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Oceans and Seas

Oceans and Seas

Hydrostatic Pressure increases at a rate of 1 atmosphere per 35 feet (about 15 PSI) Normal land beings and creatures cannot dive below 100 feet (44 PSI) without the Deep Diving skill with the deep diving skill, basic marks should be set at 200ft ® (88 PSI); 400ft standard (178 PSI); 800ft specialized (355 PSI; note this is far deeper than a real human can go record is about 500ft)

Picis and their relative folk can swim and breathe underwater and their unique physiology allows them to normally dive to depths far below what surface beings can handle. Without the Deep Diving skill, an average Picis can dive to a depth of a few hundred feet below one mile (about 6000ft,) the lower depths of the great Tuulmayne undercity extend below this, but is reserved for the select few

Picis with the Deep Diving: Lower Depths skill can dive to amazing depths with benchmarks as follows: 2 miles ®; 4 miles standard and 8 miles specialized (note: this skill is exceedingly rare and allows such a Picis to reach nearly the deepest depths of any ocean in the world)

the Sunken Sea

Located in Central Al’Akwannon, the Sunken sea is a result of the entire Gran Kalari desert collapsing during the Holocaust. A great deluge filled the sea with water and it is actually a fresh water sea. The lowest point in the Sunken Sea is thought to be located a hundred or so miles west from the coast of Cirdan and Isengrim and is approximately ¼ of a mile deep. The average depth in the Sunken sea is relatively shallow at about 200 feet depth. It is a relatively young sea, but is teeming with life

the Rune Sea

Located south of Central Al’Akwannon, the Rune sea is a large, highly traveled body of water created in the ancient past when the continent of Torosia separated from the main Al’Akwannese continent. Surprisingly, one of the deepest points in the Rune sea appears to be near where the tip of Torosia pulled away from what is now the peninsula below the island of Tuulmayne. The approximate depth there is estimated at an incredible 4 miles, while the average of the rest of the sea is about 7000 feet, just under a mile and a half

the Savage Sea

Located in the Far East of Al’Akwannon and nestled between the main continent and Torosia, the Savage sea is very much a partner of the Rune sea. It’s deepest point is located near the Lion Isles and is almost 2 miles deep. The average depth for the rest of the sea is approximately 4500 feet, just under a mile

the Hurricane Sea

Located between the eastern shores of occidental Al’Akwannon and the western shores of oriental Al’Akwannon, the Hurricane sea is really a massive ocean and is the largest body of water on Al’Akwannon. The sea is ancient and there are creatures and beings that live within the depths that have never been discovered. There are several extremely deep points of the Hurricane sea, places that reach depths of nearly 10 miles, far beyond the reach of most mortals. The average depth of the sea is nearly 3 miles, it is a vast area of nearly 100 million square miles. On the eastern continent, the sea is known as the Tian'Fang Sea (roughly translates to the Four Element Heaven Sea in the Xuanese language)

the Endless Sea

Located between the eastern shores of oriental Al’Akwannon and the western shores of occidental Al’Akwannon, the Endless sea is also a huge ocean and is the second largest body of water on Al’Akwannon. This sea is also ancient and is home to as yet undiscovered beings and creatures. As with the Hurricane sea, there are various extremely deep points which extend to depths of 8 or 9 miles. The average depth of the sea is just over 2 miles and it covers an area well over 40 million square miles. On the eastern continent, the sea is known as the Yhou'Lai Sea (roughly translates to the Neverending Sea - or the "Here We Go Again" Sea in the Xuanese language)

the North Sea

Located off the upper eastern shores of occidental Al’Akwannon, the North sea is an ancient, massive and treacherous sea filled with ice in a constant state of freezing and cracking and freezing again. It’s shared border with the Hurricane sea is considered to end where the ice no longer is prevalent. Below the surface, however, there is much life. The deepest point in the North sea is approximately a mile deep, while the average depth is around 4000 feet until it reaches it’s other border with the Hurricane sea, dropping off a two mile continental shelf