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Various Exceptions to the Regional Outlines

Various Exceptions to the Regional Outlines

There are a variety of lands that are unique and set apart in one way or another from other realms that surround them, below is some info on these areas, though they are spread across the globe

the Ilots Sommeil - aka the Sleeping Isles

  • the Sleeping Isles - A collection of roughly 100,000 islands off the east coast of the Savage Lands, the Sleeping Isles have a very tribal society with certain islands being under the control of a family, one of the larger islands, however is home to a force of undead hunters with global reach. #22 on the global map

Valley of the Scorpion Queen

  • Bagog's Domain - Predominately the "Sea of Dust" on the southern border of the Horde, northern border of the Eastern Empire and bound on the edges of the desert mountain range. The realm of the scorpion queen is rarely traveled or adventured within. #13 on the global map

the Dragon Lords

  • Scathra's Domain - A relatively large area of mostly snow, ice and mountains and with a large population of draconians who are generally not seen outside this area. Considered dragon cultists for the most part, they have not caused problems in a long time and mostly keep to themselves. The realm of the Ice Dragon is rarely traveled or adventured within. #12 on the global map

Selection of images to help visualize the unique locations discussed above

  • Area visuals image repository - below are a variety of images
  • Images repository (specifically for almanac connections to regional imagery to help visualize)