the Southwest Peninsula
the Southwest Peninsula
a vast area with three predominate parts, the Sythian Watch on the northern edge (an area that reflects a sort of Phonecian/Hittite element of Earth's history), an area comprised of various Mayan/Aztec/Incan styled countries in the center and a Polynesian flavored area in the southernmost tip
the Sythian Watch
- Kingdom of Syth - A very Phonecian vibe of people, excellent masters of the sea and a key part of the Golden Triangle.
- Kingdom of Vakourrei/High Kuush - the border countries to Syth and completely aligned with them over the centuries. Both have the same Phonecian vibe and are effectively tributaries of Syth. Vakourrei being the eldest son of the founder of Syth and High Kuush being a theocracy related to Assara Mazan. Both provide goods to Syth as part of the Golden Triangle trade consortium.
- Lordship of Suzaraal/Duchy of Mendaas - The lake country with a bit more of a Hittite vibe, though still capable sailors and controllers of the largest great lake on Al'Akwannon.
the Central Peninsula
SW Peninsula Society - All of the Aztec/Mayan hybrid kingdoms, countries, etc. follow similar styles of socio-political dynamics. Each of these begins with the family and lineage. Ones lineage determines ones social standing and noble lineages are traced back to links to the gods, such as the “Line of the Serpent” being tied ultimately back to the god Quetocal himself and princes of the Ajaxil being tied to Chac’Mool. From there, extended families and interrelated family groups are organized into a political unit known as a tlaxcalli (lash-CAL-ee) which also geographically ties itself with a clan hold or town equivalent. Generally tlaxcalli have houses yeliz (YAY-lees) which specialize in key elements of peninsular life, such as agriculture, building, warfare, etc. Each tlaxcalli is built around a temple and occasionally there are more singularly focused tlaxcalli who function more like an organized trade guild.
- Empire of Cha’Akun - The Empire of Cha’Akun (CHAW-ah-koon) is one of two pre-eminent and long standing centers of civilization in the greater southwest peninsula, the other being B’aakal. Cha’Akun was founded by Itzacotal (the Obsidian Serpent) roughly 1500 years ago (mid-Age of Humanity and rise of Hernan) and is similar to Mayan and Aztec cultures of our own Mesoamerica. To this day the line of kings (or emperors) is determined by the blood of the Serpent and has “supposedly” maintained itself as a test of time and as a testament to the power of the gods. The empire has, however, spawned three principalities which have been at times allied with and other times at war with the true empire. Nevertheless, the empire remains massive and the largest, most powerful of all civilizations on the peninsula. Cha’Akun roughly translates to “First King” or perhaps “True King” or even the “Only King” and thus it is colloquially the Empire of the First King. The Empire is #90 on the global map.
- Tolemec Ajaxil - The Tolemec (tow-LEM-ik) Ajaxil (AH-jah-sil) is a roughly 900 year old former principality (ajaxil means principality) of the Empire of the First King founded by a prince who discovered his father’s plot to kill him. Tolemec, the crown prince at the time and also an accomplished warrior escaped, aided by his elite Jaguar Warrior legion and over time crafted a new kingdom within the central jungle. Throughout history, the Tolemec Ajaxil has been both allied with and at war against the Empire depending on the mood of the Line of the Serpent (aka – the king or emperor in power.) As the legend of the Jaguar King Tolemec grew over the early years of the kingdom, Chac’Mool, the Jaguar Lord became the focal god of the realm and this has remained so over time. The Tolemec Ajaxil is #92 on the global map.
- Ajaxil of Xochimilac/Ajaxil of Teoxcala - the two other major principalities of the Empire of Cha'Akun, each prince having shaped his own vision of the evolving empire, but generally swearing fealty to the Empire. Xochimilac is #91 and Teoxcala is #95 on the global map.
- Kalakmul - a unique land with a blend of the Fijian style folk and the Aztec styled Cha'Akun. Many of the people have a darker skin look similar to the Indian style folk of the Savage Lands. It is unknown how these people arrived here and in Vanajji.
- B'aakal - The Emerald Empire, a former extreme power in the northern portion of the peninsula and at odds with the Empire of Cha'Akun at many times, though generally the two have remained stalemated. B'aakal has since fractured into several countries with only a piece of the original empire surrounding the capital in the east remains. It is still a powerful country, but was stopped by the power of the Sythian watch and the Empire of Cha'Akun. B'aakal is #82 on the global map.
- Mata Capac/Uac Cab'Nal/City State of Iaxchilan - countries broken off from the ancient Great Empire of B'aakal, the City State of Iaxchilan is now the most powerful of the break offs empowered by the high priest.
the Kanaka Maoli
- Tui'a Mau'a - the Isles of Illusion, heavily polynesian with a Hawaiian, Samoan, Tongan focus
- Vanajji - a Fijian feel area, most of the humans here are a mix of a polynesian look and the look from the Savage Lands (aka India) and have an interesting mix of the two styles. They are the most social and accepting culture and do not look for war, but maintain solid relations with both the Aztec styled folks to the north and the fierce Maori to the south. No one knows how or why these Savage Land people arrived at this remote point at the opposite side of the continent, but here they are. Vanajji is #96 on the global map.
- Savai'i Ual - the Maori of Al'Akwannon, very fierce
Selection of images to help visualize the locations in the Southwest Peninsula region
- Area visuals image repository - below are a variety of images representing various SW Peninsula areas

/territory visuals/sw peninsula/Cenote.jpg
1600px x 1200px

/territory visuals/sw peninsula/Cliff Temple.jpg
500px x 728px

/territory visuals/sw peninsula/PC Adventure Map.jpg
266px x 243px

/territory visuals/sw peninsula/Temple to Quetocal.jpg
744px x 1000px

/territory visuals/sw peninsula/Tolemec.jpg
266px x 243px

/territory visuals/sw peninsula/Waterfall.jpg
300px x 400px
- Images repository (specifically for almanac connections to regional imagery to help visualize)