK
Minor skirmishes and acts of diplomacy iron out new borders in the central states as formerly outland kingdoms coalesce. Barbarian kings in the Great North and east emerge as powerful forces. Well respected sages in Central Al’Akwannon begin efforts to catalogue the new geography and political realms
154 - 166 NK
The Horde, far to the northeast of Central Al’Akwannon, rapidly expands its borders south and west until it is checked by the power of the Eastern Empire whose undead warriors have returned from the Negative Material plane where they weathered the Holocaust. The surprising resistance of a new nation rising also stifles their westward advance. It lies in the Sea of Dust, under the leadership of a creature who calls herself the Scorpion Queen. This powerful being forges her own empire, driving a wedge between the Eastern Empire and Horde, extending her Sea of Dust in a long band between them near the end of the period. The Hippocranian navy, charting the new sea scape of the Rune Sea, stumbles upon a new island chain thrust up from the water between the far southern tip of Toros and the peninsula. It is populated entirely by Picis
167 - 200 NK
By the end of this span, petty wars and disputes all but die out and even the outer kingdoms have solidified and most borders are relatively fixed for the time. The Eastern Empire's shadow keeps Cirdan and Isengrim in fear, but for the time being the undead seem only as watching sentinels. Separated by the Sunken Sea, those farther west do not feel the weight of such powers. Hippocrane grows rapidly as new settlements emerge along the Zaron and Rogue rivers and takes its place as the largest known population center. Their position as valve between the Sunken Sea and the Rune Sea bodes well for their wealth with impending trade between the central states and the southern kingdoms
201 - 270 NK
The combined high council of the Central Al’Akwannonian city states indoctrinates a new calendar, dubbing it the New Kingdoms calendar and enlists historians to chronicle the past 200 years as part of the new age. Throughout the next seventy years or so, various groups of driven heroes stave off various attempts at radical change in the world, unknown to the general populace. During this time, however, it is noted that many ancient artifacts long lost seem to be resurfacing
271 - 325 NK
A new orcish hero Loh’Pak, makes attempts to return the orcs to an ancient glory. He notices a strange interplay with gods of evil and in the end all of the orcish gods save one are destroyed. However, the surviving orc god is reborn with powers of the ancient past and begins to work with his people. During this time a few select mortals discover that there are various machinations in place that seem to all be pushed by the most powerful god of evil, D’Spayre. Something is happening, but no one knows quite what and the general populace, as usual, is in the dark
326 - 328 NK
What D’Spayre has been waiting for finally comes to light to the priests of Zeus. It is discovered that long ago during the Holocaust, Zeus’ absorption of evil gods has infected him causing various of his avatars to now be evolving into their own varies personas and loosing their grip from the true Zeus. Zeus himself has realized that his only chance to stop this is to destroy himself and allow Ares to command the gods of “good.” For approximately two years, various factions of Zeus fight themselves culminating in the father of light absorbing his avatars and destroying all of them along with himself
Age of Darkness
1 - 25 AD
Undead surge across the western continent, stopped only by natural features. Isengrim suffers an attack from the Eastern Empire spearheaded by Lord Sarak who pronounces himself the Grand Duke of Isengrim. The city is divided with three decisive forces, Lokoran the Daymaker, the Eastern Empire and the church of Ares. Ares sends a planetar to earth, its thousand foot tall presence establishing a barrier to undead striking against the church. Krystallia is surrounded by a million zombies and held at bay by Arxeen Kathan and the Jarls. Lor’Aserion is under siege by the Empire but the attack is broken through the efforts of an unknown goblin yet the city continues to deal with undead and demons within the city. Hippocrane is divided into various pockets of human resistance and undead infections while Tynderius stands under martial law
26 - 50 AD
Grand Duke Sarak has ensconsed himself in Isengrim and taken steps to separate himself from the Witch King in the Eastern Empire. Another of the Witch King's vassals has been experimenting the the jungles of the SW Peninsula on infusing vampires with positive material energy. The Highwayman has sponsored a group of undead fighters with teams of trained fighters using oracles to find undead scourges, teleport to locations and save those without any organized support network. With only sparing pockets, the undead scourge is global, however and the gods of evil's power has reached new heights.
51 - 55 AD
Aewynn a young elven chronomancer, hand picked by Grand Duke Sarak, led a special team to take advantage of a special astronomical event and cause millions of gates to open to various planes throughout the dimensions, bringing back monsters, creatures, energies and entities thought to be merely old wives tales or forgotten altogether. Added to the prolific spread of the undead, the damage to the Prime is felt at its core. Andras, the dirty goblin, has assembled a team of heroes to initiate the creation of an Adventurer's Guild to help facilitate the growth of people to fight these new things. His own team has found the Gatewatcher and forced closed most of the gates that remained after the astrological event. Unbeknownst to most mortals, the Age of Darkness has been short, but is rolling into a new Age, the Age of Chaos.
Age of Chaos
a new time in the world of Al'Akwannon, the beginning of the Adventurer's Guild era and new campaigns to be played
Eastern Timeline
The ancient beginning of Oriental Al’Akwannon’s history is, of course, the same as anywhere else. Through the Protean and Metan ages, the development of the planet and early races is unchanged. Al’Akwannon’s equivalent of Asiatic races are actually descendants of ancient peoples from Occidental Al’Akwannon who’s earliest brave pioneers made their way into the eastern oceans some time long before the first major recorded pioneering some time around the mid-Metan Age. Over the next 7000 years or so, the people evolved along their own path and without much influence from any gods, unique forms of magic and spirituality evolved
Yangshao Age
Note there is actually a great deal of history about this age, scattered about from various minor cultures, in various written forms
1 - 4,000 YA
In year one, the first Jade Emperor establishes the empire of Xia Xuan following almost two decades of expansion, absorption, war and other imperious empire building tasks. While other kingdoms and the like were being developed elsewhere, the Jade Emperor developed his own calendar and introduced the Age of the Soaring Comet or the Yangshao Age. During this long period, various minor cultures sprang into existence and were eclipsed by others as the various oriental peoples spread throughout the continent. Two of the other major cultures begin during the middle portion of this period, the early Yakunese culture in the north and the Sukhothamese culture in the south
4,001 - 4,044 YA
The Yakunese congregate under the shogun Yamakura and rebuff repeated incursions by the Xuanese. With superior military tactical prowess and extreme loyalty of troops, the Yakunese carve a large area of northwestern Xia Xuan for themselves
4,045 - 4,111 YA
Through prolonged guerilla style battles in the northern jungles of the southern part of the continent, the rebel tribal leader Sukhotha rallies various bands together to make an army with elephant warriors from areas crossing into present day Van Lang and crafting a new kingdom which stretched from the Tian’Fang to the Yhou’Lai seas
4,922 - 5,018 YA
The hundred years war between Sukhotham and the renegade Van Lang results in the coasts divided between the two kingdoms. Xia Xuan retracts to internal building and infrastructure within their own country developing major irrigation and canal projects, road building and wall building to protect certain borders, most importantly the northeastern borders of Yakushima and southern borders between Van Lang and Sukhotham
5,019 - 6,438 YA
(year 5979 is equivalent to the year 1 of the Age of Wars, the previous 6000 years equating to the end of the Metan Era) Over a millennia of peace as each of the most ancient empires develops rich histories. Goreyo is in the midst of its three kingdoms era in the northeast while mountain people culture of Kho Xiong solidifies in the southern central mountains
6,439 – 6,802 YA
The other southern kingdoms develop, Ashokha develops along the southern coast and the mountain people establish Kho Xiong
6,803 - 7,022 YA
Goreyo unifies under Lord Baek and they repel incursion of the latest Jade Emperor of Xia Xuan who seeks to control ley lines throughout the continent. Xia Xuan expands its borders to the southern edge of the mountains south of Yakushima and are brought to a military stalemate. The old wall becomes obsolete
7,023 - 7,524 YA
Effects of the Holocaust in the west are minimal in the east, solidification of all oriental kingdoms and their borders become less flexible
7,525 - 8,440 YA
(year 8440 is equivalent to the year 1 of the Age of Darkness) The current period
8,441 - 8,496 YA
(span of the Age of Darkness)
8,497 +
(the beginning of the Age of Chaos)
Game Reference Timelines
1000 MA Rebirth of To’Garma
1/1 Game begins. To’Garma reawakens and is called to begin recovering the artifacts of Eridanus
1015MA Rebirth of To’Garma
3/5 To’Garma attacks the small walled town of Tyder (would later become the site of the great city Tynderius) and devastates it
5/13 To'Garma has successfully recovered 13 of the legendary artifacts and aligns with them gaining untold power
8/12 To’Garma assaults the orcish gods, slaying all of them except Lu’Thic, the orc mother, she is tossed out of the cosmic void into nothingness
1016 MA Rebirth of To’Garma
1/1 The gods of law and good converge on To’Garma, together they are able to strip him of his artifacts, yet are unable to destroy him
1/1 The gods lock To'Garma on a small demi-plane adrift in the Abyss where he will remain for over 17 thousand years
3551 MA Rise of Janus
1/1 Game begins. Janus is awakened in Al’Akwannon by Candalaas as a mortal being with immortality. He begins a strangely normal life, his now forgotten first wife giving birth to his first of six children, Laurana. Strangely Laurana’s essence seems extremely powerful (residual energy of the goddess Laurana from Eridanus) and shortly thereafter she is raised as a lesser god in the pantheon of Chaos
4006MA Rise of Janus
6/6 After almost five centuries as an immortal, Laurana petitions the other gods to raise her father to that of a hero in her service. The gods decline putting him in her service, but agree to raise Janus to hero.
6/6/6 on this inauspicious day, Janus’ final child is born, Incanus. Janus chooses Anshar the Wise as his patriarch god
4013MA Rise of Janus
1/1 Around the age of seven, Incanus begs his father incessantly to visit the cities of mortals. Incanus gets lost in the sewers of Insengrim and is found by the Ebon Blade (actually the fractured essence of an evil god from the world of Eridanus.) It begins to twist Incanus
4015-4019MA Rise of Janus
Various years of battles and encounters occur with the Thaumaturge, a demi-god type being from the plane of mana. Meanwhile, Incanus moves into his teens under the tutelage of the Blade. The Thaumaturge destroys Janus’ material form in their final confrontation and his soul sleeps for ten thousand years
14019MA Rise of Janus
1/1 Janus reawakens as the Golden Bear and meets Elektra, hero of Ishattar. He is disturbed to find that the hero D’Spayre has convinced his son to join him in service to the Dark Lord Asmodeus. Elektra helps Janus to remember who he is. He falls in love with her and they are married
14030MA Rise of Janus
1/1 Janus discovers that Vishnu, one of the father gods, is secretly is in love with his daughter Laurana. Upon counsel from Anshar, Candalaas and Ishattar agree that Janus has learned much and is elevated to a lesser god status. Laurana spurns Vishnu and he appears to destroy himself, granting an immense amount of power to Laurana to prove his love through death. Laurana is elevated to Vishnu’s previous station as a greater goddess and basically an equal of Candalaas
4/1 Janus, the lesser God of Impulse begins to try and attract followers
15 AM Banok and Osap
5/15 An early Emerald Sky member discovers an ancient temple over ten thousand years old, within he appears to find steps for recovering ancient wealth. Instead he resurrects Osap le’Dlo, but in the form of a Kobold rather than human. Osap escapes.
8/22 Osap runs into a huge warrior known as Banok, the two form a strange friendship and begin a series of misadventures over the course of a few years.
11/18 Osap’s encounter with the water demon under the docks of Hippocrane.
8 AM Meliazar the Magnificent
12/20 Mel Azar is born to humble parents in the small fortified town of Morgana, he begins the study of magic at a young age to a now forgotten master
32AM Meliazar the Magnificent
1/1 Game begins. Having taken the name Meliazar, he has become an accomplished mage and experiments with time and space portals extensively. His power grows immensely and he starts to succumb to the temptations of ultimate power
40AM Meliazar the Magnificent
1/1 Meliazar’s power has grown immensely and even the power of the greatest known magic users seem completely insignificant to him. His fall under the grips of power madness is stemmed for a time when he meets Cassandra Thorne and falls in love
6/15 Over six months, Meliazar bonds with Cassandra and their love grows but there is a problem. The White Wolf, a werewolf lord and supernatural protector of Cassandra is in the way. Meliazar becomes overcome with eliminating this obstacle and summons a great power to destroy White Wolf. The power grows out of control and threatens to destroy not only Morgana, but the world. Not even the gods can stop it and are in amazement at the power of such a being...they can only sit by and watch. However, for the second time, Champion intervenes
41AM Meliazar the Magnificent
1/1 After Champion nullifies his power and leaves the world in it’s devastated state, Meliazar is forced to walk the world among the ruins of what he has done. Both White Wolf and Cassandra dead and nothing more to live for. He feels sorry for himself for years until suddenly something clicks. Meliazar searches the ends of the earth for Champion, seeking him for over 60 years, but never finds him, finally succumbing to what he thinks is death at the age of 97 as he walks a lonely road alone. However, he appears at the feet of Champion who grants Meliazar the gift of godly wisdom and returns him to his younger years just before he invoked the devastation...this time to make the right decision
2/1 Meliazar accepts the platonic relationship of White Wolf and Cassandra and is married to her. Both are empowered with anti-aging magic near their physical prime 110AM Meliazar the Magnificent
1/1 Meliazar becomes known as Meliazar the Magnificent, gathers an impressive group of cohorts and invents several spells. He and his group are responsible for thwarting several misappropriations of magic by rogue wizards over the next several decades
1AE Meliazar the Magnificent
1/1 Meliazar takes control of the Magic Council
4 AE Gods of Chaos
12/7 Game begins, Marcellous, Soulairess, Toh’Pahk and Charten meet in Morgana
6/12 Marcellous nearly killed by a Succubus in the ruins of Isengaard
7/1 Vishnu absorbs Laurana’s power and becomes the supreme god of chaos 5AE Gods of Chaos
3/15 Marcellous mauled by a female werewolf and turns shortly thereafter
3/20 Marcellous begins serving the White Wolf, leader of all clan werewolves in Central Al’Akwannon
26 AE the Rat King
6/3 Jasper Barracuda and an unnamed elf druid (Terry’s char) shrink to the size of mice in Hippocrane and adventure among the secret world of the intelligent rodents of the undercity
42 AE Ranger of Morgana
6/13 Game begins, Karl Antiphones takes his dual axe wielding style to criminals in Morgana and it’s environs
67 AE The Elemental Staff
8/14 Game begins, Blairion Calaash, warrior/priest of Ro’Shikara assembles a group to halt the recovery of the Elemental Staff, a powerful artifact of the ancient world
9/22 Tampering with Methedras in the White Mountains causes it to erupt, the group barely escapes and loses the wand of flames
10/1 Blairion is visited by Thunderhead and the Thunderblade is bestowed upon him
12/3 The group confronts the rogue mage and is able to cause the staff to separate, the wands are cast to five corners of the globe
101 AE Against the Drow
5/15 Game begins, the Elven representatives arrive in Morgana seeking aid
6/4 The heroes of Morgana defeat the Drow shadow beast
6/5 Mass suicide by elven druids regrows a massive grove overnight
8/22 The heroes defeat the Drow sorceress and pass into legend
9/14 Ironfist becomes indentured in service to the demon lord Vizharnak
114 AE Fall of Ro’Shikara
8/11 Game begins, Tauss Tharkun, follower of Ro’Shikara is attacked by scaloids in service to Noxicuss
8/20 Tauss finds out about his brothers and the link to Noxicuss
10/3 Tauss battles the Storm King and falls in love with the Storm Princess
11/24 Tauss discovers Ro’Shikara is insane, the battle with the alternate reality Ro’Shikara
12/6 Thunderhead ascends to godhood, Tauss is banished to Limbo where he will remain for about 1000 years
120 AE The Killing Fields
10/3 The young Barkah known as Jasha murders his first unknown derelict street person and begins his studies
12/16 Jasha’s murders have caught notice of Hippocranian police, his studies have gone well
121AE The Killing Fields
3/2 Jasha has mastered the ways of creating lesser undead under his complete control, a death master is born
8/12 Jasha’s experiments move on to more advanced undead such as mummies and wild vampires
122AE The Killing Fields
1/14 A savvy young Hippocranian detective discovers one of Jasha’s warehouses of dead bodies
4/11 The detective on him for months, Jasha leaves Hippocrane to head east to the Southern Empire
5/5 Jasha's affinity for vampires turns out to be best, he dislikes most other intelligent undead
123AE The Killing Fields
1/1 Jasha goes into hiding for centuries
127 AE Shadow of the Dead
2/6 Game begins, Sargent Randaus helps Mia avoid being taken by a vampire near the Bywater Cemetary
2/10 the group discovers a plot by the Eastern Empire to overthrow Cirdan with the aid of the Sons of the Abyss 2/20 the Conflict at Sword Falls (Enlibar protectorate)
2/25 Infiltration of the circle construct of the Sons of the Abyss at Mt. Enlibar, entry to the Abyss
3/11 the Summoning of Kresh, battle in the depths of Enlibar, Unkacha-do paralyzed
3/15 Charis’Nar turns 18, Unkacha-do healed and strengthened by Raven
3/20 Ascent to the Negative Material Plane, confrontation with Lord Hahz-Vahnaar, Death Knight
4/12 Return from the Negative Material Plane (Alexis polymorphed into an adder)
4/13 2nd descent into the Bywater Necropolis
4/23 Charis’Nar returns from the Negative Material Plane with Salaraa
4/30 the Party is reunited at a rented villa in Cirdan, Alexis cavorting with Plektana Naktul
5/8 Salaraa disappears into Cirdan’s SW Necropolis
7/17 Lord Sarak escapes the group for the final time, the band disperses
223 NK Veins of the Ice Dragon (1486 AE)
10/18 Game begins, group departs Krystallia for the Dragonscale Peaks
11/20 the group reaches the Dragonscale Peaks after battling an ice wyrm on the Lake of Ice
11/24 the group finds the Dragon’s Vein and drives home the magic spike
11/27 Scaathra is released from his imprisonment, Barak is sacrificed
11/31 the group is picked up by the Cloud Giant citadel
12/11 the Citadel moors over the Great Salt Marsh, the party departs
12/20 the party investigates the Palace of Illusions, the spirit of Golmayne is banished to the Astral plane
12/30 Atarven and minions of Scaathra are captured by the Cloud Giants
224NK Veins of the Ice Dragon
1/8 the Citadel stops over the Sea of Dust
1/12 the group finds the entrance to the Blood Pits; Kharzhak freed
1/16 Bassrach frees Locthresti from imprisonment and they disappear, Nystria is slain
2/3 Edric and Arxeen witness the final forging and creation of Golespir by Ioldrak-Suul
2/8 the Citadel enters the realms of Chaos
2/10 Varon and the rest of the group banish the sprit of Marrku to the Astral Plane, but lose Golespir
2/14 With the aid of Ghestaad, the group sacks the temple of Ulgheist and recover Golespir
2/22 Varon receives the title of Shadowhand
2/28 Arxeen’s ordeal in Krystallia, Kharga gives his life to save her
3/10 the party seeks sage advice in Hippocrane from the guild of the Ameythest Eye
4/14 Varon witnesses the final creation of the Martyan Mochta by Ioldrak-Suul
4/27 the Citadel anchors on the edge of the Elemental Plane of Fire
4/29 Kharzhak’s ordeal with Asharaak
258 NK Blade of Doom
4/12 Kharzhak and Azzarah come across the Vraji circle in the Underdark
4/14 Kharzhak tells Kain of the Dwarven circle, Kain departs West, Kharzhak and Azzarah depart East
5/2 Game begins, Kain reaches the X Mountains and finds the Vraji circle
5/25 Kain reaches the ruins of the Stone Kingdom and finds the rift and blade
6/3 Kain reaches Thalesfar and meets Cyan Darkmoore
6/12 Kain and Cyan release the old Vraji sage from the menhir in southern Rothan
6/30 Kain and Cyan meet Havila, a priest from the Far East
7/2 Encounters in the dead lands
7/6 Kain and Cyan meet Smials and Maldenar, face off with Fandragora
7/13 Kain and Cyan reach the border of the Forest of Rynd
7/17 Kain, Cyan, Halbeoren and Vaeceileiaan defeat the Kovex demons and rescue the Water Nymph
8/13 Kain, Cyan, Halbeoren and Varkonyi enter the Blade of Doom subdimension
8/25 Cyan returns to Thalesfar to research the necromantic blade
9/1 Kain brings Goldeneyes and the vraji back in synch with the universe
9/5 Kain confronts the Stonehair, she departs to create the Southern Kingdom
9/7 Kain and the vraji discover the great vein of silver in the depths of the Stone Kingdom
259NK Blade of Doom
5/18 Kain completes construction of the new Stone Kingdom aqueduct
269 NK Shadow of Theaor’Fhagln
6/19 Game begins, Kedhilyn finds the dead zone in a northern portion of the Forest of Rynd
6/22 Haelbeoren and Vaeceileiaan gate to Kedilyn’s location and they begin to investigate
6/23 The group finds out about the white skinned man and enters the Underdark
6/30 The group discovers the underground chamber with the skull apparatus
7/3 The group kills the white skinned man and thwarts the plans of an unknown god calling himself the Lord of Murder
269 NK Chaos Storm
8/8 Game begins, group meets at the Dealer’s in Hippocrane
8/11 Group faces off with the fire mage’s salamanders
8/22 Encounter with Lek’Lanth and revelation of the Chaos Orbs
10/28 Adventures in the ruins of Isengaard, after months of research
12/1 The Thunderblade is acquired from the undersea temple from the servitor of Ro’Shikara
270NK Chaos Storm
1/18 Halleasteiran captures Chadi and the wand of winds, Lek’Lanth devastates the ship and takes the wand
2/16 Adventures in Hiordaas and the Far West, meeting Malik, battle at Thalesfar, the dragon appears
4/3 Rescue of Bad’Rak, death of Stazia
4/16 Release of To’Garma, death of Raivalis
4/20 Chadi gains a chaos orb in the Hail Storm Wastes
5/5 The breaking of the ways
271 NK Forgotten Blood
3/12 Game begins, Kor-el escapes his grandfather and joins the crew of a privateer ship
3/20 Kor-el sinks a pirate ship and rescues survivors
3/25 The ship encounters an ectoplasmic anomaly of the ocean
3/29 Kor-el meets Kraag-Nak and Draira, they deal with vampires in the Fang Lands
4/6 Kor-el protects an entire town with circle magic
4/12 The group teleports to the Great North and masquerades as barbarians, Kraag-Nak and Draira remain with KraagNak’s clan to fight undead and restore clan honor
5/15 Kor-el leaves Kraag-Nak and Draira behind to work with the barbarians, Kor-el follows up on unfinished business
6/29 Kor-el and Paldo assault a mansion in Lor’Aserion, breaking an ancient magic locking an incubus and succubus in eternal carnal relations for the purposes of charming mortals across the globe
272NK Forgotten Blood
1/1 Construction begins on the Sky Ship
275 NK Return of the Uruk
9/7 Beginning of the Lo’Pak’s post Chaos Storm game
9/12 Kai’Lar’s near rape and capture by the Thar’Hak
9/20 Incidents with the White Trees and the World Tree with Chadi
10/18 The party regroups on Veridiaan after the incidents at Isengaard
10/25 Incidents with Lathan, the priest of Saturnine, Lathan’s death
11/11 Kai’Lar struck by D’Spayre, her spirit lost into the Astral plane
11/23 Sha’Krek and Loh’Pak retrieve Kai’Lar, she is restored
12/1 The party boards the Sky Ship and meets Kor-el
12/9 To’Garma slays the “orc” gods and spares Chak’Dor
276 NK Scorpion’s Sting
7/12 Beginning of the Scorpion’s Sting email game
7/20 Group learns of the White Lion and a curious intertwining between Mossad and Latoka’s pasts
7/33 Group arrives at the al’Ger Dura fortress in the Western desert
8/12 Group arrives at the temple of the God of Walking Sand
296 NK a Touch of Frost
8/33 Game Begins; Gabriel’s Birthday
9/13 Gabriel arrives in Cirdan
9/16 Incident on the way home from the Abyss
9/19 Gabriel and Rothgar rescue the kidnapped barmaids
9/21 Attack at Rothgar’s residence
315 NK Avarice of the Faeries
2/1 Game Begins, Avarian and Marco party
2/3 Marco kidnapped by Scarlet Tear followers
2/5 Salomo kills two Scarlet Tear operatives and saves Marco
2/8 Visitation by the priests of Vishnu and Janus
316 NK Avarice of the Faeries
6/12 Zeus absorbs the power of his avatars and makes himself mortal
6/20 The dark churches begin to exert their power
1 AD Veil of Despair (335 NK)
2/14 Game Begins
3/15 Lord Sarak kills Regent Ravenstar and enacts a coup in Isengrim
3/18 A meteor destroys hundreds of thousands of undead advancing and a Planetar of Ares appears
4/30 Lord of Bones is destroyed, Bjarga is reforged
5/8 The ancient Blood Elemental is destroyed by Drago and Illius with the Orb of Apollo
2 AD Veil of Despair
3/9 The Green Way is opened between Isengrim and Cirdan
3/30 Crown Prince Tarrach and Kor-el repel General Akte’s assault on Cirdan
4/10 Molin Darkhold mysteriously disappears from Cirdan
4/24 Quintus destroys a key ziggurat, Illius kills Kid Thanatar and the group foils the Empire’s plans
5/1 Drago narrowly misses assassinating Lord Sarak, but is captured and slated to die
8 AD Blood of the Jungle (1493 CA)
6/9 Game begins at the Temple of Chac'Mool
8/1 Group bumbles around in the jungle exploring cenotes and discovers a massive glowing vine w/giant ants
8/15 Confrontation by Azuolas’ positive material vampires and are knocked into the Ethereal Plane
8/18 Discover a floating plane of the Abyss populated by Rakshasa, they aid it’s rejoining w/the Abyss
10/1 Group is unable to stop Azuolas’ work with the Xocha Yestli and ley lines
20 AD Vexing Tide (358 AB)
5/5 Game Begins, Tsar Prokhor’s death
5/18 Face off against Frankenovich, a massive flesh golem with the former Tsar’s head attached
6/7 Group investigates the cult of Triglav
6/10 Defeat of Frankenovich and destruction of the body
6/26 Face off against the Lord of Shadow
7/2 Group kills the “Black Cloak” discovers information on Incanus’ plot
7/19 Into the Abyss to recover the demonic power source for the Cloud Giants
8/14 Group defeats Ataman Ulev and the Sky Blade is destroyed
55 AD Shroud of the Empire
1/1 Aewynn's team assembled by Grand Duke Sarak
2/2 The group enters the Elemental Plane of Earth
6/6 millions of gates forced open
1 AC Return of the Gatewatcher
1/1 Team assembles in Lor'Aserion
6,999 YA Birth of Goreyo (365 AH)
3/15 Group meets at the monk temple and experiences the mountain demon attack
4/3 The group is captured by Xuanese soldiers and teleported to Xia Xuan to be imprisoned
4/9 The group meets Lord Baek and escape Xia Xuan with him
4/14 The group enters the Forest of Sint’an
4/16 Encounters with the "friendly" rakshasa
7,999 YA Dragon’s Gate (365 AH)
3/15 Group learns of the Moken (sea people)
Al’Akwannon is approximately 4.5 billion years old