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Session Images

Session Images

Session Twenty-Eight Pictures - Rescuing the Mark

(the Soul Dreadnaught, although forty feet tall rather than as shown below)

(example of the hilly and lightly forested farmland that comprises most of the area where the battle is taking place)

Session Twenty-Six Pictures - Dreaming of the Shadow Dragon

(Waterfall in the pristine elven/hibernia looking dream realm with the temple above)

(a sample of the 25 white puppy like creatures encountered at the halfway point of the hike up the white stairs)

(The white domed temple containing the Gatewatcher and the Shadow Dragon)

(the Gatewatcher impaled upon a stone pedestal at the center of the temple sanctuary)

(an interpretation of the stained glass window effects surrounding the Gatewatcher pedestal as shadows creep in)

(the Shadow Dragon)

(Shadow Elemental summoned by Caliban)

Session Twenty-Four Pictures - Unbinding the Dimensions

(Kashtarhak, the Voice of Chaos - though not seen in his true form, now a team enemy for all)

(the pylon at the mountain top, covered in etchings that appear like circuitry and that Fawn figured out how to "open")

(a Chaos Giant, technically known as a Fomorian - guardians of the pylon, 22ft tall with amazing chameleonic abilities)

(example of the 'control' stones of the pylon, 9 stones of each color, each about 1.5 inches in diameter (roughly golf ball sized as estimated by Michael) - amber, red, blue, green, black, gray, clear, purple, gold - a total of 81 stones in a 9x9 grid)

Session Twenty-Three Pictures - Taming the Tigers

(rakshasa demon lord - one of the twelve of the 'council of rakshasas' in the Abyss as seen by Nikam'Pom)

(dire tiger - a massive tiger nearly twenty feet nose to tail and roughly 8 feet at the shoulders)

(tigraur demon - a somewhat centaur-like tiger demon with multiple arms and legs. Powerful damage dealing enemies the team was able to hold mostly at bay)

Session Twenty-One Pictures - the Tiger's Forest

(the black cat smoking Nikam saw, though envision more a smoking jacket than a kimono and standing near a tree in the forest, rather than indoors)

(a pic to help visualize bridges crossing the "metal streams/rivers" that connect the different sized islands)

(the angry tiger from Mielle's vision, also a good approximation of how the tiger that appeared below the Smoke Trick and trapped the team looked)

(the old oriental man that appeared to Nikam after attempting to locate the black cat's pipe)

Session Twenty Pictures - the Draghdhaara - the Chaos Stream (Chaos Serpent)

(images to help visualize the energy stream)

(the violet slaad)

(the Storm King)

(the Storm Princess - before & after reforming)

(Ro'Shikara - Storm god)

(Lek'Lanth - Chaos Lord of Maraak)

(Sarokoth - the Purple Chaos Orb)

Session Nineteen Pictures - Realm of Garu - a Two Dimensional Realm

(character's in cartoon form)



Session Eighteen Pictures - 300th Plane of the Abyss - Lesser Demonweb Pit


(giant spider)


Session Seventeen Pictures - Portals of the Dust Mephit Zone

(dust mephit)

(pylon on mountain peak)

(image for shape of the demon fortress, but only about 60ft tall and much smaller overall)

(babau demon guardians)

(the elven woman chained between two stone pillars atop the fortress)

Session Fifteen and Sixteen Pictures - Portals of the Chaos Sphere - Ice Mephits

(floating islands in the clouds)

(the endless hallway - no doors or windows though)

(purple smoke dimension ???)

(the edge of insanity - or so they say)

(the Ivn'Kdahi "the great salt flats" in the Banga'Vulak)

(realm of fire - unknown if actually the plane of fire, but exceptionally hot, even to the fire monkey, also the image from Loc's vision)

(the Obsidian Tower - Lek'Lanth's domain)

(Giant Croc)

(Approximation of what the frozen swamp area looks like - ice trying to maintain a presence within persistant tropical heat)

Session Fourteen Pictures - the Chaos Sphere

(an visual approximation of the remains of the Chaos Sphere, a two mile diameter sphere of metal, filled with catwalks and platforms and with an interior skin coated with tool grade diamond)

(an ice mephit - denizens of the Chaos Sphere)

(an image of the Chaos orb in the possession of Chadi, more specifically Ciasduul - the stone of forgetfulness)

Session Thirteen Pictures - Barlgura of Maarak

(example of the ape demons fought in the iron forest)

(the Balgura idol Mielle would love to destroy)

Session Twelve Pictures - Mirror Dimension

(the leathery but skeletal being from Mielle's vision of Saas Vain - combine the four images to make one)

(the tiger eye, the most promient image in Kenn's vision beyond the squishing of the octopus)

(the stone Mind Flayer symbol holding the power crystal in place)

(the power crystal powering the Mirror Dimension planar construct)

Session Ten Pictures - the Ruun-Khazai

(the Mind Flayer "Master" of the Ruun-Khazai)

(example of the Githyanki knights in service to the Ruun-Khazai Mind Flayer)

(the tadpole-like creature thrown onto Kenn'Lorek, currently on his shoulder)

Session Eight Pictures - Cthrog

(visualization help for the twilight space surrounding the gate entered into Cthrog)

(example of the githyanki or "gith" race)

(best representation of Bae'Rith, 3ft tall blue skinned girl with long elven type ears and a bit of a goofy grin and a slightly crazy look to her)

Session Seven Pictures - Akka and the Edge of the Dimension

(visualization help for the edge of the desert where reality is breaking up and sand drifts off into the void, Akka a ten thousand foot long purple worm eats its own tail and floats in space at the edge of the dimension)

(one of the Savarin temples to Akka within the city)

(the city that can be see at distance from the floating rock the team has gated onto)

Session Six Pictures - Aarak'ta (aka - Leucrotta; aka - Chaos Hyenas)

(an example of what one of the town centers sort of appears like - all stone, shaped by minds, but gives the idea)

(an example of what one of the Savarin would pack full of Visgati as their portion of the "gift" to Akka)

Session Five Pictures - the Savarin (aka - White Elves/Chaos Elves)

(the Savarin hetman, Vida Saetvai [his name] of Ankarsi'Dhaara [the city name] - aka the Edge of Darkness)

(a thampat - aka a Thumper and a pekrim)

(visgati, rishka, the snorting tools and a personal visgati vessel)

(the Savarin harvest team, starting with Jaetra, the team leader)

Session Four Pictures - Bk'Mukhm (aka - Many Mouths, aka - Gibbering Mouther)

(approximation of the stone mesa the team rested at prior to the Bk'Mukhm encounter)

(another example of the pink sand dunes of the Banga'Vulak)

Session Three Pictures - Pinkish/Purplish Desert in Chaos

(example of how the sand dunes appear if they were imagined in purple/pink hues)

(example of the desert trees with a cottony foliage in orange, yellow and pink hues)

Session Two Pictures - Morgana Mansion

(example of the blood magic circle, appx 10 feet diameter, appears as if the stone was temporarily transformed into a thick mud or clay and "written" by a finger)

(the face of the suspected master vampire (as fingered by Loc-Larin) and the self-imposed owner of the estate)

(the brass (but looks gold) coin with a wolf emblem embossed upon it formerly in the possession of Meo)

(visual of the overgrown mansion courtyard as it would appear in daylight hours for visualization only, use battle map)

Session One Pictures - Morgana

(example of a Night Hunter aka - Dragazhar - minus its keratin blade-like tail)

(examples of archtecture, look & feel in Morgana, upper left image apartments built on the interior of the massive outer wall)

Session One Pictures - Lor'Aserion

(Lor'Aserion streets and buildings - Arabic feel)

(sample of desert rain interior)

(Aserioni Market - location of the Desert Rain)

Pre Game Pictures

(there are many variants of the types of gates opened by the "event" but this is a good envisioning of what a "normal" gate looks like)

(the juvenile white dragon slain by Crag)

(the lesser naga defeated by Copperhead)

(the celestial rust monster defeated by Mielle)

(the frost wight defeated by Caliban)

(one of various salamanders defeated by Kenn-Lorek and his tribe)

(lesser vampire slain by Loc'Larin)
