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Return of the Gate Watcher

Return of the Gate Watcher

Session 29 scheduled for Monday, Apr 1st - 4:30pm PDT/7:30pm EDT start time

Note to Players

The team has deployed to the Golden March in the vicinity of a village and some small groups of people facing an overwhelming force of 400,000 zombies. Along with Tauss and the Storm Princess, they have spread out to cover as much area and as many potential victims as possible. Mielle has aided a family of three, a group of five merchants, a farmstead with a dozen people and eight rangers thus far. Kenn has landed at the village of Bloodhorn and deployed Kor-el's amplified Protection from Evil circle, which has surrounded the whole town, preventing the entry of lesser undead. Crag and Loc have connected with a 55 man mounted militia and Crag has empowered the leaders with their mounts as they do a "drive by" of the dreadnaught and move to support Fawn. Fawn has flown over the dreadnaught and done an initial assessment, then moved to a farmstead to aid twenty people in need. Copperhead and Nikam have moved to aid miners and deployed one of Kor-el's Protection from Evil circles there as well. Caliban is playing the role of overwatch and working to connect various people to Team Speak in order to keep everyone aware of disparate developments and coordinate the entire team

Loc-Larin's New Tiger Vision - Vision of Corellon

Loc sees the image of the smoking black cat that grows until it is man-sized, then further enlarges to be perhaps eight feet tall. It then shifts shape to acquire a tigers visage and takes puffs from his pipe. Blowing out smoke, the smoke takes a vague shape of an elf and the tiger extends a single claw and with a quick swipe, lops off the head of the smoke elf, who’s head falls to the ground and disperses into dissipating smoke.

Return of the Gate Watcher - Pre-Game Setup

The past year has been one of turmoil as the world of Al'Akwannon was flooded by dimensional gates throughout its surface. With approximately 200 million square miles of surface area, the planet was hit with roughly two to three open dimensional portals per square mile. Each of which remained open to an alternate dimension for a minimum period of 24 to 48 hours time. Roughly 50% of them closed naturally after this period, while millions more persisted for weeks or occasionally a couple of months (lunar cycles and the like). After this initial period 99.5% of those gates closed, however the havoc had already been released and the remaining half-percent of open gates still accounts for over a million open gates on the prime material plane. What this has caused is the return of many species of creature, monster and other beings that had been banished by the gods millions of years in the past.

After this first year since the gates opened, with all these creatures lost to the ages returning in force, it has brought unchecked chaos to the world of Al'Akwannon. A group of ten extremely successful heroes have banded together through the coordination and diplomatic efforts of the goblin smoke mage, Andras to try and develop a global Adventurer's Guild. That effort has kept these legends' hands full working to secure and develop physical locations, create the proper government & organizational connections, develop necessary infrastructure, etc. Each of the player characters have initially shown themselves as capable having each successfully made a "flash" during the first 48 hours when the gates opened a year ago. Through various means, this brought the characters in contact with the legendary heroes who are ready to support and mentor the characters into being heroes of the future.

The campaign/game begins with the PC group of trusted "new" heroes-to-be, equipped by their sponsors and meeting in Lor'Aserion to discuss the adventure at hand and embark soon after.

Campaign Primary Mission

Having succeeded in recovering the Gatewatcher, the team has returned with Kor-el, Mahgdoleina and Kain and with the aid of Chadi have deployed the Gatewatcher into the stone circle construct some of the legends collaborated on to amplify the Gatewatcher's range. Implementing the blade has immediately closed over a million gates, leaving just 19,950 gates open. With feedback from the high oracle of the Amethyst Eye in Hippocrane, it is determined that twenty of these gates need to be closed as soon as possible. The Legends separate and the team is set to accompany Tauss to face what appears to be an army of 400,000 zombies rallying around a massive 30-40ft tall Soul Dreadnaught. Additionally, there is a gate that is resisting the Gatewatcher's power to close it and likely a necromancer or some other being keeping it open. The team's goal, rescue locals, defeat undead and aid Tauss in figuring out how to defeat the Soul Dreadnaught and close the gate.

Current primary target is translocating to Jandros to assess the threat of the 400k zombie horde"

The newest link(s) for the most current map will be here

the Live Skin = battle map with the Shadow Dragon

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Online Dice Roller Link (thanks, Jack) for those who want it

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Web Page Updates - March 20th 2023 (past 7 days of changes recorded below)

Posted updated Loc-Larin to the Characters page - Mar 16th

Posted updated Fawn to the Characters page - Mar 17th

Updated the Home Page (this page) - Mar 19th

Posted Bloodhorn vicinity maps to the Maps page - Mar 19th

Posted new pix to the Session Images page - Mar 19th

Session 28 story draft posted to the Game Story page - Mar 20th